V-기가 무섭게 grammar = right after, as soon as ~express that something occurs immediately right after the end of an action or event

V-기가 무섭게 grammar = right after, as soon as ~emphasize that something occurs immediately right after the end of an action or event



- V-기가 무섭게 is used to emphasize that something occurs immediately right after the end of an action or event = as soon as, right after

- V-기가 무섭게 can be replaced by V-자마자 without meaning change. However, V-기가 무섭게 expresses an even faster transition between two actions than V-자마자.




Verb + 기가 무섭게 = right after, as soon as

오다 -> 오기가 무섭게

받다 -> 받기가 무섭게

되다 -> 되기가 무섭게

끝나다 -> 끝나기가 무섭게

나가다 -> 나가기가 무섭게

주문하다 -> 주문하기가 무섭게



1. 음식을 주문하자마자 / 주문하기가 무섭게 나왔어요.

The food came out right after I ordered the food.


2. 피자가 나오자마자 / 나오기가 무섭게 먹었어요.

As soon as the pizza came out, I ate it all.


3. 수업이 끝나자마자 / 끝나기가 무섭게 학생들이 나갔어요.

All the students left as soon as the class was over.


4. 통장에 월급이 들어오기가 무섭게 카드값이 빠져나갔어요.

As soon as the salary came into my bank account, my card bill went out.


5. 수지 씨가 시험이 끝나기가 무섭게 여행을 떠났어요.

Suzy went on a trip as soon as the exam was over.


6. 상품이 나오기가 무섭게 품절이에요.

It's sold out as soon as the product comes out.


7. 동생은 용돈 받기가 무섭게 쇼핑하러 갔어요.

My young sister went shopping as soon as she got her allowance.


8. 가게 문을 열기가 무섭게 손님들이 모여들었어요.

Guests gathered at the shop as soon as it opened.


9. 방학이 되기가 무섭게 고향으로 돌아갔어요.

As soon as the vacation began, I went back my hometown.


10. 그들이 협동을 요청하기가 무섭게 우리는 동의했어요.

We agreed right after they asked for cooperation.


11. 횡단보도 신호등이 녹색으로 바뀌기가 무섭게 보행자들이 길을 건넜어요.

Pedestrians crossed the street as soon as the crosswalk light turned green.


12. 아이한테 밥을 주기가 무섭게 먹어버렸어요.

- 그래요? 배가 많이 고팠나 봐요.

The baby ate all the food right after I fed him

- Really? He must have been hungry.


13. 동생이 침대에 눕기가 무섭게 잠들었어요.

- 그래요? 많이 피곤했나 봐요.

My brother felt asleep as soon as he laid on the bed.

- Really, he must have been very tired.


14. 토니 씨가 집에서 전화를 받기가 무섭게 집에 갔어요.

- 그래요? 집에 급한 일이 생겼나 봐요.

Tony went home as soon as he got a call from home.

- Really? There must be something urgent happened at his home.

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