-고서야 grammar = only after, not until ~one action must be completed before another happens

What is -고서야 Grammar?

The -고서야 grammar is used to emphasize that one action must be completed before another can happen. It translates to “only after” or “not until” in English. It expresses a strong condition, often implying that something is impossible without fulfilling the first action.

This structure is primarily used:

  • To emphasize that a second action can only occur after the first is completed.
  • To express necessity or inevitability.
  • In both spoken and written Korean, but more often in formal or literary contexts.

Conjugation Rules

Verbs + -고서야

끝나다 (to finish) → 끝나고서야 (“Only after finishing”)
떠나다 (to leave) → 떠나고서야 (“Not until leaving”)

Adjectives & Nouns

Generally, -고서야 is not used with adjectives or nouns directly. 

When and How to Use -고서야

1. Expressing necessity or preconditions:

이 일을 다 끝내고서야 퇴근할 수 있어요.
Only after finishing this work can I go home.

돈을 벌고서야 여행을 갈 수 있다.
I can travel only after making money.

2. Showing inevitability:

아파 보고서야 건강의 소중함을 깨달았다.
Only after getting sick did I realize the importance of health. 

네 말을 듣고서야 상황을 이해했다.

Only after hearing what you said did I understand the situation.

3. Highlighting a delayed realization or consequence:

차를 잃어버리고서야 얼마나 소중한지 알게 되었다.
Only after losing my car did I realize how important it was.

실수를 하고서야 그 방법이 틀렸다는 걸 알았다.
Only after making a mistake did I realize the method was wrong .

Differences from Similar Grammar Patterns

-아/어서야Only when/only ifEmphasizes necessity but is often used with conditions
-고 나서야Only afterSimilar but focuses more on chronological order
-고서야Not until/only afterStrong emphasis on a necessary condition
-지 않고는Without doingUsed to show something cannot happen without another action

Examples of -고서야 in Use

1. 시험이 끝나고서야 마음이 놓였다. 
Only after the exam ended did I feel relieved.

2. 책을 다 읽고서야 내용을 이해할 수 있었다. 
I could understand the content only after reading the entire book.

3. 부모님이 되고서야 부모님의 마음을 이해했다. 
Only after becoming a parent did I understand my parents' feelings.

4. 여러 번 실패하고서야 성공할 수 있었다. 
I could succeed only after failing multiple times.

5. 그의 설명을 듣고서야 모든 게 명확해졌다. 
Only after hearing his explanation did everything become clear.

6. 일을 해 보고서야 얼마나 힘든지 알았다. 
Only after working did I realize how hard it was.

7. 직접 가 보고서야 그곳이 얼마나 아름다운지 알게 되었다. 
Only after visiting did I realize how beautiful that place was.

8. 늦게 도착하고서야 길이 막힌 걸 알았다. 
Only after arriving late did I realize the road was congested.

9. 친구와 싸우고서야 내가 잘못했다는 걸 깨달았다. 
Only after fighting with my friend did I realize I was wrong.

10. 건강을 잃고서야 건강의 소중함을 알게 되었다. 
Only after losing my health did I realize its importance.

Practice Sentences

Try translating these sentences into Korean using -고서야:

1. "Only after working hard can you achieve success."

2. "Not until I met him did I understand his personality."

3. "I realized how delicious the food was only after trying it."

(Answers: 열심히 일하고서야 성공할 수 있다. / 그를 만나고서야 그의 성격을 이해했다. / 음식을 먹어 보고서야 얼마나 맛있는지 알았다.)

Keywords for SEO

  • -고서야 grammar
  • -고서야 meaning
  • How to use -고서야
  • -고서야 usage and examples
  • Korean grammar -고서야
  • Difference between -고서야 and -고 나서야

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