KIIP 1 unit 9 weekend activities |
Weekends are a time to relax, explore, or catch up on tasks. In KIIP Level 1, Unit 9, you’ll learn how to talk about weekend activities, from relaxing at home to visiting markets or spending time with friends. You'll also explore Korean past tense -았/었- grammar and how to use noun-도 to say "also" or "too."
These skills are essential for
sharing weekend plans, recounting past activities, and expressing preferences.
Essential Vocabulary
Weekend Activities
Korean |
English |
집에서 쉬다 |
Rest at home |
청소를 하다 |
Clean |
빨래를 하다 |
Do laundry |
축구를 하다 |
Play soccer |
산에 가다 |
Go to the mountain |
산책하다 |
Take a walk |
친구를 만나다 |
Meet friends |
아르바이트를 하다 |
Work part-time |
한국어를 배우다 |
Learn Korean |
Places & Activities
Korean |
English |
공원 |
Park |
자전거를 타다 |
Ride a bicycle |
공놀이를 하다 |
Play ball |
시장 |
Market |
과일을 사다 |
Buy fruits |
신발을 사다 |
Buy shoes |
백화점 |
Department store |
쇼핑하다 |
Shop |
저녁을 먹다 |
Have dinner |
카페 |
Cafe |
이야기를 하다 |
Talk |
차를 마시다 |
Drink tea |
집 |
Home |
식사를 하다 |
Eat a meal |
텔레비전을 보다 |
Watch TV |
회사 |
Company |
일하다 |
Work |
전화를 받다 |
Answer a call |
Korean |
English |
전주 |
Jeonju |
한옥 마을 |
Hanok Village |
한복을 입다 |
Wear Hanbok |
걷다 |
Walk |
다리 |
Bridge |
그렇지만 |
However |
즐겁다 |
Be enjoyable |
Key Phrases to Practice
Talking About Weekend Plans
주말에 뭐 해요? - 한국어를 배워요.
(What do you do on the weekend? - I learn Korean.)
지난 주말에 뭐 했어요? - 시장에 갔어요.
(What did you do last weekend? - I went to the market.)
어제 뭐 했어요? - 드라마를 봤어요. 재미있었어요.
(What did you do yesterday? - I watched a drama. It was fun.)
Expressing Preferences
무슨 운동을 좋아해요? - 저는 수영을 좋아해요. 축구도 좋아해요.
(What sports do you like? - I like swimming. I also like soccer.)
시장에서 뭘 샀어요? - 포도를 샀어요. 수박도 샀어요.
(What did you buy at the market? - I bought grapes. I also bought a
Grammar Notes
Past Tense -았/었-
Use -았/었- to talk about past actions.
o 청소를 했어요. (I cleaned.)
o 시장에서 사과를 샀어요. (I bought apples at the market.)
Noun-도 (Also/Too)
Attach -도 to a noun to say "also" or "too."
o 저는 빵도 먹었어요. (I also ate bread.)
o 친구도 카페에 갔어요. (My friend also went to the cafe.)
KIIP 1급 9과: V-았/었 and N-도 = ‘past tense’ and “also, too” in Korean
Quiz Section
How would you say, “I rested at home last weekend” in Korean?
Translate: “I bought apples and also oranges at the market.”
Create a sentence using -았/었- to describe an activity you did yesterday.
In Unit 9 of KIIP Level 1,
you’ve learned how to talk about weekend activities, express past events, and
use -도 for "also." These
expressions will help you share your weekend stories, make plans, and talk
about your favorite activities in Korean.
Keep practicing and enjoy exploring the beauty of the Korean language!