A/V-길래 grammar = because, since ~express the reason or
cause for the speaker’s action in the following clause
(1) A/V-길래 grammar is used to express the reason or cause for the speaker’s action in the following clause. The reason or cause arises from someone or an external situation that has no relation to the speaker’s will or intention. = because, since
니가 많이 먹길래 맛있는 줄 알았어.
(2) A/V-길래 is commonly used in speaking. It can be replaced by A/V-기 때문에 and A/V-기에 (mostly used in writing & formal speech) without much change in meaning. However, A/V-길래 has more grammatical restrictions than the others, so be cautious when using it.
(3) In
question form, A/V-길래…? = what/who make you do
something or be in a state…?
어디에 가길래 그렇게 짐을 많이 싸요?
(4) In
question form, 얼마나 A/V-길래…? = How much A/V do you …?
돈이 얼마나 많길래 저런 차를 탈까요?
Present: A/V-길래 | N-(이)길래
--> 싸길래 (because it’s cheap)
--> 많길래 (because there are many)
--> 오길래 (because he comes)
-> 있길래 (because there is…)
-> 일하길래 (because he works)
세일기간 -> 세일기간이길래 (because it is on sale)
Past: A/V-았길래/었길래 | N-이었길래/-였길래
-> 남았길래 (because it remained)
-> 있었길래 (because there was…)
-> 일했길래 (because he worked)
Supposition (Not future): A/V-겠길래 | N-이겠길래
-> 덥겠길래 (it seems hot)
-> 맛있겠길래 (it looks delicious)
Specific usage:
1. The shortened quotation form A/V-(느)ㄴ다길래 is used when the reason or cause for
the speaker’s action is heard from someone else.
밤에 왜 라면을 끓여요?
- 동생이 배가 고프다길래 (=고프다고 하 길래) 끊이고 있어요.
do you cook ramen at night?
- My
brother said he was hungry, so I do.
왜 주말 등산을 취소했어요?
- 주말에 태풍이 온다길래 (=온다고 하길래) 취소했어요.
Why did you cancel the weekend hike?
- I canceled it because there was a typhoon coming
over the weekend
친구가 한국어 공부가 어렵다길래 (=어렵다고 하길래) 요즘 도와주고 있어요.
My friend said studying Korean is difficult, so I'm
helping her these days.
2. The subjects of both clauses are usually
not the same. It sounds natural when the 1st clause subject is
someone or something, while the 2nd clause subject is the
speaker. However, when the reason or cause in the 1st clause is
unexpected or unintended, the subjects of both clauses can be the same.
그 식당에 사람이 많길래 (내가) 다른 식당에 갔어요.
There were a lot of people in that restaurant, so
(I) went to another restaurant.
아이가 계속 자고 있길래 (내가) 깨웠어요.
The child continued sleeping, so I woke he up.
(내가) 현금이 없길래 은행에 가서 돈을 좀 찾아왔어요.
I didn't have any cash, so I went to the bank to get
some money.
3. In declarative sentences, only verbs
can be used to describe the speaker’s action in the 2nd clause.
세일기간이길래 사람이 많아요. (X)
-> 세일기간이길래 (내가) 샀어요. (O)
I bought it because it was on sale.
요즘 일을 많이 하길래 피곤해요. (X)
-> 요즘 일을 많이 해서/하니까 피곤해요. (O)
I'm tired because I've been working a lot these days.
4. In the interrogative sentences,
both verbs and adjectives can be used, but the subjects in both clauses must be
either in the second or third person, not in the first person.
요즘 뭐 하시길래 그렇게 바쁘세요?
What are you doing these days that you're
so busy?
지수 씨가 어떻길래 모두들 그 사람을 좋아하는 거예요?
How is Jisu that everyone likes him?
무슨 일이 있었길래 기분이 이렇게 안 좋아요?
What happened to make you feel so bad?
오늘 누구를 만나길래 이렇게 예쁘게 입었어요?
Whom did you meet today to dress up so pretty
like this?
5. In declarative sentences, the sentence
ending must be in the past or present progressive tense but never in the future
tense. However, expressions that express the speaker’s will or intention can be
used, such as -(으)려고 하다.
만남 시간까지 50분 정도 남았길래 산책을 좀 볼 거예요. (x)
만남 시간까지 50분 정도 남았길래 산책을 좀 봤어요. (O)
만남 시간까지 50분 정도 남았길래 산책을 좀 보고 있어요. (O)
만남 시간까지 50분 정도 남았길래 산책을 좀 보려고 해요. (O)
There were about 50 minutes left until the meeting
time, so I went for a walk. (O)
There were about 50 minutes left until the meeting
time, so I'm going for a walk. (O)
There were about 50 minutes left until the meeting
time, so I'm going to go for a walk. (O)
6. The imperative and propositive
endings can’t be used with -길래.
요즘 이 영화가 인기한 것 같길래 영화관에 보러 갈까요? (x)
요즘 이 영화가 인기한 것 같길래 영화관에 보러 갑시다. (x)
요즘 이 영화가 인기한 것 같길래 영화관에 보러 갔어요. (O)
1. 왜 사과를 이렇게 많이 사 왔어요?
- 사과를 아주 싸게 팔길래 많이 샀어요.
did you buy so many apples?
- I
bought a lot of apples because they were sold so cheaply.
2. 왜 친구에게 화를 냈어?
- 친구가 너무 늦게 왔길래 화를 냈어.
are you mad at your friend?
- I
got mad because my friend came too late.
3. 어제 왜 일찍 퇴근했어요?
- 어제 오후에 너무 피곤하길래 조금 일찍 퇴근했어요.
did you leave work early yesterday?
- I
left work a little early yesterday afternoon because I was so tired.
4. 왜 지수에게 돈을 빌려 줬어요?
- 지수가 돈이 하나도 없다고 하길래 빌려 줬어요.
did you lend money to Jisu?
Jisu said he didn't have any money, so I lend it to him.
5. 날씨가 덥길래 에어컨을 틀었어요.
turned on the air conditioner because it was hot.
6. 학교 앞에서 파는 치킨이 맛있겠길래 한 마리 사 왔어요.
chicken sold in front of the school looked delicious, so I bought one.
7. 그 사람이 주소를 묻길래 가르쳐 주었어요.
person asked for the address, so I gave it to him.
8. 다리가 아프길래 쉬었다가 올라갔어요.
leg was hurt, so I took a rest and went up.
9. 아무도 안 하길래 네가 했어요.
did it because no one was doing it.
10. 뭐했길래 이렇게 행복해졌어요?
made you so happy?
11. 그 노래 얼마나 많이 들었길래 가사를 다 외우는 걸까요?
many times do you listen to that song to memorize all the lyrics?
12. 남자친구가 얼마나 사랑하길래 휴대폰 비밀번호를 알려주나요?
much does your boyfriend love you to give you his phone password?