Download TOPIK 2 Preparation Pack (TOPIK 30th to 98th)

TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean - 한국어능력시험) is a language test designed to measure the ability of non-native speakers for expression and comprehension in the Korean language.

TOPIK II is designed for Intermediate and Advanced Korean learners.

For more details, please refer to the TOPIK guideline below:

Complete TOPIK Guideline (with Frequently Asked Questions)

Lists of past TOPIK 2 public tests with answers and sample writings:

The 35th TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 36th TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 37th TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 41st TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 47th TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 52nd TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 60th TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 64th TOPIK 2 PDF+MP3+Answer (Public)

The 83rd TOPIK 2 PDF+Answer (Public-2022)

The 91st TOPIK 2 PDF+Answer (Public-2023)

Download Past TOPIK 2 Tests PDF (up to TOPIK 98th) here.

Want more TOPIK 2 materials to prepare for your upcoming TOPIK test, please take a look at our "TOPIK 2 Preparation Pack" as below:

- 27+ New TOPIK 2 Tests (35th - 96th) in PDF with MP3 and Answer Keys
-  5 Old TOPIK 2 Tests (30th to 34th) in PDF with MP3 and Answer Keys
- TOPIK 2 Practice Tests 
- TOPIK 2 Passing Recipe
- TOPIK Master Topik 2
- Cracking the TOPIK Ⅱ Writing
- All about TOPIK 2 writing
- Hot Topik 2 reading writing
- TOPIK 2 Essential grammars 
- TOPIK 2 Vocabulary in 50 days
- Yonsei TOPIK 2 Reading & Listening
- Complete guide to the TOPIK 2
- 100 Korean proverbs with meaning for TOPIK 2
- Mastering TOPIK 2 reading and listening
- Take real TOPIK 2 Online & on Android 
- 6GB TOPIK 2 Mock Test Videos with detailed explanations (5 tests)

Here is the preview of the TOPIK 2 preparation materials. The picture does not reflect all the included materials!

To get the TOPIK 2 Preparation Pack in a single link, please donate to help this site alive. 

The download link will be sent to your paypal email within 24 hours. Please make sure to check your junk mail also if you don't receive any email after 24 hours. 

TOPIK II Preparation Pack
If Paypal is not supported, please contact us via email (hlamdo4u( for alternative payment in KRW. Thank you!


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)

  1. past year included with answer?

    1. Hi, recent TOPIK tests are occasionally updated with answer keys and sample writings.

  2. is it a hard copy or just pdf ? also answer will be included inside right?

    1. It includes of pdf, answer key, and video lectures.

  3. Hi. I am from Bangladesh. I have a master card but I can not pay to buy the course. In the chart of phone number, there is no option of my country. How can I buy this topik 2 course?

  4. i could not pay via paypal. how can i pay through otther ways?

    1. please send me a message to our facebook page:

  5. TOPIK passing recipe will include audio also

    1. Yes it is. It also includes answer keys and scripts.

  6. Does it include every pass test? not just the ones available on the Topik official website?

  7. The TOPIK 2 package includes all public TOPIK tests from 35th to 83rd and most recent TOPIK 2 writting tests.


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