~렴 (~려무나) grammar = Please do ~giving a gentle command to a younger person

What is ~렴 (~려무나) grammar?

~렴 is an informal imperative ending. It is primarily used in spoken Korean by older generations when they are making requests or giving commands to younger individuals in a warm or affectionate manner.

~ is the shortened form of ~려무나. It is literally translated as "Please do" in English.

Key Characteristics:

1. Soft command or encouragement – often used by elders to children or juniors.

2. Common in literature and historical contexts – appears in classic novels, folk tales, and older speech styles.

3. Polite yet authoritative – though informal, it carries a sense of care and affection.

Conjugation Rules

1. Verbs ending in a vowel +  or 려무나:

Example: 가다 (to go) → 가렴 / 가려무나 ("Go ahead.")

2. Verbs ending in a consonant + 

으렴 or 으려무나.

Example: 먹다 (to eat) → 먹으렴 / 먹으려무나 ("Eat up.")

3. 하다 verbs +

  or 려무나:

Example: 공부하다 (to study) → 공부하렴 / 공부하려무나 ("Study well.")

When and How to Use ~렴 (~려무나)

1. Encouraging someone in a warm way:

  • 책을 많이 읽으렴. (“Read a lot of books.”)

2. Giving a gentle command to someone younger:

  • 친구들과 사이좋게 지내렴. (“Get along well with your friends.”)

3. Used by elders speaking to children:

  • 밥을 다 먹으렴. (“Finish all your food.”)

4. In folk tales or literature:

  • 용감한 왕자가 공주를 구하러 가려무나. (“The brave prince shall go rescue the princess.”)

More examples of ~렴 (~려무나) in Use

1. 빨리 집에 돌아오렴. 
"Come home quickly."

2. 손을 깨끗이 씻으렴. 
"Wash your hands clean."

3. 학교에서 열심히 공부하렴. 
"Study hard at school."

4. 길을 조심히 건너렴. 
"Cross the street carefully."

5. 내일 아침 일찍 일어나렴. 
"Wake up early tomorrow morning."

6. 동생을 잘 챙겨 주렴. 
"Take good care of your younger sibling."

7. 문을 닫으렴. 
"Close the door."

8. 약속을 꼭 지키렴. 
"Make sure to keep your promise."

9. 운동을 꾸준히 하렴. 
"Exercise regularly."

10. 새 친구를 사귀려무나. 
"Go make new friends."

Differences from Similar Grammar Patterns

Grammar PatternMeaningUsagePoliteness Level
~렴 (~려무나)Friendly commandUsed by elders to juniorsInformal but affectionate
~라Direct commandGeneral imperativeNeutral to informal
~세요Polite requestStandard polite speechFormal
~거라CommandArchaic/literaryFormal and old-fashioned

Practice ~렴 (~려무나) Grammar

Try translating these sentences into Korean using ~렴 (~려무나):

1. "Go to school early."

2. "Please write a letter to your grandmother."

3. "Sleep well, my child."

(Answers: 학교에 일찍 가렴. / 할머니께 편지를 쓰렴. / 잘 자렴, 내 아이야.)

Keywords for SEO Optimization:

  • 렴 grammar 
  • 려무나 grammar 
  • How to use 렴 ending in Korean
  •  examples and usage

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