KIIP Grammar Level 1 A/V-네요 and N-보다 = ‘really’ and ‘than’ ~express feeling and comparison in Korean

KIIP 1 Lesson 15 A/V-
네요 and N-보다 grammars = ‘really’ and ‘than’ ~express feeling and comparison in Korean


1. A/V-네요grammar = ‘really’ in English

- It is used to express your feelings or thoughts about something new you have learned. (새롭게 알게 된 사실에 대해 자신의 느낌이나 생각을 표현할 때 사용해요.) = really


이링 , 우리 가족 사진이에요. – 아이가 정말 예쁘네요.

Yi Ling, this is a photo of our family. - The child is really cute.


잡채 드세요. 제가 만들었어요. – ! 정말 맛있네요.

Please have some japchae. I made it. - Wow! It's really delicious.

잡채 = Stir-fried noodles and vegetables


라민 씨는 한국어를 정말 잘하네요.

Ramin speaks Korean really well.




Verb/Adjective + 네요.

먹다 (to eat) -> 먹네요.

좋다 (good) -> 좋네요.

오다 (to come) -> 오네요.

보다 (to see) -> 보네요.

*살다 (to live) -> 사네요.

멀다 (far) -> 머네요.


Noun + ()네요.

커피 (coffee) -> 커피네요.

학생 (student) -> 학생이네요.




1. ! 꽃이 많이 피었네요.

Wow! There are really a lot of flowers in bloom.


2. ! 바닷가에 사람이 많네요.

Wow! There are really a lot of people at the beach.


3. ! 단풍이 아름답네요.

Wow! The autumn leaves are so beautiful.


4. ! 눈썰매를 타네요.

Wow! They are really sledding.


5. 오늘 한국어 수업이 재미있네요.

Today's Korean class is really fun.


2. N-보다 grammar = than ~comparison in Korean

- It is commonly used to compare two items or actions. (앞의 것이 비교 대상임을 나타낼 때 사용해요.) = ‘than N’ in English


알래스카 겨울 날씨는 어때요? – 알래스카는 서울보다 추워요.

How is the winter weather in Alaska? - Alaska is much colder than Seoul.


시간이 늦었네요. 택시를 탈까요? – 아니요. 지금은 택시보다 지하철이 빨라요.

It's late. Should we take a taxi? - No. The subway is faster than a taxi right now.


저는 농구보다 축구를 잘해요.

I'm better at soccer than basketball.




Noun + 보다 = than

작년 (last year) -> 작년보다 (than last year)

등산 (hiking) -> 등산보다 (than hiking)

요리 (cooking) -> 요리보다 (than cooking)

노래 (song) -> 노래보다 (than singing)




1. 백화점이 시장보다 옷값이 비싸요.

Department stores have more expensive clothes than markets.


2. 뉴욕이 서울보다 눈이 많이 와요.

New York has more snow than Seoul.


3. 베이징이 성울보다 인구가 많아요.

Beijing has a larger population than Seoul.


4. 식당은 식당보다 손님이 많아요.

This restaurant has more customers than that restaurant.


5. 필리핀은 더워요. 한국보다 더워요.

The Philippines is hot. It's hotter than Korea.


Practices for the A/V-네요 grammar

See the example and complete the sentence <보기> 보고 문장을 완성하세요.

Practices for the N-보다 grammar

See the example and complete the sentence <보기> 보고 문장을 완성하세요.

Review KIIP 1 Lesson 14 V-()ㄹ까요? and V grammars = should we, would you and cant do in Korean

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