A/V-(으)ㄹ지라도 grammar = even if ~express the result won’t change even if the speaker acknowledges the supposition.


A/V-/ㄹ지라도 grammar = even if... I will/must ~express the result won’t change even if the speaker acknowledges the supposition.



- A/V-/ㄹ지라도 grammar is used to express that even if the speaker acknowledges the supposition in the 1st clause, the result won’t change or an opposite result will occur. = even if... I will/must

- A/V-/ㄹ지라도 is used to emphasize a particular thought or intention, such as a strong will, determination, or duty, in the 2nd clause.

- A/V-/ㄹ지라도 often goes with 비록 or 아무리 to have the meaning of: 아무리/비록 A/V-/ㄹ지라도 = no matter of A/V, the result won’t change.

- A/V-/ㄹ지라도 can be replaced by A/V-더라도 and A/V-/어도 with a little change in meaning. For detailed differences between the grammars, read the end of the lesson.




Adjective/Verb + -/ㄹ지라도 (present) | /었을지라도 (past)

많다 -> 많을지라도

바쁘다 -> 바쁠지라도

*어렵다 -> 어려울지라도

불편하더 -> 불편할지라도

가다 -> 갈지라도

먹다 -> 먹을지라도

받다 -> 받을지라도

공부하다 -> 공부할지라도


Noun + ()ㄹ지라도 (present) | 이었을지라도/였을지라도 (past)

친구 -> 친구일지라도

학생 -> 학생일지라도

선생님 -> 선생님일지라도





1. 경기에 질지라도 정당하게 싸워야 한다.

Even if I lose the game, I must fight fairly.


2. 아무리 상황이 어려울지라도 나는 최선을 하겠다.

No matter how difficult the situation, I will do my best.


3. 어떤 어려움이 있을지라도 꿈을 포기하지 않고 끝까지 노력하겠다.

No matter what difficulties there may be, I will never give up on my dream and will try my best to the end.


4. 목슴을 잃을지라도 항복을 수는 없다.

Even if I lose my life, I won’t surrender.


5. 비록 사람들이 반대할지라도 나는 끝까지 일을 하려고 한다.

Even if people oppose, I will do this to the end.


6. 유학 생활이 아무리 힘들지라도 나는 공부하겠다.

No matter how difficult my study abroad life, I will study well.


7. 비록 돈이 없을지라도 도둑질을 해서는 된다.

Even if you don't have money, you can’t steal.


8. 생활이 어려울지라도 축구 선수를 하겠다는 꿈을 포기하지 않았다.

Even though my life is difficult, I never gave up on my dream of being a football player,


9. 피곤할지라도 일을 해야 하겠다.

Even if I am tired, I have to finish my task.


10. 아무리 바쁠지라도 약속을 지켜야지요.

No matter how busy you are, you must keep your promise.


11. 아무리 친한 사이일지라도 그런 부탁은 해서는 돼요.

No matter how close you are, you shouldn't ask for such a request.


Comparison between A/V-/어도 grammar, A/V-더라도 grammar and A/V-/ㄹ지라도 grammar


All these grammars are used for hypothetical situations.


주말에 날씨가 좋아도 산에 올라가겠어요.

주말에 날씨가 좋더라도 산에 올라가겠어요.

주말에 날씨가 좋을지라도 산에 올라가겠어요.

Even if the weather is bad on the weekend, I will go up the mountain.


However, there are some differences in usage between these grammars as follows:


1. A/V-/어도 expresses a relatively weak supposition with a high possibility of becoming reality. It can also be used for situations that have already occurred or relate to current fact or situation.


비가 와도 바다에 나갈 것이다.

Even if it rains, I will go out to sea.

(The possibility of raining is relatively high)


어제 건강이 좋았어도 강의에 참석했어요.

I attended the lecture yesterday even though my health was not good.


학생이라도 할인을 받지 못해요.

Even if you are a student, you won’t receive any discount.


2. A/V-더라도 expresses a relatively strong supposition with a low possibility of becoming reality. It can also be used to express one’s will, obligation, or duty.


내일 비가 오더라도 바다에 나갈 것이다.

Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go out to sea.

(The possibility of raining is relatively low)


상황이 어렵더라도 최선을 다하겠다.

Even if the situation is difficult, I will do my best.


3. A/V-/ㄹ지라도 is used to emphasize a particular thought or intention such as a strong will, determination, or duty.


주말에 태풍이 올지라도 나는 반드시 바다에 나갈 것이다.

Even if there is a typhoon on the weekend, I will definitely go out to sea.

(The speaker emphasizes his determination to go out to sea)


상황이 어려울지라도 최선을 다하겠다.

Even if the situation is difficult, I will do my best.

(The speaker emphasizes his will to do his best)

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