A/V-기만 하다 grammar = just do, only be ~express feeling of dissatisfaction or criticism

Understanding A/V-
기만 하다 Grammar = Just do, Only be (Expressing Feeling of Dissatisfaction or Criticism)

The '기만 하다' grammar is an essential expression that Korean language learners must know. In this blog post, we'll explore the meaning, usage, and various examples to help you master this grammar point.

What is A/V-기만 하다?

'기만 하다' translates to "just only do/be ~" in English. It emphasizes that an action or state is the only thing occurring or existing. This expression is primarily used in conversations and often carries a feeling of dissatisfaction or criticism.

Structure of 'A/V-기만 하다'

This grammar can be used with verbs, adjectives, and nouns:

1. Verb (V) + 기만 하다

-      먹다 -> 먹기만 하다

-      운동하다  -> 운동하기만 하다


2. Adjective (A) + 기만 하다

-      바쁘다 -> 바쁘기만 하다

-      일이 많다 -> 일이 많기만 하다


3. Noun (N) + 만 하다

-      축구 -> 축구만 하다 

-      게임 -> 게임만 하다 


Examples of 'A/V-기만 하다'

1. About weekend activities:

Q: 주말에 뭐 했어? (What did you do over the weekend?)

A: 집에서 영화 보기만 했어. (I just watched movies at home.)

2. Regarding exam preparation:

Q: 시험 준비는 잘 되고 있니? (Are you preparing well for the exam?)

A: 아니요, 걱정만 하기만 해요. (No, I'm just worrying.)

3. About daily life:

Q: 오늘 집에서 뭐 했어? (What did you do at home today?)

A: 아이들 돌보기만 했어. 다른 건 아무것도 못 했어. (I just took care of the kids. Couldn't do anything else.)

4. Concerning busy life:

Q: 너 요즘 바빠 보여. 뭐하고 지내? (You look busy these days. What have you been up to?)

A: 바쁘긴 한데, 일하기만 해. 재미없어. (I am busy, but I'm just working. It's not fun.)

5. About a plan:

Q: 졸업 후 계획은 뭐야? (What are your plans after graduation?)

A: 아직 막연해요. 고민하기만 하고 있어요. (It's still vague. I'm just worrying about it.)

Everyday Conversation Examples Using 'A/V-기만 하다'

6. Restaurant review:

Q: 그 식당은 맛있어? (Is the restaurant good?)

A: 아니, 싸기만 해. 음식 맛은 별로야. (No, it's just cheap. The food doesn't taste good.)

7. About a restaurant:

Q: 그 식당에 사람이 많은 것을 보니까 맛이 있는 것 같아. (Seeing that there are many people at the restaurant, it seems like it's tasty.)

A: 그냥 사람이 많기만 해. 음식은 정말 맛이 없어. (It's just crowded. The food really isn't good.)

8. Exercise habits:

Q: 운동을 좋아해요? (Do you like exercising?)

A: 아니요. 저는 산책만 해요. 운동을 좋아하지 않아요. (No, I only take walks. I don't like exercising.)

9. Food preference:

Q: 한국 음식을 잘 먹어요? (Do you eat Korean food well?)

A: 아니요. 맵지 않은 음식만 먹어요. (No, I only eat food that isn't spicy.)

10. Store evaluation:

Q: 이 가게는 물건이 싸요. (The goods in this store are cheap.)

A: 물건이 싸기만 해요. 친절하지 않아서 잘 가지 않아요. (They're just cheap. The service isn't friendly, so I don't go there often.)

11. Personality assessment:

Q: 그 사람은 어떤 사람이야? (What kind of person is he?)

A: 친절하기만 해. 정말 재미없는 사람이야. (He's just kind. He's really boring.)

12. About language learning:

Q: 한국어 중급은 어때요? 재미있어요? (How is intermediate Korean? Is it fun?

A: 아니요. 문법이 어렵기만 해요. 정말 재미없어요. (No, the grammar is just hard. It's really not fun.)


​The '기만 하다' grammar is a crucial expression frequently used in Korean conversations.​ Mastering this grammar will enable you to engage in more natural and nuanced Korean conversations. Practice using '기만 하다' in various situations to significantly improve your Korean language skills!

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