N에게/한테, 에게서/한터서, 께 grammar = 'to/from' a person or an animal
1) N에게/한테 is used to represent a person or an animal that is the recipient or target of an action = ‘to N’ in English
어머니에게 선물을 줍니다.
I give my mother a gift.
2) N에게서/한테서 is used to indicate the object performing the action = 'from' N in English
김선생님한테서 한국어를 배워요.
I learn Korean from teacher Kim.
- N한테/에게 are only used for a person or an animal while N에 is used for plants, things or places
- N한테 and N한테서 are often used in spoken language while N에게 and N에게서 are often seen in written Korean.
3) N께 is the honorific form of both N한테/에게 and N한테서/에게서, used to indicate persons with higher social status (e.g., grandparents, professors, teachers). In addition, when 께 is used, 주다 (to give) is replaced by 드리다.
할아버지께 선물을 드렸습니다.
I gave my grandfather a gift.
1) N + 한테/에게 = 'to' a person or an animal
1. 친구에게 소포를 보내요.
Send a parcel to my friend.
2. 아기가 엄마에게 와요.
The baby comes to his/her mom.
3. 저는 선생님에게 물어봤어요.
I asked my teacher.
4. 선생님이 학생들에게 한국어를 가르칩니다.
The teacher teaches Korean to the students.
5. 토니 씨가 안나 씨에게 선물을 줘요.
Tony gives a present to Anna.
6. 지금 동생이 강아지한테 밥을 줘요.
My little sister is feeding her puppy now.
7. 왜 꽃을 샀어요?
- 여자 친구한테 선물할 거예요.
Why did you buy flowers?
- I am going to give them to my girlfriend as a present.
8. 누구한테 소포를 부쳐요?
- 고향 동생한테 소포를 부쳐요.
Who do you send the parcel for?
- I send it to my sister back home.
9. 어렸을 때 할아버지는 저에게 좋은 이야기들을 많이 말했습니다.
When I was a child, my grandfather told me many good stories.
*N + 에 = 'to' a thing or a plant or a place
10. 친구가 우리 집에 와요.
My friend comes to my home.
11. 나무에 물을 주세요.
Please water the tree.
12. 베트남에 소포를 보내요.
I send the parcel to Vietnam.
13. 회사에 물어봐요.
Try to ask the company.
2) N에게서/한테서 = 'from' a person
1. 내 생일에 친구에게서 선물을 받았어요.
I got a present from my friend on my birthday.
2. 김 선생님한테서 한국말을 배웠습니다.
I learned Korean from the teacher Kim.
3. 명동은 시끄러워요. 언니 한테서 들었어요.
Myeongdong is noisy. I heard it from my sister.
4. 강남에 귀걸이 가게가 많아요. 친구에게서 들었어요.
There are many earring stores in Gangnam. I heard it from my friend.
5. 누가 편지를 보냈어요?
- 친구한테서 편지가 왔어요.
Who sent the letter?
- I received a letter from a friend.
6. 동생은 누구에게서 피아노를 배워요?
- 동생은 나에게서 피아노를 배워요.
Who does your younger brother learn piano from?
- My younger brother learns to play the piano from me.
7. 어렸을 때 할아버지께 좋은 것을 많이 배웠습니다.
I learned many good things from my grandfather when I was little.