-니? ending = A casual way to ask questions in Korean ~Used to seek information or express curiosity or concern

What is -니 ending?

The -니? ending is an informal way to ask a question in Korean. It is primarily used:

1. Among close friends or younger people.

2. To seek information or confirmation – Similar to English "Do you...?" or "Are you...?".

3. To express curiosity or concern – Depending on the context, it can sound neutral or slightly inquisitive.

Conjugation Rules

The usage of -니? depends on the verb type:

1. Verbs + -니? to the verb stem.

Example: 가다 (to go) → 가니? ("Are you going?")

2. Adjective + -니? 

Example: 예쁘다 (to be pretty) → 예쁘니? ("Is it pretty?")

3. Nouns + (이)니?

Example: 학생이니? ("Are you a student?")

Example: 친구니? ("Are you a friend?")

When and How to Use -니?

1. Asking a casual question:

  • 지금 뭐 하니? ("What are you doing now?")
  • 어디 가니? ("Where are you going?")

2. Confirming something:

  • 이 책이 좋니? ("Is this book good?")
  • 피곤하니? ("Are you tired?")

3. Seeking past information:

  • 어제 밥 먹었니? ("Did you eat yesterday?")
  • 숙제 다 했니? ("Did you finish your homework?")

4. Showing curiosity or concern:

  • 왜 그렇게 슬프니? ("Why are you so sad?")
  • 무슨 일이 있니? ("Is something wrong?")

Differences from Other Question Endings

EndingUsagePoliteness Level
-니?Informal questions between friendsCasual
-냐?More direct, sometimes rudeInformal
-어?/아?Friendly, casualInformal
-습니까?Formal questionVery polite
-나요?Polite, but still informalPolite

Examples of -니? in Use

1. 오늘 학교 가니? 
"Are you going to school today?"

2. 이 음식 맛있니? 
"Is this food delicious?"

3. 시험 공부했니? 
"Did you study for the exam?"

4. 내일 시간 있니? 
"Do you have time tomorrow?")

5. 영화 재미있니? 
"Is the movie interesting?"

6. 지금 집에 있니? 
"Are you at home now?"

7. 여행 잘 갔다 왔니? 
"Did you have a good trip?"

8. 이 노래 좋아하니? 
"Do you like this song?"

9. 누구랑 같이 갔니? 
"Who did you go with?"

10. 날씨가 춥니? 
"Is the weather cold?"

Practice Sentences

Try translating these sentences into Korean using -니?:

1. "Are you busy now?"

2. "Did you see my message?"

3. "Is this your book?"

(Answers: 지금 바쁘니? / 내 메시지 봤니? / 이거 네 책이니?)

Keywords for SEO

  • 니? grammar
  • 니? eding
  • How to use 니? ending
  • 니? usage and examples

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