In Unit 15 of KIIP Level 1, we explore vocabulary and grammar to discuss the seasons and weather. Whether you're talking about the beautiful spring flowers or comparing weather conditions between countries, these essential words and phrases will help you navigate everyday conversations.
This unit introduces two
important grammar points: Verb/Adjective + 네요, used to express surprise or admiration, and N + 보다, used to make comparisons.
Essential Vocabulary
Seasons (계절)
Korean |
English |
봄 |
Spring |
여름 |
Summer |
가을 |
Fall/Autumn |
겨울 |
Winter |
따뜻하다 |
To be warm |
꽃이 피다 |
Flowers bloom |
덥다 |
To be hot |
바닷가 |
Beach |
쌀쌀하다 |
To be chilly |
단풍이 아름답다 |
The autumn leaves are beautiful |
춥다 |
To be cold |
눈썰매를 타다 |
To go sledding |
스키를 타다 |
To ski |
Weather (날씨)
Korean |
English |
안개가 끼다 |
To be foggy |
눈이 오다 |
To snow |
천둥이 치다 |
Thunder strikes |
번개가 치다 |
Lightning strikes |
맑다 |
To be clear |
구름이 끼다 |
To be cloudy |
흐리다 |
To be overcast |
비가 오다 |
To rain |
바람이 불다 |
To be windy |
Other Useful Words
Korean |
English |
인구 |
Population |
사계절 |
Four seasons |
매우 |
Very |
Grammar Notes
1. Expressing Surprise or Admiration: Verb/Adjective + 네요
Add -네요 to verbs or adjectives to express surprise, admiration, or agreement.
o 꽃이 많이 피었네요. (Wow, so many flowers have bloomed!)
o 오늘 날씨가 따뜻하네요. (The weather is warm today!)
2. Making Comparisons: N + 보다
Use 보다 to compare two nouns.
o 한국은 러시아보다 따뜻해요. (Korea is warmer than Russia.)
o 백화점이 시장보다 비싸요. (The department store is more expensive than the market.)
Key Phrases to Practice
Talking About the Weather
지금 서울 날씨가 어때요?
(How is the weather in Seoul right now?)
o 맑아요. (It’s clear.)
요즘 고향 날씨가 어때요?
(How’s the weather in your hometown these days?)
o 요즘은 비가 많이 와요. (It’s raining a lot these days.)
러시아 겨울 날씨는 어때요?
(How is the winter weather in Russia?)
o 러시아는 한국보다 추워요. (Russia is colder than Korea.)
Expressing Surprise or Admiration
와! 꽃이 많이 피었네요.
(Wow! So many flowers have bloomed!)
우리 가족 사진이에요.
(This is my family photo.)
o 아이가 정말 예쁘네요. (Your child is so pretty!)
오늘 한국어 수업이 재미있네요.
(Today’s Korean class is fun!)
Comparing Preferences
저는 농구보다 축구를 잘해요.
(I’m better at soccer than basketball.)
백화점이 시장보다 옷값이 더 비싸요.
(Clothes at the department store are more expensive than at the market.)
Translate the following sentences into Korean:
o The autumn leaves are more beautiful than the flowers.
o Wow! It’s very foggy today.
Fill in the blanks:
o 한국은 러시아______ 따뜻해요. (Korea is warmer than
o 오늘 날씨가 정말 좋______! (The weather is really nice today!)
In Unit 15, you’ve
learned how to describe the weather, talk about seasons, and make comparisons.
These skills are essential for casual conversations, whether you’re discussing
the beauty of Korean autumn or planning a trip to the beach in summer.
Practice these phrases and grammar points to become more fluent in expressing your thoughts about the changing seasons! 😊