KIIP Grammar Level 1 A/V-지요? and A/V-는데(대조) = ‘confirming’ and ‘contrasting’ in Korean

KIIP Grammar Level 1 Lesson 18 A/V-
지요? and A/V-는데(대조) = ‘confirming’ and ‘contrasting’ in Korean


1. A/V-지요? grammar = …right? ~confirming information in Korean

- It is used to confirm information that you already know. (이미 알고 있는 것을 확인할 때 사용해요.)


라민 , 오늘 날씨가 많이 덥지요? – , 정말 더워요.

Ramin, It is really hot today, right? - Yes, it is really hot.


우리 토요일에 만나지요? – , 맞아요.

We will meet on Saturday, right? - Yes, that is right.


단풍이 아름답지요? – , 정말 아름답네요.

The fall foliage is beautiful, right? - Yes, it is really beautiful.


아나이스 씨는 대학원에 다니지요? – , 대학원에 다녀요.

Anais, you are in graduate school, right? - Yes, I am in graduate school.




Verb/Adjective + 지요?

가다 (to go) -> 가지요?

보다 (to see) -> 보지요?

먹다 (to eat) -> 먹지요?

좋다 (good) -> 좋지요?

예쁘다 (beautiful) -> 예쁘지요?




1. 여보세요. 거기 대학병원이지요? – , 맞습니다.

Hello. Is that the university hospital? - Yes, that's right.


2. 이번 달16일에 예약을 받지요? – , 맞습니다.

Do you take reservations on this month's 16th? - Yes, that's right.


3. 건강 보험이 되지요? – , 맞습니다.

Does it cover health insurance? - Yes, that's right.


4. 6시까지 진료하지요? – , 맞습니다.

Are you open until 6? - Yes, that's right.


2. A/V-//grammar = but ~contrasting in Korean

- It is used to connect facts and actions that are different or contrast to each other. (앞의 내용과 다른 사실, 행동을 연결해서 말할 때 사용해요.)


안젤라 씨는 한국 생활이 어때요? – 조금 힘든데 재미있어요.

How is life in Korea, Angela? - It's a little hard, but fun.


요즘 날씨가 쌀쌀하지요? – , 낮에는 더운데 아침저녁에는 쌀쌀해요.

The weather is chilly these days, right? - Yes, it's hot during the day, but chilly in the mornings and evenings.


12시에 지하철은 다니는데 버스는 다녀요.

The subway runs at midnight, but the buses don't.




Verb ending in vowel + 는데

가다 (to go) -> 가는데

먹다 (to eat) -> 먹는데

*살다 (to live)-> 사는데

*만들다(to make) -> 만드는데


Adjective ending in consonant + 은데

작다 (small) -> 작은데

좋다 (good) -> 좋은데

넓다 (large) -> 넓은데


Adjective ending in vowel +

크다 (big) -> 큰데

*멀다 (far) -> 먼데




1. 제이슨 , 한국과 제이슨 고향은 뭐가 달라요? – 한국에는 산이 많은데 고향에는 산이 적어요.

Jason, what is the difference between Korea and your hometown? - There are many mountains in Korea, but there are few mountains in my hometown.


2. 라민 , 한국과 라민 고향은 뭐가 달라요? – 한국은 눈이 오는데 고향은 눈이 와요.

Ramin, what is the difference between Korea and your hometown? - It snows in Korea, but it doesn't snow in my hometown.


3. 후엔 , 한국과 후엔 고향은 뭐가 달라요? – 한국은 24 시간 배달이 되는데 고향은 24 시간 배달이 돼요.

Huan, what is the difference between Korea and your hometown? - In Korea, delivery is available 24 hours a day, but in my hometown, delivery is not available 24 hours a day.


4. 잠드시 , 한국과 잠드시 고향은 뭐가 달라요? – 한국에 버스 전용 차로가 있는데 고향에 버스 전용 차로가 없어요.

Jamsid, what is the difference between Korea and your hometown? - There are bus-only lanes in Korea but no bus-only lanes in my hometown.


Practices for the A/V-지요? grammar

See the example and complete the sentence <보기> 보고 문장을 완성하세요.

Practices for the A/V-//ㄴ데(대조) grammar

See the example and complete the sentence <보기> 보고 문장을 완성하세요.

Review KIIP 1 Lesson 17 N-(으)로(방향) and V-지 마세요 grammars = ‘to a place’ and ‘don’t do’ in Korean 

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