-(으)며, -(이)며, and 하며 grammar = while, and ~listing or indicating 2 actions happening simultaneously

)며, -()며, and 하며 grammars = and, while ~listing 2 things or indicating 2 or more actions happening simultaneously



- A/V-() and N-() are used to mention or list two things, actions, or states. It has the same usage as –() grammar = and

- V-() is used to describe two or more actions that are happening simultaneously. V-() has the same meaning as V-()면서 = while 

- 하며 is a specific case of -(으)며, in which 하다 verb is used.

-() is mostly used in writings and formal situations such as giving a presentation and reporting news.




Verb + () = while, and

쓰다 -> 쓰며 (while writing / and)

보다 -> 보며 (while watching / and)

*걷다 -> 걸으며 (while walking / and)

*낫다 -> 나으며 (while getting better / and)

읽다 -> 읽으며 (while reading / and)

만들다 -> 만들며 (while making / and)

하다 -> 하며 (while doing / and)


Adjective + () = and  

싸다 -> 싸며 (cheap and …)

예쁘다 -> 예쁘며 (pretty and …

멀다 -> 멀며 (far and …)

*덥다 -> 더우며 (hot and …)

행복하다 -> 행복하며 (happy and …)


Noun + () = and

가수 -> 가수며 (singer and …)

화사원 -> 회사원이며 (staff and …)

학생 -> 학생이며 (student and …)




*A/V-() = while, and


1. 커피를 마시며 책을 봐요.

I read a book while drinking coffee.


2. 형은 영화를 보며 피자를 먹어요.

My brother eats pizza while watching a movie.


4. 저는 음악을 들으며 설거지를 해요.

I listen to music while washing dishes.


5. 그녀는 노래를 부르며 춤을 춘다.

She dances while singing.


6. 먹으며 책을 읽는 것이 취미에요.

Eating while reading a book is my hobby.


7. 음악을 들으며 운동을 하고 있어요.

I am exercising while listening to music.


8. 남자는 공부도 잘하고 춤도 추며 운동도 잘합니다.

The man studies well, dances well, and is good at sports.

9. 운동하며 건강을 유지하세요.

Maintain your health while exercising.

10. 고마워하며 사랑을 나누세요.

Share love while expressing gratitude.

11. 산책하며 자연을 즐기세요.

Enjoy nature while taking a walk.

12.  선생님은 항상 학생들을 먼저 생각하며 학생들도 그를 존경합니다.

The teacher always puts his students first, and the students also respect him.

*A/V-() and N-() = -() grammar = and 


1. 서울은 사람이 많으며 길이 복잡합니다.

Seoul is crowded with people and the streets are complicated.


2. 김밥은 싸며 맛있어요.

Kimbap is cheap and delicious.


3. 이것은 책상이며 저것은 식탁이에요.

This is a desk and that is a dining table.


4. 아빠는 회사원이며 엄마는 공무원입니다.

My dad is an office worker and my mom is a public servant.


5. 스키장은 추우며 사람이 많아요.

The ski resort is cold and there are a lot of people.


6. 한국 사람은 정이 많으며 친정한 같다.

Korean people seem to be very affectionate and friendly.


7. 영화는 내용이 재미있으며 배우들이 멋있어요.

This movie has an interesting story and the actors are beautiful.


8. 부산은 바다로 유명하며 강원도는 산으로 유명합니다.

Busan is famous for its sea, and Gangwon-do is famous for its mountains.


9. 하노이는 베트남의 수도며 경제의 중심입니다.

Hanoi is the capital and economic center of Vietnam.


10. 어머니는 나에게 친구이고 스승이며 영웅이셨다.

My mother was a friend, teacher, and hero to me.


Specific usage:


1. -/었으며 is used for past tense while -겠으며 is often used for the future tense or supposition.


제가 어제 만난 남자는 멋있었으며 친절했습니다.

The guy I met yesterday was nice and kind.


내일은 날씨가 춥겠으며 바람도 불겠습니다.

The weather will be cold and windy tomorrow.


주말 날씨는 대체로 맑겠으며 내륙 지방에는 안개가 끼는 곳이 많겠습니다.

The weather over the weekend will be mostly clear, but there will be fog in many inland areas.



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  1. This grammar is updated on 22nd Sep 2023. Hope you enjoy studying at koreantopik.

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