A/V-아/어야겠다 grammar = will have to, must, need to ~express (1) a strong will to do something or (2) something needs to be done


A/V-/어야겠다 grammar = will have to, must, need to ~express (1) a strong will to do something or (2) something needs to be done



- (1) /어야겠다 is used to indicate the speaker’s strong will to do an action = will have to, must, need to

내일 오빠 생일이니까 오늘 미리 선물을 사야겠어요.

Because it's my brother's birthday tomorrow, I need to buy a present in advance today.


- (2) /어야겠다 is also used to indicate an action need to be done = need to, must

토니 씨가 기침과 열이 계속 나는 보니 병원에 가야겠어요.

Seeing that Tony continues to cough and fever, he needs to go to the hospital.



 Adjective/Verb + /어야겠다 = will have to, need to, must

작다 -> 작아야겠다 (must be small)

길다 -> 길어야겠다 (must be long)

조용하다 -> 조용해야겠다 (must be quiet)

받다 -> 받아야겠다 (need to receive)

먹다 -> 먹어야겠다 (will have to eat)

*듣다 -> 들어야겠어요 (need to listen)

공부하다 -> 공부해야겠다 (will have to study


1. 다리가 아파서 의자에 앉아야겠어요.

Because my leg hurts, I need to sit on a chair.


2. 이제 저녁을 만들어야겠어요.

I’ll have to make dinner now.

3. 내일부터 운동을 해야겠어요.

I’ll have to exercise from tomorrow


4. 소풍을 가려면 날씨가 따뜻해야겠어요.

The weather must be warm to go on a picnic.


5. 하고 싶은 일을 하려면 몸이 건강해야겠어요.

I need to be healthy to do what I want to do.


6. SNS 지난번 여행 사진을 올려야겠어요.

I’ll have to post pictures of my last trip on social media.


7. 이번 여름에는 휴가를 가야겠어요.

I will definitely go on vacation this summer.


8. 피곤하니까 이번 주말에는 집에서 쉬어야겠어요.

Because I'm tired, I need to rest at home this weekend.


9. 오늘은 잊지 말고 친구가 보낸 편지에 답장해야겠어요.

Today I must not forget to reply to the letter from my friend.


10. 숙제를 미루지 말고 오늘 안에 끝내야겠어요.

I won’t put off the homework and must finish it today.


11. 지갑에 현금이 없어요. 은행에 가서 찾아야겠어요.

There is no cash in my wallet. I need to go to the bank to withdraw some.


12. 과제에 필요한 자료를 자료실에서 다운로드해야겠어요.

I need to download the materials needed for the assignment from the archieves.


13. 오늘은 집에 가자마자 온라인 강의를 들어야겠어요.

As soon as I get home today, I need to take an online lecture.


14. 날씨가 좋으니까 마당에 빨래를 널어야겠어요.

Since the weather is nice, I need to hang out the laundry in the yard.


15. 음식이 너무 짜니까 물을 넣어야겠어요.

Because the food is too salty, I need to add more water.


16. 방이 더러우니까 깨끗하게 청소해야겠어요.

Because the room is dirty, I need to clean it.


17. 내일 일찍 일어나야 하니까 오늘은 빨리 자야겠어요.

Because I have to wake up early tomorrow, I need to go to bed early today.


18. 이번에 졸업을 하니까 진로를 정해야겠어요.

Now that I'm graduating, I need to decide on my career path soon.


19. 봉사 학점을 따려면 복지시설에서 자원봉사자로 일해야겠어요.

I'll have to work as a volunteer at a welfare facility to get volunteer credits.


20. 이번 학기에도 장학금을 받으려면 열심히 공부해야겠어요.

I'll have to study hard to get a scholarship this semester.


21. 머리가 아파서 약을 먹어야겠어요.

- 괜찮아요? 너무 아프면 집에 가서 쉬는 어때요?

I need to take some medicine because I have a headache.

- Are you okay? If it hurts too much, why don't you go home and rest?


22. 책들을 가방에 놓을 있을까요? 가방이 작은 같은데.

- 그렇네요. 가방이 커야겠어요. 제가 가방을 찾아볼게요.

Can you put all these books in the bag? I think the bag is a little small.

- That's right. The bag needs to be bigger. I'll look for a bigger bag.


23. 요즘 수아가 물건들을 전부 입에 넣으려고 해서 걱정이에요.

- 아기에게 위험한 물건들은 모두 높은 곳에 올려넣아야겠어요.

I'm worried because Sua is trying to put everything in her mouth these days.

- Any items that are dangerous to babies must be put up high.


24. 휴대폰이 고장 나서 휴대폰으로 찍은 사진이 삭제됐어요.

- 앞으로는 휴대폰으로 찍은 사진을 미리 노트북에 저장해야겠어요.

My phone is broken, so all the pictures I took with my phone has been deleted.

- From now on, you need to save phone photos to your laptop in advance.


25. 내일은 아침 6시까지 공항에 가야 해요.

- 일찍 일어나야 하니까 오늘밤에는 일찍 자야겠어요.

I have to go to the airport by 6 a.m. tomorrow.

- Because you have to get up early, you need to go to bed early tonight.


26. 주말에 같이 영화 보러 갈래요?

- , 좋아요. 주말에는 사람이 많으니까 표를 미리 예매해야겠어요.

Do you want to go see a movie together on the weekend?

- Yes, I like it. Because there are a lot of people on the weekends, we will need to reserve tickets in advance.

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