KIIP Level 1: Essential Words, Phrases, and Grammars for Beginners

Complete KIIP 1 Lessons

(Korean Immigration and Integration Program) Vocabulary Level 1 course is tailored for low-beginner Korean learners, aiming to equip them with the fundamental vocabulary necessary for basic communication in Korea. This course comprises 18 units, covering essential words, phrases, and grammars for various everyday situations, from greetings to shopping terms. Each unit introduces key vocabulary, phrases, and grammars to help learners build a strong foundation for life in Korea. Let’s explore each unit and its vocabulary highlights!

Complete 18 KIIP Level 1 Units:

Korean Alphabet: How to Read, Write, and Pronounce

  • Vocabulary: 14 basic Korean consonants and 10 basic vowels
  • Example Words:
    • "아, 가, 밥" (Ah, ka, bap)

KIIP 1급 1과: 인사와 소개 (Greetings and Introductions)

KIIP 1급 2과: 사물 (Objects in the Room)

KIIP 1급 3과: 일상생활 (Everyday Activities)

KIIP 1급 4과: 장소 (Places and Directions)

KIIP 1급 5과: 날짜와 요일 (Dates and Days of the Week)

KIIP 1급 6과: 하루 일과 (Daily Schedule)

KIIP 1급 7과: 음식 (Food and Ordering)

KIIP 1급 8과: 쇼핑 (Shopping)

KIIP 1급 9과: 주말 (Weekend Activities)

KIIP 1급 10과: 가족 (Family and Relationships)

KIIP 1급 11과: 특별한 날 (Special Days)

KIIP 1급 12과: 휴가 계획 (Vacation Plans)

KIIP 1급 13과: 교통 (Transportation)

KIIP 1급 14과: 약속 (Making Plans)

KIIP 1급 15과: 날씨 (Weather and Seasons)

KIIP 1급 16과: 병원 (Health and Visiting the Hospital)

KIIP 1급 17과: 공공장소 (Public Spaces and Etiquette)

KIIP 1급 18과: 한국 생활 (Life in Korea)


With these 18 units in the KIIP Level 1 Lessons, you’ll gain a solid foundation in essential Korean vocabulary words, phrases, and grammars for everyday interactions, introductions, and navigating basic topics. Each unit builds upon practical words and phrases that will make it easier to communicate in Korean and adapt to life in Korea. By mastering this vocabulary, you’ll feel more confident in your Korean language skills and integrate more smoothly into Korean society. Good luck with your KIIP Level 1 journey and happy studying!


  • KIIP Level 1 Vocabulary
  • KIIP 1 Grammar
  • Beginner Korean Vocabulary
  • Korean Immigration and Integration Program
  • KIIP Vocabulary List
  • Korean Language for Beginners
  • Learn Korean Vocabulary KIIP
  • Essential Korean Words and Phrases
  • KIIP Level 1 Study Guide
  • Korean Vocabulary for Everyday Use
  • Korean Language Exam Preparation

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