KIIP 2: Unit 5 – Essential Words and Phrases about Medicine and Symptoms

KIIP 2 Unit 5 Medicine and Symptoms

Welcome to KIIP Level 2: Unit 5! In this lesson, we will learn how to talk about medicine, symptoms, and health in Korean. You’ll master essential vocabulary, key grammar points, and useful phrases to describe illnesses, treatments, and daily health routines.

This unit introduces two important grammar structures: Verb/Adjective + 으면, which expresses conditions, and Verb + /어서, which indicates sequential actions.

Essential Vocabulary and Phrases

Symptoms and Illnesses



열이 나다

To have a fever

머리가 아프다

To have a headache

이가 아프다

To have a toothache

배가 아프다

To have a stomachache

설사를 하다

To have diarrhea

콧물이 나다

To have a runny nose

기침을 하다

To cough

목이 붓다

To have a swollen throat

팔이 부러지다

To break an arm

다리를 다치다

To injure a leg


Medicines and Treatments




Fever reducer


Headache medicine


Cold medicine


Digestive medicine

파스를 붙이다

To apply a pain relief patch

밴드를 붙이다

To put on a bandage

소독약을 바르다

To apply antiseptic

연고를 바르다

To apply ointment

Daily Activities






To cook


To order delivery


To download

다운로드 하다

To download


To boil

Grammar Notes & Example Sentences

1. Verb/Adjective + 으면 (Conditional)

Use -으면 to express a condition or situation.

Conjugation Rules:

·        If the verb/adjective stem ends in a consonant → 으면

·        If the verb/adjective stem ends in a vowel →


·        머리가 아프고 열이 나요. - 많이 아프면 병원에 보세요.
(I have a headache and a fever. - If it hurts a lot, go to the hospital.)

·        가족들이 한국에 오면 하고 싶어요? - 같이 제주도에 가고 싶어요.
(What do you want to do when your family comes to Korea? - I want to go to Jeju Island together.)

·        어제부터 기침을 계속 해요. - 기침을 계속 하면 따뜻한 차를 마셔 보세요.
(I’ve been coughing since yesterday. - If you keep coughing, try drinking warm tea.)

·        방학을 하면 고향에 가서 부모님을 만날 거예요.
(When I’m on vacation, I’ll go to my hometown and meet my parents.)

2. Verb + /어서 (Sequential Actions)

Use -/어서 to connect two actions that happen in sequence.

Conjugation Rules:

·        If the verb stem ends in or 아서

·        Otherwise → 어서


·        아침부터 소화가 돼요. - 약국에 가서 소화제를 올게요.
(I’ve had indigestion since morning. - I’ll go to the pharmacy and buy digestive medicine.)

·        점심 먹었어요? - , 편의점에서 도시락을 사서 먹었어요.
(Did you eat lunch? - Yes, I bought a lunchbox at the convenience store and ate it.)

·        지난 주말에 친구를 만나서 같이 영화를 봤어요.
(Last weekend, I met my friend and watched a movie together.)

·        저는 집에서 요리해서 먹어요.
(I cook at home and eat.)

Reading Comprehension

약봉투 (Medicine Packet)
라민 귀하
) 25
2(아침, 저녁) 3일분
식전 30
식후 30 (O)
식후 즉시
식후 1~2시간

New Words:

·        귀하 = Dear (formal)

·        용법 = Usage instructions

·        = Times (e.g., 1 2 = twice a day)

·        일분 = Daily dosage

·        식전 = Before meals

·        식후 = After meals

·        식후 즉시 = Immediately after meals


Dear Ramin,
(Male)/Female 25 years old
Usage Instructions:
Take twice a day (morning and evening) for 3 days.
30 minutes before meals.
30 minutes after meals (O).
Immediately after meals.
1-2 hours after meals.
Happiness Pharmacy


Translate the following sentences into Korean using the grammar structures and phrases from this lesson:

1.     If you have a fever, take fever medicine.

2.     I went to the pharmacy and bought cold medicine.

3.     My leg hurts because I fell while playing soccer.

4.     If your stomach hurts, take digestive medicine.



1.     열이 나면 해열제를 드세요.

2.     약국에 가서 감기약을 샀어요.

3.     축구를 하다가 넘어져서 다리가 아파요.

4.     배가 아프면 소화제를 드세요.


In this lesson, we learned essential vocabulary related to medicine, symptoms, and treatments, as well as how to express conditions using Verb/Adjective + 으면 and sequential actions using Verb + /어서.

Practicing these patterns will help you confidently discuss health issues and daily routines in Korean. Keep practicing, and try using these expressions in real-life situations!

Happy studying! 🌟

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