🔥 Wildfires Ravage South Korea: Disaster Emergency Declared, Death Toll Rises to 4

Sancheong Wildfires on 22 Mar

Massive wildfires have swept across South Korea, prompting the government to declare a disaster emergency in multiple regions, including Gyeongnam, Ulsan, and Gyeongbuk. The fires have already claimed four lives, including three firefighters and a government official, while thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate.

Sancheong Wildfire Claims Four Lives 🚨

On March 22, a large-scale wildfire broke out in Sancheong, Gyeongnam, rapidly spreading due to dry weather and strong winds. Firefighters battling the flames were caught in sudden wind shifts, leading to a tragic accident. Officials confirmed that four people lost their lives, while five others managed to escape.

Emergency authorities issued evacuation orders for eight additional villages, adding to the 213 residents who had already fled their homes the previous day.

Sancheong Wildfires on 22 Mar

Firefighting Efforts Face Challenges 🌬️

Despite deploying hundreds of firefighters, helicopters, and equipment, authorities are struggling to contain the blaze. The fire containment rate dropped from 70% to 35%, as the flames continued to spread, engulfing over 503 hectares (ha) of land.

  • Wind Speeds: Reached up to 15 meters per second (m/s)
  • Humidity Levels: Dropped to 20%, creating extremely dry conditions
  • Fire Danger Level: Authorities issued a Level 3 Wildfire Alert, the highest response level
Forest fires in Sancheong, Uiseong, and Ulsan on the same day.

Additional Wildfires in Uiseong and Ulsan 🔥

Uiseong, Gyeongbuk:

  • A wildfire broke out in Anpyeong-myeon, Uiseong, at 11:25 AM.
  • Authorities issued a Level 3 Wildfire Alert by 2:20 PM.
  • 375 firefighters, 28 helicopters, and 36 firefighting vehicles deployed.
  • The fire has burned 177 ha, with 30% containment.

Ulsan, Ulju-gun:

  • A wildfire ignited in Onsan-eup, Ulsan, at 12:12 PM.
  • The fire has affected 20 ha, with a 40% containment rate.
  • 255 personnel, 9 helicopters, and 35 vehicles deployed for suppression efforts.
Forest fire fighting helicopter in Sancheong

Government Declares Nationwide Disaster Emergency 🚨

Given the widespread fires and mounting casualties, the Ministry of Interior and Safety declared a disaster emergency in Ulsan, Gyeongnam, and Gyeongbuk. The government has activated the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, led by Acting Minister Ko Ki-dong, to coordinate emergency response and relief efforts.

Investigating the Cause of the Fire 🔍

Authorities plan to determine the exact cause of the blaze after extinguishing it. A person who first reported the fire stated that a spark started during mowing, which may have ignited the wildfire.

Learn Korean with This News Summary 🇰🇷📚

Here’s a quick Korean lesson based on the news summary:

  • 산불 (Sanbul): Wildfire
  • 진화대원 (Jinhwa Daewon): Firefighters
  • 공무원 (Gongmuwon): Government official
  • 숨지다 (Sumjida): To pass away
  • 대피하다 (Daepihada): To evacuate
  • 건조한 날씨 (Geonjohan Nalssi): Dry weather
  • 강풍 (Gangpung): Strong winds
  • 지형 (Jihyeong): Terrain
  • 재난 사태 (Jaenan Satae): Disaster situation
  • 선포하다 (Seonpohada): Declare

“경남 산청에서 발생한 산불로 22일 진화대원 3명과 공무원 1명 등 총 4명이 숨졌다. 전날 주민 210여 명이 대피한 데 이어 이날 8개 마을에 추가 대피령이 내려졌다. 건조한 날씨와 강풍, 지형 등의 영향으로 산불이 확산되는 모양새다. 정부는 경남을 비롯해 주말새 화재가 발생한 울산광역시, 경북 지역에 재난 사태를 선포했다.”
(In Sancheong, Gyeongnam, a wildfire on the 22nd claimed the lives of three firefighters and one government official, totaling four deaths. Following the evacuation of over 210 residents the previous day, evacuation orders were issued for eight additional villages. The wildfire is spreading due to dry weather, strong winds, and terrain conditions. The government declared a disaster situation in Gyeongnam, as well as in Ulsan and Gyeongbuk, where fires broke out over the weekend.)

References: yonhap news, naver news, donga news,

SEO Keywords

  • South Korea wildfires 2025
  • Gyeongnam wildfire disaster
  • Ulsan wildfire emergency
  • Gyeongbuk wildfire updates
  • Sancheong wildfire casualties
  • 산청 산불
  • 울산 산불
  • 의성 산불

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