N-이야/야? ending = A casual question ending ~To confirm or clarify information

What is -이야/야? Ending?

The -이야/야? ending is a casual way to ask a question or make a statement in Korean. It is primarily used:

1. Among close friends or younger people.

2. To confirm or clarify information – Similar to English "Is it...?" or "Are you...?".

Conjugation Rules

1. Nouns ending in a consonant + -이야?

Example: 학생 (student) → 학생이야? ("Are you a student?")

2. Nouns ending in a vowel + -야?

Example: 친구 (friend) → 친구야? ("Are you a friend?")

When and How to Use -이야/야?

1. Asking a casual question:

  • 이게 네 차야? ("Is this your car?)
  • 저 사람 누구야? ("Who is that person?")

2. Confirming or clarifying something:

  • 이게 진짜야? ("Is this real?")
  • 너의 선택이야? ("Is this your choice?")
  • 너 학생이야? ("Are you a student?")

4. Expressing surprise or disbelief:

  • 이게 뭐야? ("What is this?")
  • 너 지금 장난이야? ("Are you joking right now?")

Differences from Similar Endings

EndingUsagePoliteness Level
-이야?/야?Asking about a noun's identityCasual
-니?Informal question about actions or adjectivesCasual
-냐?More direct, sometimes bluntInformal
-입니까?Formal question for nounsVery polite
-인가요?Polite but still informalPolite

Examples of -이야/야? in Use

1. 오늘이 네 생일이야? 
"Is today your birthday?"

2. 저건 네 가방이야? 
"Is that your bag?"

3. 여기가 네 집이야? 
"Is this your house?"

4. 네 강아지 이름이 토토야? 
"Is your dog's name Toto?"

5. 이게 사실이야? 
"Is this true?"

6. 너 정말 내 친구야? 
"Are you really my friend?"

7. 그 사람이 너희 형이야? 
"Is that person your older brother?"

8. 그게 네 최종 결정이야? 
"Is that your final decision?"

9. 너 지금 어디야? 
"Where are you now?"

10. 이 영화가 네가 말한 거야? 
"Is this the movie you were talking about?"

Practice Sentences

Try translating these sentences into Korean using -이야/야?:

1. "Is this your phone?"

2. "Are you a college student?"

3. "Is that your final answer?"

(Answers: 이거 네 전화야? / 너 대학생이야? / 그게 네 최종 답이야?)

Keywords for SEO

  • -이야? grammar
  • -야? ending
  • How to use -이야/야? ending
  • -이야/야? usage and examples

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