If you're preparing for TOPIK 1 (Test of Proficiency in Korean), expanding your vocabulary is essential. One effective way to strengthen your language skills is by learning synonyms. In this guide, we’ll cover 70 common Korean words and their synonyms that are frequently used in the TOPIK exam, helping you enhance both your understanding and fluency. This list will also help you in daily conversations, making you sound more natural.
Why Learning Synonyms is Important for TOPIK 1?
- Broaden your vocabulary: Synonyms give you more options to express yourself.
- Improve comprehension: You'll better understand various contexts and word usages.
- Score higher on the exam: A diverse vocabulary will help you perform well in listening, reading, and writing sections of the TOPIK exam.
70 Similar Words (Synonyms) for TOPIK I:
No. | Korean Word | Meaning | Similar Word | Meaning |
1 | 시작하다 | Start | 개시하다 | Begin |
2 | 끝내다 | Finish | 마치다 | End |
3 | 기쁘다 | Happy | 즐겁다 | Joyful |
4 | 빠르다 | Fast | 신속하다 | Quick |
5 | 느리게 | Slow | 천천히 | Slowly |
6 | 크다 | Big | 거대하다 | Huge |
7 | 작다 | Small | 적다 | Little |
8 | 덥다 | Hot (weather) | 뜨겁다 | Hot (to touch) |
9 | 춥다 | Cold (weather) | 차갑다 | Cold (to touch) |
10 | 어렵다 | Difficult | 힘들다 | Hard |
11 | 쉽다 | Easy | 간단하다 | Simple |
12 | 맛있다 | Delicious | 맛나다 | Tasty |
13 | 재미있다 | Interesting | 흥미롭다 | Fascinating |
14 | 멀다 | Far | 거리가 있다 | Distant |
15 | 깨끗하다 | Clean | 청결하다 | Neat |
16 | 사랑하다 | Love | 좋아하다 | Like |
17 | 미워하다 | Hate | 싫어하다 | Dislike |
18 | 부드럽다 | Soft | 말랑말랑하다 | Smooth |
19 | 딱딱하다 | Hard | 견고하다 | Robust |
20 | 예쁘다 | Pretty | 아름답다 | Beautiful |
21 | 좋다 | Good | 훌륭하다 | Great |
22 | 새롭다 | New | 신선하다 | Fresh |
23 | 오래되다 | Old | 낡다 | Worn-out |
24 | 잘하다 | Good at | 능숙하다 | Skilled |
25 | 못하다 | Poor at | 서투르다 | Clumsy |
26 | 시원하다 | Cool | 상쾌하다 | Refreshing |
27 | 따뜻하다 | Warm | 온화하다 | Mild |
28 | 날씬하다 | Slim | 마르다 | Thin |
29 | 뚱뚱하다 | Fat | 비만하다 | Obese |
30 | 아프다 | Sick | 병들다 | Ill |
31 | 건강하다 | Healthy | 튼튼하다 | Strong |
32 | 열다 | Open | 개방하다 | Open |
33 | 닫다 | Close | 폐쇄하다 | Shut down |
34 | 들다 | Lift | 올리다 | Raise |
35 | 물어보다 | Ask | 질문하다 | Inquire |
36 | 대답하다 | Answer | 응답하다 | Respond |
37 | 가르치다 | Teach | 교육하다 | Educate |
38 | 말하다 | Speak | 이야기하다 | Converse |
39 | 읽다 | Read | 독서하다 | Read |
40 | 쓰다 | Write | 기록하다 | Record |
41 | 일어나다 | Wake up | 기상하다 | Get up |
42 | 타다 | Ride | 승차하다 | Board |
43 | 걷다 | Walk | 산책하다 | Walk |
44 | 달리다 | Run | 뛰다 | Run |
45 | 일하다 | Work | 근무하다 | Labor |
46 | 만나다 | Meet | 대면하다 | Encounter |
47 | 헤어지다 | Separate | 이별하다 | Part |
48 | 기억하다 | Remember | 상기하다 | Remember |
49 | 살다 | Live | 존재하다 | Exist |
50 | 죽다 | Die | 사망하다 | Pass away |
51 | 걱정하다 | Worry | 염려하다 | Be concerned |
52 | 안심하다 | Relax | 안정하다 | Be relieved |
53 | 부자 | Rich | 재산가 | Wealthy |
54 | 가난하다 | Poor | 빈곤하다 | Needy |
55 | 빨리 | Quickly | 신속하게 | Speedily |
56 | 싸우다 | Fight | 다투다 | Argue |
57 | 대하다 | Face | 마주하다 | Confront |
58 | 피하다 | Avoid | 회피하다 | Evade |
59 | 맑다 | Clear | 투명하다 | Clear, transparent |
60 | 짧다 | Short | 간결하다 | Brief |
61 | 지루하다 | Boring | 따분하다 | Boring |
62 | 힘들다 | Difficult | 고생하다 | Struggle |
63 | 울다 | Cry | 눈물을 흘리다 | Shed tears |
64 | 웃다 | Laugh | 미소짓다 | Smile |
65 | 보다 | See | 관찰하다 | Observe |
66 | 먹다 | Eat | 섭취하다 | Consume |
67 | 공부하다 | Study | 학습하다 | Learn |
68 | 청소하다 | Clean | 정리하다 | Organize |
69 | 쉬다 | Rest | 휴식하다 | Relax |
70 | 사다 | Buy | 구입하다 | Purchase |
Learning these 70 Korean words with their synonyms will not only help you perform better in the TOPIK 1 exam but also enhance your conversational skills. Make sure to practice these words regularly to solidify your understanding and use them naturally. For anyone studying for TOPIK, building a broad and versatile vocabulary is key to success!
SEO Keywords: TOPIK I Synonyms, Korean Vocabulary for TOPIK I, Similar Words for TOPIK I Exam, TOPIK I Korean Synonym List, Learn Korean Synonyms for TOPIK I, Study Synonyms for TOPIK I, TOPIK I Essential Vocabulary, How to Learn Synonyms for TOPIK, TOPIK I Similar Korean Words, Korean Synonym Practice for TOPIK I.
Pair words