KIIP Level 1: Unit 12–Essential Words and Phrases about Holidays and Vacations

In Unit 12 of KIIP Level 1, you will learn essential vocabulary and phrases to talk about holidays (휴일) and vacations (휴가) in Korean. Additionally, you’ll practice grammar structures like -/ 거예요 to express future intentions and A/V- to link multiple actions or descriptions.


Essential Vocabulary

Activities on Holidays (휴일)



공원에서 농구를 하다

To play basketball at the park

컴퓨터 게임을 하다

To play computer games

여행을 가다

To go on a trip

가족하고 외식하다

To dine out with family

아이하고 놀이공원에 가다

To go to an amusement park with kids

한국어를 열심히 공부하다

To study Korean diligently

한국 요리를 배우다

To learn Korean cooking

낮잠을 자다

To take a nap

친구 집에 놀러 가다

To visit a friend’s house

Activities on Vacation (휴가)





수영을 하다

To swim

배를 타다

To ride a boat

낚시를 하다

To go fishing


등산을 하다

To hike

캠핑을 하다

To camp

꽃구경을 하다

To go flower viewing


Amusement park

동물을 구경하다

To watch animals

놀이 기구를 하다

To go on rides

불꽃놀이를 보다

To watch fireworks



고향 친구들을 만나다

To meet hometown friends

부모님을 만나다

To meet parents

고향 음식을 먹다

To eat hometown food

Additional Vocabulary




Ginseng tea








Ansan (city)


Key Phrases to Practice

Talking About Future Plans

1.     이번 휴일에 거예요?
(What are you going to do this holiday?)

- 놀이공원에 거예요.
(I’m going to go to the amusement park.)

2.     저녁에 먹을 거예요?
(What are you going to eat for dinner?)

- 김치찌개를 먹을 거예요.
(I’m going to eat kimchi stew.)

3.     이번 휴가에 거예요?
(What are you going to do on vacation?)

- 산에서 등산도 하고 캠핑도 거예요.
(I’ll hike and camp in the mountains.)

4.     휴가 어디에 거예요?
(Where are you going for vacation?)

- 휴가 바다에 거예요.
(I’m going to the sea for vacation.)


Talking About Regular Weekend Activities

5.     주말에 보통 해요?
(What do you usually do on weekends?)

- 저는 장도 보고 운동도 해요.
(I usually do the grocery shopping and exercise.)

Grammar Notes

1. -/ 거예요

This grammar expresses future plans or intentions.

·        놀이공원에 거예요. (I’m going to go to the amusement park.)

·        등산도 하고 캠핑도 거예요. (I’ll hike and camp as well.)

2. A/V-

Use this grammar to connect multiple actions or descriptions.

·        장도 보고 운동도 해요. (I do the grocery shopping and exercise.)

·        등산도 하고 캠핑도 거예요. (I’ll hike and camp as well.)


  1. Translate the following sentences into Korean:
  • What are you going to do this weekend?
  • I’m going to visit my parents and eat hometown food.
  1. Complete the sentences using -/ 거예요:
  • 이번 휴가에 _______. (I’m going to swim in the sea.)
  • 주말에 _______. (I’m going to play basketball at the park.)
  1. Connect the actions using -:
  • I study Korean and learn Korean cooking.
  • I go fishing and ride a boat.


In Unit 12, you’ve expanded your vocabulary to describe holiday and vacation activities, while practicing future tense and action-linking grammar. These expressions will help you discuss plans, make schedules, and share experiences in Korean!

Keep practicing to master these structures and enjoy your holidays! 🎉

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