V-다시피 하다 grammar = almost, nearly ~express an action close to another but isn’t exactly the same

 V-다시피 하다 grammar = almost, nearly (same) ~express an action that is very close to another action but isn’t exactly the same.



- 다시피 하다 is used to express an action that is very close to another action but isn’t exactly the same = almost, nearly (same)

- 다시피 itself is used to indicate the confirmation of a fact that the listener is already aware of. In this case -다시피 grammar can be replaced by -듯이 grammar without meaning change = as you know, see, hear, feel, guess,…

Read more about: V-다시피 grammar = as you (know, see, hear, feel…)

 - 다시피 하다 and -(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 have the same English meaning, but their usage is different. 다시피 하다 = something happened and is almost similar to another, whereas -(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 = something almost happened but did not.

Read more about: V-(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 grammar = almost, nearly ~indicate something almost happened but did not



Verb + 다시피 하다 = almost, nearly

가다 -> 가다시피 하다 (almost go)

살다 -> 살다시피 하다 (almost live)

만들다 -> 만들다시피 하다 (nearly make)

공부하다 -> 공부하다시피 하다 (almost study)

운동하다 -> 운동하다시피 하다 (almost exercise)

끊기다 -> 끊기다시피 하다 (be almost cut off)

막히다 -> 막히다시피 하다 (got nearly stuck)

바뀌다 -> 바뀌다시피 하다 (be nearly changed)

Read more about Korean passive verbs here:  Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed

Specific usage:

1. When the expression is used in a passive sense, 다시피 하고 있다 is used to indicate a present situation.


갑자기 내린 폭설로 부근 도로는 마바되다시피 하고 있다.

Due to the sudden heavy snowfall, the roads around this area are almost paralyzed.


얼마 전에 산불로 인해 요즘 지역에는 관광객들의 발걸음이 끊기다시피 하고 있다.

Due to the recent forest fire, tourists have almost stopped walking in the area these days.






1. 그는 연구실에서 살다시피 했어요.

He almost lived in the lab.


2. 그는 라면을 주식으로 하다시피 해요.

He almost eats ramen as a staple food.


3. 다이어트 때문에 매일 굶다시피 하는 사람들이 많아요.

There are many people who starve almost every day because of their diet.


4. 숙제가 너무 많아서 밤을 새우다시피 했어요.

Because of many homework, I almost stayed up all night.


5. 시험 공부하느라 밤을 새우다시피 했어요.

Because of studying for the exam, I almost stayed up all night.


6. 길이 막혀서 차가 기어가다시피 하고 있어요. (기어가다 = crawl)

Since the road is blocked, the car is almost crawling.


7. 요즘 시험이 있어서 도서관에서 살다시피 했어요.

I almost lived in the library because I had the exam these days.


8. 사업 실패로 인해 그의 집은 거의 망하다시피 했어요.

His house was almost ruined by the failure of his business.


9. 요즘은 일이 너무 많아서 점심도 먹다시피 했어요.

I've been so busy these days that I almost couldn’t eat lunch.


10. 어제는 잘못 먹었는지 배탈이 나서 하루 종일 굶다시피 했어요. (배탈 = stomachache)

Yesterday, I had a stomachache because of something I ate, so I nearly starved all day.


11. 정부는 방치되다시피 유적지들을 복원하려는 계획을 발표했다. (방치되다 = be neglected, 유적지 = historical site, 복원하다 = restore)

The government has announced a plan to restore historical sites that have been nearly neglected.


12. 친구 집에서 숙식을 해결한 덕분에 일본 여행을 공짜로 하다시피 했어요. (숙식 = accommodation, 공짜 = free)

Thanks to the accommodation at my friend's house, I was able to travel to Japan for almost free.

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