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Complete KIIP 1 Lessons |
KIIP (Korean Immigration and Integration Program) Vocabulary Level 1 course is tailored for low-beginner Korean learners, aiming to equip them with the fundamental vocabulary necessary for basic communication in Korea. This course comprises 18 units, covering essential words, phrases, and grammars for various everyday situations, from greetings to shopping terms. Each unit introduces key vocabulary, phrases, and grammars to help learners build a strong foundation for life in Korea. Let’s explore each unit and its vocabulary highlights!
Complete 18 KIIP Level 1 Units:
Korean Alphabet: How to Read, Write, and Pronounce
- Vocabulary: 14 basic Korean consonants and 10 basic vowels
- Example Words:
- "아, 가, 밥" (Ah, ka, bap)
KIIP 1급 1과: 인사와 소개 (Greetings and Introductions)
- Vocabulary: 이름 (name), 직업 (job), 국적 (nationality)
- Example Phrases:
- "안녕하세요?" (Hello)
- "제 이름은 ___입니다" (My name is ___)
- Grammar: -이에요/예요 and -은/는 = 'polite ending' and 'subject marker'
KIIP 1급 2과: 사물 (Objects in the Room)
- Vocabulary: 책상 (desk), 의자 (chair), 방 (room)
- Example Phrases:
- "방에 책상이 있어요" (There is a desk in the room)
- Grammar: -이/가 and -에 있다 = ‘subject indicator’ and ‘be in a place’
KIIP 1급 3과: 일상생활 (Everyday Activities)
- Vocabulary: 배우다 (to learn), 듣다 (to listen), 읽다 (to read)
- Example Phrases:
- "한국어를 배워요" (I am learning Korean)
- Grammar: -아/어요 and -을/를 = “polite ending” and “object particle”
KIIP 1급 4과: 장소 (Places and Directions)
- Vocabulary: 식당 (restaurant), 학교 (school), 도서관 (library)
- Example Phrases:
- "식당에 가요" (I am going to the restaurant)
- Grammar: -에 가다 and -에서 = go to 'a place' and 'at' a location
KIIP 1급 5과: 날짜와 요일 (Dates and Days of the Week)
- Vocabulary: 날짜 (date), 월요일 (Monday), 금요일 (Friday)
- Example Phrases:
- "오늘은 5월 5일이에요" (Today is May 5th)
- Grammar: -에 and -이/가 아니다 = ‘on, in’ time and ‘to be not’
KIIP 1급 6과: 하루 일과 (Daily Schedule)
- Vocabulary: 아침 (morning), 저녁 (evening), 시간 (time)
- Example Phrases:
- "9시부터 6시까지 일해요" (I work from 9 to 6)
- Grammar: 부터~까지 and 안 V = ‘from time to time’ and ‘not’ do something
KIIP 1급 7과: 음식 (Food and Ordering)
- Vocabulary: 김치찌개 (kimchi stew), 밥 (rice), 물 (water)
- Example Phrases:
- "김치찌개 하나 주세요" (Please give me one kimchi stew)
- Grammar: V-고 싶다 and V-(으)세요 = ‘want to’ and ‘please do’
KIIP 1급 8과: 쇼핑 (Shopping)
- Vocabulary: 가격 (price), 돈 (money), 할인 (discount)
- Example Phrases:
- "칫솔하고 치약을 삽니다" (I am buying a toothbrush and toothpaste)
- Grammar: N-하고 and -습니다, -습니까? = ‘and’ and “honorific ending”
KIIP 1급 9과: 주말 (Weekend Activities)
- Vocabulary: 친구 (friend), 영화 (movie), 공원 (park)
- Example Phrases:
- "주말에 친구를 만났어요" (I met my friend on the weekend)
- Grammar: V-았/었 and N-도 = ‘past tense’ and “also, too” in Korean
KIIP 1급 10과: 가족 (Family and Relationships)
- Vocabulary: 가족 (family), 아버지 (father), 어머니 (mother)
- Example Phrases:
- "아버지는 요리를 잘하세요" (My father cooks well)
- Grammar: A/V-(으)시 and -지만 = ‘honorific form’ and “but” in Korean
KIIP 1급 11과: 특별한 날 (Special Days)
- Vocabulary: 어버이날 (Parents’ Day), 생일 (birthday), 선물 (gift)
- Example Phrases:
- "부모님께 꽃을 드려요" (I give flowers to my parents)
- Grammar: N에게/한테/께 and V-아/어 주다 = ‘to/for someone’ and ‘do something for someone’
KIIP 1급 12과: 휴가 계획 (Vacation Plans)
- Vocabulary: 휴가 (vacation), 여행 (trip), 바다 (sea)
- Example Phrases:
- "이번 휴가에 뭐 할 거예요?" (What are you going to do on vacation?)
