V-(으)ㄹ라치면 grammar = whenever ~express whenever you intend to do something, something else happens


V-()ㄹ라치면 grammar = whenever ~express whenever you intend to do something, something else happens



- V-()ㄹ라치면 is used to indicate whenever you intend to do something, something else happens. It is usually used in spoken speech = whenever I (try to, plan to, intend to)…. something else happens

- V-()ㄹ라치면 can be replaced by V-()려고 하면 grammar without meaning change. However, V-()ㄹ라치면 is slightly more colloquial than V-()려고 하면



Verb + ()ㄹ라치면 = whenever I (try to, plan to, intend to)…. something else happens

보다 -> 볼라치면

자다 -> 잘라치면

받다 -> 받을라치면

먹다 -> 먹을라치면

나가다 -> 나갈라치면

공부하다 -> 공부할라치면




1. 내가 공부를 시작할라치면 친구들이 놀자고 해요.

Whenever I start studying, my friends ask me to play.


2. 먹을라치면 계속 전화가 오니 제대로 먹을 수가 없다.

Whenever I am about to eat, I keep getting calls so I can't eat properly.


3. 내가 잠을 들라치면 옆집 아이가 울러서 제대로 수가 없다.

Whenever I fall asleep, the child next door cries again and I can't sleep properly.


4. 리모컨을 평소에는 보이다가 텔레비전을 볼라치면 본이다.

I usually see the remote control well, but whenever I watch the television, I don’t see it.


5. 내가 시간 내서 세차 할라치면 비가 와요.

Whenever I take time to wash my car, it rains.


6. 그를 만날라치면 매번 무슨 일이 생겨요.

Whenever I intend to meet him, something happens. (So I can’t meet him)


7. 지하철 대신 버스를 탈라치면 내가 버스만 와요.

Whenever I take the bus instead of the subway, the only bus I take won't come.


8. 돈을 모을라치면 무슨 일이 생겨서 든을 쓰게 되더라고요.

Whenever I try to save money, something happens, and I end up spending all my money.


9. 다이어트를 할라치면 자꾸 친구들과 약속이 생기더라고요.

Whenever I plan to be on a diet, I keep getting appointments with my friends.


10. 친구에게 전화를 할라치면 계속 통화 중이에요.

Whenever I call my friend, the line is busy.


11. 영화를 볼라치면 표가 금방 매진이 되네요.

Whenever I try to watch a movie, the tickets are sold out quickly. (So I can’t watch the movie)

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