-을/ㄹ 지경이다 grammar = to the point of ~express an extreme state, often with exaggeration

What is -을/ㄹ 지경이다 Grammar?

지경 means "border", so 지경이다 means "on the border/edge" of something.

The -을/ㄹ 지경이다 grammar is used to express an extreme state or negative situation about to happen, similar to saying “to the point of” or “on the verge of” in English. It emphasizes how severe, unbearable, or intense a situation or feeling is.

It is primarily used:
  • To describe an extreme emotional or physical state.
  • When exaggerating for dramatic effect.
  • In both spoken and written Korean, but more commonly in formal and literary contexts.

Conjugation Rules

1. Verb + -을/ㄹ 지경이다

Verb stems ending in a consonant: -을 지경이다
죽다 (to die) → 죽을 지경이다 ("To the point of dying")

Verb stems ending in a vowel: -ㄹ 지경이다
쓰러지다 (to collapse) → 쓰러질 지경이다 ("On the verge of collapsing")

2. Adjective + -을/ㄹ 지경이다

Works similarly to verbs.
피곤하다 (to be tired) → 피곤할 지경이다 ("Exhausted to the point of collapse")

When and How to Use -을/ㄹ 지경이다

1. Expressing extreme exhaustion or suffering:

너무 피곤해서 쓰러질 지경이야. 
"I'm so tired I'm about to collapse."

배고파서 죽을 지경이야. 
"I'm starving to death."

2. Describing overwhelming emotions:

기뻐서 날아갈 지경이야. 
"I'm so happy I could fly."

창피해서 숨고 싶을 지경이었다. 
"I was so embarrassed I wanted to hide."

3. Indicating a negative or unbearable situation:

날씨가 너무 더워서 미칠 지경이야. 
"The weather is so hot, I'm going crazy."

일이 너무 많아서 도망가고 싶을 지경이다. 
"I have so much work that I want to run away."

Differences from Similar Grammar Patterns

-을/ㄹ 정도이다To the extent thatGeneral comparison, less dramatic
-을/ㄹ 뻔했다Almost did (something)Used when something nearly happened but didn’t
-게 되다To end up doing somethingFocuses on the result rather than the extreme state
-을/ㄹ 지경이다To the point ofEmphasizes an extreme state, often with exaggeration

Examples of -을/ㄹ 지경이다 in Use

1. 그 학생의 태도는 너 나빠서 학교에서 쫓겨날 지경이에요. 
"His behavior is so bad that he is about to be kicked out of school"

2. 감동해서 눈물이 날 지경이었어. 
"I was so touched I almost cried."

3. 일이 너무 많아서 머리가 터질 지경이다. 
"I have so much work my head is about to explode."

4. 더워서 숨이 막힐 지경이야. 
"It’s so hot I can hardly breathe."

5. 스트레스를 받아서 미칠 지경이야. 
"I'm so stressed I'm going crazy."

6. 연습을 너무 많이 해서 손가락이 부러질 지경이다. 
"I've practiced so much my fingers are about to break."

7. 너무 졸려서 눈을 뜰 수 없을 지경이야. 
"I'm so sleepy I can’t keep my eyes open."

8. 기뻐서 소리 지를 지경이었어. 
"I was so happy I almost screamed."

9. 날씨가 너무 추워서 얼어 죽을 지경이야. 
"It’s so cold I feel like I'm freezing to death."

10. 심한 가뭄으로 인해 농작물의 90%가 시들어 죽은 지경이에요. 
"Due to severe drought, 90% of the crop has wilted and died."

Practice Sentences

Try translating these sentences into Korean using -을/ㄹ 지경이다:

1. I'm so tired I'm about to collapse.

2. The pain was so bad I almost cried.

3. I was so happy I wanted to jump.

(Answers: 너무 피곤해서 쓰러질 지경이야. / 너무 아파서 울 지경이야. / 너무 기뻐서 뛰어올 지경이었어.)

Keywords for SEO

  • 을/ㄹ 지경이다 grammar
  • 을/ㄹ 지경이다 meaning
  • How to use 을/ㄹ 지경이다
  • 을/ㄹ 지경이다 usage and examples

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