N-보고/더라 grammar = to N ~used in spoken Korean to indicate a person whom a question or request is directed

N-보고/더라 grammar = to N ~used in spoken Korean to indicate a person whom a question, request, suggestion, order is directed. 


- 보고/더라 grammar is only used spoken Korean to indicate a person whom a question, request, suggestion, order is verbally directed. Although -보고 and -더라 can be used interchangeably without meaning change, -더라 sounds more natural when used to relay commands while -보고 is used to relay both simple facts and commands.

- 보고/더라 can be replaced by -한테/에게 when dealing with quoted speech. -에게 is used for written Korean while -한테 is used in spoken Korean.  보고/더라 is only used for human.

친구가 나더라 요즘 어떻게 지내느냐고 물었어요. (used in spoken Korean)
친구가 나보고 요즘 어떻게 지내느냐고 물었어요. (used in spoken Korean)
= 친구가 나한데 요즘 어떻게 지내느냐고 물었어요. (used in spoken Korean)
= 친구가 나에게 요즘 어떻게 지내느냐고 물었어요. (used in written Korean)
My friend asked me how I was doing these days.


Noun + 보고 / 더라 

저 -> 저보고 / 저더라

의사 -> 의사보고 / 의사더라

엄마 -> 엄마보고 / 엄마더라

학생 -> 학생보고 / 학생더라

직원 -> 직원보고 / 학생더라


1. 제가 동생보고/더라 청소하라고 시켰어요.

I told my younger brother to clean.

2. 수지 씨가 저보고 한국 사람 같다고 말했어요.

Suzy said that I looked like a Korean.

3. 아이가 엄마보고 과자를 달라고 했다.

The child asked his mother for snacks. 

4. 선배가 나보고 집에 가라고 했다.

My senior told me to go home.

5. 수지가 민수보고 시간 있냐고 물었다.

Suji asked Minsu if he had time.

6. 선생님께서 수지 씨더라 수업 시간에 조용히 하라고 하셨어요.

The teacher told Suzy to be quiet during class.

7. 형이 나보고 같이 게임하자고 했어요.

My brother asked me to play a game with him.

8. 신입 사원이 김 대리보고 회의가 언제 시작하냐고 물었어요.

A new employee asked Assistant Manager Kim when the meeting would start.

9. 아까 선생님께서 뭐라고 하셨어요?

- 저보고/더라 한국 신문을 많이 읽으라고 하셨어요.

What did the teacher say earlier?

- He told me to read a lot of Korean newspapers.

10. 김 대리님이 뭐라고 하셨어요?

- 지연 씨보고 회의실 좀 예약해 달라고 하셨어요.

What did Assistant Manager Kim say?

- Jiyeon asked me to reserve a conference room.

11. 미카 씨가 뭐라고 말했어요?

- 대한 씨보고 집에 올 때 우유 좀 사 오라고 말했어요.

What did Mika say?

- She told Daehan to buy some milk when he comes home.

12. 지연 씨가 뭐라고 했어요?

- 토니보고 어느 나라 사람이냐고 했어요.

What did Jiyeon say?

-Tony asked what country she was from.

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