- Grammar: V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 and A/V-고 = ‘future tense’ and ‘listing’ in Korean
KIIP 1급 13과: 교통 (Transportation)
- Vocabulary: 버스 (bus), 지하철 (subway), 택시 (taxi)
- Example Phrases:
- "버스로 공항에 가요" (I go to the airport by bus)
- Grammar: N-(으)로 and V-(으)로 가다/오다 = ‘by means’ and ‘go to do’ in Korean
KIIP 1급 14과: 약속 (Making Plans)
- Vocabulary: 약속 (appointment), 시간 (time), 장소 (place)
- Example Phrases:
- "저녁 7시에 만날까요?" (Shall we meet at 7 PM?)
- Grammar: V-(으)ㄹ까요? and 못 V = ‘should we, would you’ and ‘can’t do’ in Korean
KIIP 1급 15과: 날씨 (Weather and Seasons)
- Vocabulary: 날씨 (weather), 계절 (season), 더워요 (hot), 추워요 (cold)
- Example Phrases:
- "오늘 날씨가 덥네요" (The weather is hot today)
- Grammar: A/V-네요 and N-보다 = ‘really’ and ‘than’ ~express feeling and comparison in Korean
KIIP 1급 16과: 병원 (Health and Visiting the Hospital)
- Vocabulary: 병원 (hospital), 약 (medicine), 진찰 (check-up)
- Example Phrases:
- "배가 아파서 병원에 갔어요" (I went to the hospital because of a stomachache)
- Grammar: -아/어서 and -는 것 = ‘because’ and ‘V-ing’ ~express reason or convert verb to noun
KIIP 1급 17과: 공공장소 (Public Spaces and Etiquette)
- Vocabulary: 공공장소 (public space), 규칙 (rules), 금지 (prohibition)
- Example Phrases:
- "사진을 찍지 마세요" (Please don’t take pictures)
- Grammar: N-(으)로(방향) and V-지 마세요 = ‘to a place’ and ‘don’t do’ in Korean
KIIP 1급 18과: 한국 생활 (Life in Korea)
- Vocabulary: 생활 (life), 한국 (Korea), 재미있어요 (interesting)
- Example Phrases:
- "한국 생활은 힘들지만 재미있어요" (Life in Korea is tough but interesting)
- Grammar: A/V-지요? and A/V-는데(대조) = ‘confirming’ and ‘contrasting’ in Korean
With these 18 units in the KIIP Level 1 Lessons, you’ll gain a solid foundation in essential Korean vocabulary words, phrases, and grammars for everyday interactions, introductions, and navigating basic topics. Each unit builds upon practical words and phrases that will make it easier to communicate in Korean and adapt to life in Korea. By mastering this vocabulary, you’ll feel more confident in your Korean language skills and integrate more smoothly into Korean society. Good luck with your KIIP Level 1 journey and happy studying!
- KIIP Level 1 Vocabulary
- KIIP 1 Grammar
- Beginner Korean Vocabulary
- Korean Immigration and Integration Program
- KIIP Vocabulary List
- Korean Language for Beginners
- Learn Korean Vocabulary KIIP
- Essential Korean Words and Phrases
- KIIP Level 1 Study Guide
- Korean Vocabulary for Everyday Use
- Korean Language Exam Preparation
KIIP 1 vocabulary