A/V-더라도 grammar = even if ~express the result would remain unchanged regardless of the preceding supposition


A/V-더라도 grammar = even if ~express that the result would remain unchanged regardless of the preceding supposition


- A/V-더라도 grammar expresses that the result would remain unchanged regardless of the preceding supposition (the supposition in the preceding clause has no effect or influence to the result in the following clause). = even if

- A/V-더라도 expresses a relatively strong supposition with low possibility of becoming reality.

- A/V-더라도 often goes with 아무리 to have the meaning of: 아무리 A/V-더라도 = no matter of A/V, the result is unchanged.




Verb + 더라도 (present) | /었더라도 (past)

가다 -> 가더라도

먹다 -> 먹더라도

받다 -> 받더라도

결혼하다 -> 결혼하더라도


Adjective + 더라도 (present) | /었더라도 (past)

많다 -> 많더라도

바쁘다 -> 바쁘더라도

무겁다 -> 무겁더라도

불편하더 -> 불편하더러도


Noun + ()더라도 (present) | 이었더라도/였더라도 (past)

친구 -> 친구()더라도

선생님 -> 선생님이더라도





1. 바쁘더라도 오세요.

Even if you are busy, please come

2. 시험에 떨어지더라도 실망하지 마세요.

Even if you fail the exam, don’t be disappointed.


3. 스트레스를 받더라도 참아야 돼요.

Even if you are stressed, you must endure it.


4. 가격이 비싸더라도 믿을 있는 회사의 물건을 사세요.

Even if the price is high, buy products from a reliable company.


5. 내일 시험이 있어서 피곤하더라도 없어요.

I have a test tomorrow, so I can't sleep even if I'm tired.


6. 휴가가 짧아서 고향에 가더라도 고향 친구들을 만날 없어요.

My vacation is short, so even if I go back to my hometown, I can't meet my hometown friends.


7. 약을 먹으려면 먹기 싫더라도 밥을 먹어야 해요.

To take the medicine, you have to eat some rice even if you don't want to eat it.


8. 무슨 일이 있더라도 오늘까지는 일을 끝내야 해요.

Even if anything occurs, I must finish the work within today.


9. 어머님이 화를 내더라도 참으세요.

Even if your mother gets angry, please endure.


10. 영화가 재미있더라도 보고 싶지 않아요.

Even if it's interesting, I won't watch the movie.


11. 기차표 팔렸대요. 어떡하지요?

- 약속에 늦으면 되니까 불편하더라도 입석으로 가야겠네요.

The train tickets are sold out. What should we do?

- We shouldn't be late for the appointment, so we'll go to the standing room even if it's inconvenient


12. 오늘이 월급날이네요!

- , 월급을 받더라도 카드 값을 내면 남는 돈이 없어요.

Today is payday!

- Phew, even if I get paid, I don't have any money left if I pay for my card.


13. 결혼 후에도 일을 계속할 거예요?

- 그럼요. 결혼하더라도 일을 해야지요.

Will you continue to work after marriage?

- Of course. Even if I am married, I have to work.


14. 아무리 힘들더라도 끝까지 포기하지 말아요.

No matter how hard it is, never give up until the end.


Differences between A/V-더라도 grammar and A/V-/어도 grammar

A/V-더라도 can be replaced by A/V-/어도 with a little meaning change as follows:

1. A/V-더라도 expresses a relatively strong supposition with a low possibility of becoming reality.


비가 오더라도 경기는 예정대로 합니다.

Even if it rains, the game will continue as scheduled.

(The possibility of raining is relatively low)


2. A/V-아/어도 expresses a relatively weak supposition with a high possibility of becoming reality.

비가 와도 경기는 예정대로 합니다.

Even if it rains, the game will continue as scheduled.

(The possibility of raining is relatively high)

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