A/V-듯이 grammar = just like, as if ~express similarity that the content of both clauses are almost the same


A/V-듯이 grammar = just like, as if ~express similarity that the content of both clauses are almost the same



- (1) A/V-듯이 is used to express similarity that the following statement is almost the same as the preceding statement. In this case, it has the same usage as A/V-는 듯이, A/V- 것처럼, and A/V- 것과 마찬가지로 = just like, as if

- (2) V-듯이 is also used to confirm a fact that both the speaker and listener are already known. In this case, it can be replaced by -다시피 without meaning change. = as you (know, see, feel…)

- (3) A/V-듯이 is also often used idiomatically. (See examples below)

- It can be used in form of ‘’, in which ‘’ is omitted


Present tense:

Verb / Adjective + 듯이  //  Noun + 이듯이

오다 -> 오듯이

보내다 -> 보내듯이

소중하다 -> 소중하듯이

삭제하다 -> 삭제하듯이

떨어지다 -> 떨어지듯이

다르다 -> 다르듯이

예쁘다 -> 예쁘듯이

-> 돈이듯이


Past tense:

Verb / Adjective + /었듯이  // Noun + /이었듯이

보다 -> 봤듯이

먹다 -> 먹었듯이

가득하다 -> 가득했듯이

공부하다 -> 공부했듯이

요리하다 -> 요리했듯이

작다 -> 작았듯이

-> 돈이었듯이



(1) A/V-듯이 = as if, just like  ~ can be replaced by A/V- 것처럼


1. 누가 나의 심장에 구멍을 내듯이 아주 아파요.

It hurts like someone is punching a hole in my heart.


2. 시간이 지나면서 어린 시절의 기억이 삭제되듯이 사라진다.

As time goes by, childhood memories disappear as if deleted.


3. 사람마다 외모가 다르듯이 가치관과 성격도 달라요.

Just as each person has a different appearance, so do their values and personalities.


4. 엄마가 예쁘듯이 딸도 예뻐요.

Just as the mother is beautiful, so is her daughter.


5. 아이는 기분이 좋아서 날아가듯이 뛰어갔어요.

The child was in a good mood and ran as if flying.


6. 엄마가 요리했듯이 나도 그렇게 요리를 잘하고 싶어요.

Just as my mom cooked, I want to be good at cooking too.


7. 네가 일에 화가 났듯이 나도 화가 났어.

Just as you are angry about it, so am I.


8. 그는 먹듯이 거짓말을 하는 사람이다.

He is a person who lies like eating meal.


9. 화살이 날아가듯이 세월이 아주 빨라요.

Time flies like an arrow.


10. 그녀는 속삭이듯이 아주 조용하게 이야기 했어.

She spoke very quietly just like whispering.


(2) V-듯이 = as you (know, see, feel, listen…)  ~ can be replaced by V-다시피


1. 너도 알고 있듯이 외국어 공부에는 꾸준한 노력이 필요한 거야.

As you know, studying a foreign language requires constant effort.


2. 여러분도 아시듯이 한글을 창제한 분은 세종대왕입니다.

As you all know, the person who created Hangeul is King Sejong.


3. 내가 이미 말했듯이 시간에는 길이 많이 막힌다고 했잖아.

As I have said before, the road is very congested at this time.


4. 여러분도 들었듯이 행사에서는 12 이하 아이들만 참여할 있습니다.

As you heard, this event is only open to children under the age of 12.


5. 앞에서도 여러 말씀드렸듯이 이제는 개발보다는 환경 보호에 신경을 써야 때입니다.

As I have stated many times, now is the time to focus on environmental protection rather than development.


(3) Idiomatic usage


1. 돈을 쓰듯이 쓴다.

Spend money like water. (Meaning: spend too much money carelessly)


2. 거짓말을 먹듯이 한다.

Lie like eating meal. (Meaning: tell lies frequently)


3. 녹듯이 사라지다.

Disappear like snow melting. (Meaning: for anxiety or worry to completely disappear)


4. 땀이 오듯이 쏟아진다.

Sweat is pouring like rain. (Meaning: sweating a lot)


5. 가몸에 나듯이 하다.

Like beans sprouting in a drought (Meaning: something rarely occurs)


6. 먹듯이 하다.

Do just like eating meal. (Meaning: do something often)


7. 드나들듯이 하다 (드나들다 = frequent)

Frequent a place as if it was one’s home. (Meaning: to go somewhere often)


Differences between ‘ 듯이’ and ‘듯이’:

듯이’ is used simply to infer the content in the preceding statement, while ‘듯이’ expresses similarity in the content of the preceding and following statements. So ‘듯이’ is used a lot in the comparative and metaphorical statements.


그는 떠나기 싫다는 듯이 울었어요.

He cried as if he didn’t want to leave


그는 물을 쓰듯이 돈을 썼다.

He used money as if it was water

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