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기만 하면 grammar |
What is -기만 하면 grammar?
The -기만 하면 grammar expresses the meaning "as long as (something happens), then (a certain result will follow)." It is commonly translated as "whenever," "if only," or "as long as."
- To describe a repeated result that always happens whenever an action occurs.
- To express that one specific condition is enough to trigger a result.
- To emphasize that something always happens under a certain condition.
How to Conjugate -기만 하면
The conjugation of -기만 하면 is straightforward:
1. Verb + -기만 하면
먹다 (to eat) → 먹기만 하면 (If you only eat… / Whenever you eat…)공부하다 (to study) → 공부하기만 하면 (If you only study… / Whenever you study…)
2. Adjectives are NOT used with -기만 하면
This pattern is primarily used with verbs since it describes an action that triggers a result.
When and How to Use -기만 하면
1. To Show a Repeated Result whenever an action occurs
이 노래를 듣기만 하면 기분이 좋아져요.
(Whenever I listen to this song, I feel happy.)
그 음식을 먹기만 하면 배가 아파요.
(Whenever I eat that food, I get a stomachache.)
2. To Emphasize That a Condition Is Sufficient to Trigger an Result
열심히 연습하기만 하면 실력이 늘어요.
(As long as you practice hard, your skills will improve.)
시간만 있기만 하면 갈 수 있어요.
(As long as I have time, I can go.)
3. Used in a Negative Context to Show an Unwanted Result
그는 술을 마시기만 하면 시끄러워져요.
(Whenever he drinks alcohol, he becomes loud.)
나는 비가 오기만 하면 우울해져요.
(Whenever it rains, I feel depressed.)
Differences from Similar Grammar Patterns
Grammar | Meaning | Usage |
-기만 하면 | Whenever / If only | A specific action is enough for a result to happen |
-으면 | If | General conditional statement |
-다 보면 | If you keep doing, then | Emphasizes continuous action leading to an outcome |
-자마자 | As soon as | The result happens immediately after the action |
Examples of -기만 하면 in Sentences
1. 책을 읽기만 하면 졸려요.(Whenever I read a book, I feel sleepy.)
(Whenever I exercise, I feel good.)
(Whenever she listens to this song, she cries.)
(Whenever I talk to that person, I get angry.)
(As long as I have money, I will travel.)
(Whenever he stays up all night, he gets sick the next day.)
(Whenever I study for an exam, I get a phone call.)
(Whenever that child plays games, he lose track of time.)
(Whenever I run, my legs hurt.)
10. 이 영화를 보기만 하면 감동 받아요.
(Whenever I watch this movie, I get emotional.)
Practice Sentences
Try translating these sentences into Korean using -기만 하면:
1. "Whenever I drink coffee, I can't sleep."Answers:
1. 커피를 마시기만 하면 잠이 안 와요.
2. 연습하기만 하면 실력이 늘어요.
3. 밖에 나가기만 하면 상쾌해요.
Keywords for SEO
-기만 하면 grammar
-기만 하면 meaning
How to use -기만 하면
-기만 하면 usage and examples
Difference between -기만 하면 and -으면
Korean conditional grammar