Complete TOPIK 2 Vocabulary: 3900 Words for Korean Proficiency

Are you preparing for the TOPIK 2 exam? Mastering vocabulary is essential for passing this test, and our comprehensive TOPIK 2 Vocabulary List will help you get there. This list, curated by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), includes 3900 essential Korean words with definitions and examples to ensure efficient learning.

How to Effectively Use the TOPIK 2 Vocabulary List

  • Study in Batches: Focus on one lesson (100 words) at a time for targeted learning.
  • Engage with Definitions: Review the definitions and examples provided for each word to enhance retention.
  • Practice Contextually: Incorporate new vocabulary into your sentences to apply what you learn practically.
  • Revisit Regularly: Periodically revisit previous lessons to reinforce your understanding and solidify retention.
  • Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of completed lessons as you advance through sets of 100 words.

39 Lessons to TOPIK 2 Vocabulary Mastery

Below is a breakdown of words in each lesson to facilitate your learning journey

  1. Words 1-100: From 가 (professional) to 개발 (development)
  2. Words 101-200: From 개방 (opening) to 고궁 (old palace)
  3. Words 201-300: From 고급 (advance) to 관찰 (observation)
  4. Words 301-400: From 광경 (scene) to 그룹 (group)
  5. Words 401-500: From 그리 (that way) to 깨뜨리다 (break)
  6. Words 501-600: From 깨물다 (bite) to 내밀다 (reach out)
  7. Words 601-700: From 내버리다 (throw away) to 늦잠 (oversleeping)
  8. Words 701-800: From 늦추다 (delay) to 대도시 (big city)
  9. Words 801-900: From 대략 (roughly) to 동남아 (Southeast Asia)
  10. Words 901-1000: From 동료 (colleague) to 땅속 (in the ground)
  11. Words 1001-1100: From 땅콩 (peanut) to 말기 (last period)
  12. Words 1101-1200: From 말끔히 (cleanly) to 목적지 (destination)
  13. Words 1201-1300: From 목표 (goal) to 미장원 (beauty salon)
  14. Words 1301-1400: From 미지근하다 (lukewarm) to 방송사 (broadcasting company)
  15. Words 1401-1500: From 방식 (method) to 보조 (assistant)
  16. Words 1501-1600: From 보존 (preservation) to 불빛 (a light)
  17. Words 1601-1700: From 불어 (French) to 사내 (man)
  18. Words 1701-1800: From 사냥 (hunt) to 상황 (situation)
  19. Words 1801-1900: From 새 (span, time) to 소감 (impression)
  20. Words 1901-2000: From 소개팅 (blind date) to 수수료 (commission)
  21. Words 2001-2100: From 수시로 (dozens) to 시합 (match)
  22. Words 2101-2200: From 시행 (implementation) to 쓰러지다 (fall down)
  23. Words 2201-2300: From 쓰이다 (be written) to 액수 (amount)
  24. Words 2301-2400: From 액자 (photo frame) to 여름휴가 (summer vacation)
  25. Words 2401-2500: From 여보 (honey) to 오랜 (long-time)
  26. Words 2501-2600: From 오로지 (nothing but) to 우편 (post)
  27. Words 2601-2700: From 우편물 (mail) to 의사 (intention)
  28. Words 2701-2800: From 의사 (outfit) to 일 (day)
  29. Words 2801-2900: From 일곱째 (seventh) to 작업 (work)
  30. Words 2901-3000: From 작용 (effect) to 전달 (delivery)
  31. Words 3001-3100: From 전망 (view) to 제약 (restrictions)
  32. Words 3101-3200: From 제외 (exclusion) to 즉 (in other words)
  33. Words 3201-3300: From 즉석 (on the spot) to 쫓아내다 (drive out)
  34. Words 3301-3400: From 쫓아다니다 (follow) to 초반 (early stage)
  35. Words 3401-3500: From 초보 (beginner) to 큰아버지 (elder paternal uncle)
  36. Words 3501-3600: From 큰어머니 (elder paternal uncle’s wife) to 포근하다 (cozy)
  37. Words 3601-3700: From 포기 (giving up) to 할인점 (discount store)
  38. Words 3701-3800: From 함부로 (thoughtlessly) to 확 (suddenly)
  39. Words 3801-3900: From 확대 (expansion) to 힘차다 (powerful)

Why This TOPIK 2 Vocabulary List is Crucial for Your Studies

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Gain access to an extensive collection of 3,900 essential Korean words for a solid foundation in the language.
  • Officially Endorsed: This vocabulary list is officially selected by NIIED, and specifically designed for those preparing for the TOPIK 2 exam.
  • Effective Learning Approach: Each vocabulary word comes with a clear definition and an example sentence, facilitating deeper understanding.
  • Organized Structure: The list is carefully divided into 39 manageable lessons, with each lesson covering 100 words, making your study sessions more efficient.
  • Ideal for Intermediate and Advanced Learners: Perfect for both intermediate and advanced students, as well as anyone looking to excel in the TOPIK 2 test.

Benefits of Mastering TOPIK 2 Vocabulary

  • Enhanced Communication: Build a robust vocabulary that enhances your ability to communicate effectively in Korean.
  • Improved Reading and Writing Skills: As you master these words, your reading comprehension and writing fluency will significantly improve.
  • Increased Confidence: Gain the confidence needed to tackle the TOPIK 2 exam and other Korean language challenges.
  • Strategic Learning: This structured approach allows you to systematically expand your vocabulary, making it easier to learn.
Keywords: TOPIK 2 vocabulary list, 3900 TOPIK words, Korean vocabulary for TOPIK 2, intermediate Korean words, advanced Korean words, TOPIK 2 study guide, TOPIK vocabulary lessons, NIIED TOPIK list, Korean exam preparation 

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