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KIIP 2 vocabulary and grammars |
KIIP (Korean Immigration and Integration Program) Vocabulary and Grammar Level 2 course is tailored for high-beginner Korean learners, aiming to equip them with the fundamental vocabulary necessary for basic communication in Korea. In this course, we’ll dive deep into 18 key units from the KIIP Level 2 curriculum, covering essential words and phrases you'll need for everyday communication. We'll also explore the grammar structures you'll encounter and how they fit into practical, real-life situations.
KIIP 2 Unit 1. Introducing Your Hometown (고향 소개)
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to introduce your hometown with words like 경치 (scenery) and 곳 (place). You’ll also learn to use "명이라고 하다" to describe what something is called, and "형은" to describe the characteristics of people or places.
Vocabulary: 고향 관련 어휘 (Hometown-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 명이라고 하다 (to be called), 형은 (describing nouns)
- 제 고향은 경치가 아름다운 곳이에요. (My hometown is a place with beautiful scenery.)
KIIP 2 Unit 2. Taking Out the Trash (집안일)
This unit teaches vocabulary related to housework, including tasks like 청소 (cleaning) and 쓰레기 버리기 (taking out the trash). You'll also learn the grammar for making future plans or offers using -을게요, and talk about things you do after finishing an activity with -은 다음에.
Vocabulary: 집안일 관련 어휘 (Household chores-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 동-을게요 (I will do something), 동-은 다음에 (after doing something)
- 쓰레기는 내가 버릴게요. (I will take out the trash.)
KIIP 2 Unit 3. Trying on Clothes (옷, 신발)
Here, you’ll master vocabulary for 옷 (clothes) and 신발 (shoes), as well as the expression 명이나 to offer alternatives (such as "or") and -어 보다 for suggesting trying something out.
Vocabulary: 옷, 신발 관련 어휘 (Clothing, shoes-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 명이나 (or), 동-어 보다 (try doing something)
- 이걸로 한번 입어 보세요. (Try wearing this.)
KIIP 2 Unit 4. Making a Phone Call (전화 표현)
In this lesson, you'll learn basic phone expressions such as 전화하다 (to call) and 받다 (to answer). Additionally, you'll practice using -을 수 있다 (can do something) and informal speech patterns like 반말 for friendly or casual conversations.
Grammar: 동을 수 있다/없다 (can/cannot do), 반말 (informal speech)
- 지금 통화할 수 있어요? (Can I talk to you now?)
KIIP 2 Unit 5. Dealing with Illness (약, 증상)
Learn vocabulary related to 약 (medicine) and 증상 (symptoms). You’ll also explore how to give advice using -으면 for conditional statements and -어서 for showing a cause and effect relationship.
Vocabulary: 약, 증상 관련 어휘 (Medicine, symptoms-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 동형-으면 (if), 동-어서 (because)
- 많이 아프면 이 약을 드세요. (If you feel very sick, take this medicine.)
KIIP 2 Unit 6. Expressing Happiness (기분, 감정)
Learn how to express emotions like 행복하다 (to be happy) and 슬프다 (to be sad), and use -겠- for future intentions and -을 때 for expressing time-related events or conditions.
Vocabulary: 기분, 감정 관련 어휘 (Mood, emotion-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 동형-겠- (will do), 동형을 때 (when)
- 맛있는 음식을 먹을 때 행복해요. (I’m happy when I eat delicious food.)
KIIP 2 Unit 7. Bringing Gifts for a Housewarming (초대와 방문)
When visiting a friend’s new house, you’ll learn vocabulary for items like 세제 (detergent) and 휴지 (tissue). The grammar point -을래요? helps you express a desire to do something, while -으니까 provides a reason or justification.
Grammar: 동-을래요? (want to), 동형-으니까 (because)
- 집들이니까 세제나 휴지를 가져갈게요. (Since it’s a housewarming, I will bring detergent or tissues.)
KIIP 2 Unit 8. Signing Up for a Korean Class (한국어 수업 신청)
In this unit, you’ll practice signing up for a 한국어 수업 (Korean class), using -기 전에 to talk about things you must do before an event and -기로 하다 to talk about decisions you’ve made.
Grammar: 동-기 전에 (before doing something), 동-기로 하다 (decided to do)
- 9월부터 한국어 수업을 듣기로 했어요. (I decided to take Korean lessons starting from September.)
KIIP 2 Unit 9. Talking About Your Favorite Restaurant (맛, 식당의 특징)
Discuss your favorite restaurant using vocabulary related to 맛 (taste) and 식당 (restaurant). Use -을 것 같다 for expressing that something seems like something, and -는 for describing what’s happening.
Vocabulary: 맛, 식당의 특징 (Taste, restaurant characteristics)
Grammar: 동형을 것 같다 (seems like), 동-는 (doing)
- 근처에 자주 가는 식당이 있어요. (There is a restaurant I often go to nearby.)
KIIP 2 Unit 10. Giving Directions (길 안내)
When giving directions or discussing locations, you’ll use words like 옆에 (next to) and 가깝다 (close). You’ll also learn to use -는데 and -기 때문에 to explain the reasons behind something.
Vocabulary: 길 안내, 교통 (Directions, traffic)
Grammar: 동형는데 (because), 동형-기 때문에 (because of)
- 시청 옆에 있는데 가까워요. (It is next to the city hall, so it’s close.)
KIIP 2 Unit 11. Celebrating Holidays (명절)
In this unit, you’ll explore common holiday vocabulary, such as 명절 (holiday) and activities like 소원 빌기 (making a wish). You’ll also practice the -게 form to describe actions in a specific way and -으면서 for expressing simultaneous actions.
Vocabulary: 명절, 명절에 하는 일 (Holidays, activities during holidays)
Grammar: 형-게 (in a way), 동-으면서 (while doing)
- 보름달을 보면서 소원을 빌어요. (I make a wish while looking at the full moon.)
KIIP 2 Unit 12. Making Mistakes (실수)
This unit is about describing your habits and mistakes. You’ll learn expressions like 실수 (mistake) and 자주 (often), as well as how to describe your tendencies using -는 편이다.
Vocabulary: 감정, 실수 (Emotions, mistakes)
Grammar: 동-은 적이 있다 (have done something before), 동형는 편이다 (tend to)
- 실수를 자주 하는 편이에요. (I tend to make mistakes often.)
KIIP 2 Unit 13. Sending a Parcel (우체국, 은행)
Learn vocabulary for 우체국 (post office) and 은행 (bank). You’ll also practice expressing future plans with -으려고 하다 and obligations using -어야 되다.
Vocabulary: 우체국, 은행 관련 어휘 (Post office, bank-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 동-으려고 하다 (planning to), 동-어야 되다 (must do)
- 소포를 보내려고 하는데요. (I am about to send a parcel.)
KIIP 2 Unit 14. Applying for a Visa Extension (공공 기관 업무)
Here, you’ll learn important vocabulary related to visa extensions and how to use -어도 되다 to ask for permission and -으려면 to express if you want to do something.
Vocabulary: 공공 기관 업무, 신청서 (Public institution work, application forms)
Grammar: 동-어도 되다 (can do), 동-으려면 (if you want to do)
- 비자 연장 신청을 하려면 어떻게 해야 돼요? (What should I do to apply for a visa extension?)
KIIP 2 Unit 15. Working at a Trading Company (업무 관련 어휘)
Learn job-related vocabulary such as 무역 회사 (trading company) and 번역 (translation). Practice expressing ongoing actions using -고 있다 and describing states using -은.
Vocabulary: 업무 관련 어휘 (Work-related vocabulary)
Grammar: 동-고 있다 (doing something), 동-은 (is/are)
- 무역 회사에서 번역 일을 하고 있어요. (I am doing translation work at a trading company.)
KIIP 2 Unit 16. Event Participation (행사, 축제)
You’ll learn how to talk about events and festivals. Practice the expression 동을 and 동형-거든요.
Vocabulary: 행사(축제), 포스터, 게시판 (Event (festival), posters, bulletin boards)
Grammar: 동을 and 동형-거든요 (because)
- 그 행사에는 가족이나 친구를 데려가도 되거든요. (You can bring family or friends to that event.)
KIIP 2 Unit 17. Staying Healthy (건강한 생활 습관)
Learn how to express wishes about health using -으면 좋겠다 and talk about 건강 (health) issues.
Vocabulary: 건강한 생활 습관, 건강 이상 증상 (Healthy lifestyle habits, health symptoms)
Grammar: 동형-으면 좋겠다 (wish), 명에 (for)
- 잠을 푹 자면 좋겠어요. (I hope I sleep well.)
KIIP 2 Unit 18. Choosing a Course (문화 센터 수업)
Vocabulary: 문화 센터 수업, 수강 신청 (Cultural center courses, course registration)
Grammar: 동-는 게 어때요? (How about doing), 형-어 보이다 (seems like)
In this lesson, learn how to inquire about courses and suggest activities, such as signing up for a class. Practice the expression -는 게 어때요? to make suggestions and -어 보이다 to make a guess.
- 이 수업을 신청하는 게 어때요? (How about signing up for this class?)
These 18 lessons cover a wide range of essential vocabulary and grammar to help you speak Korean confidently and comfortably in everyday situations. By mastering these units, you'll be well on your way to achieving success in the KIIP 2급 exam and in real-life communication. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you'll be chatting with ease!
SEO Keywords
- KIIP 2급 vocabulary
- KIIP 2급 grammar
- Learn Korean for KIIP exam
- KIIP 2급 study guide
- Korean language learning for beginners
- KIIP 2급 exam preparation
- Korean grammar for everyday life