V-는 통에 grammar = due to, because ~express the cause of a complex and distressing situation

V- 통에 grammar = due to, because ~express the cause of a complex and distressing situation behind a negative result



- 통에 is used to express the cause or reason of a complex and distressing situation behind a negative situation = due to, because

- 통에 has similar usage as - and - 바람에 which express the cause of negative results. However, there is a slight difference between them as explained in the last past of this post.

- It is noted that V- 통에 (= due to) is different to N-/ 통해 (= through, by way of)




V- 통에 = due to

타다 -> 타는 통에 (due to taking …)

싸우다 -> 싸우는 통에 (due to fighting …)

서두르다 -> 서두르는 통에 (due to hurrying up …)

공사하다 -> 공사하는 통에 (due to construction …)


Specific usage:

1. Imperative and propositive endings cannot be used with V- 통에.


키즈가 자꾸 움직이는 통에 사진을 찍지 마세요./ 찍지 맙시다. (X)

키즈가 자꾸 움직이는 통에 사진을 찍을 수가 없어요. ()

I can't take a picture due to the kid moving all the time.


2. It is not proper to use V- 통에 to describe positive results.


매일 운동하는 통에 건강해졌어요. (X)

매일 운동해서 건강해졌어요. ()

I worked out every day and got healthier.


3. V- 통에 can be used directly after a few nouns, such as 전쟁, 난리, and 장마 (= war, fuss, rainy season)


전쟁 통에 가족을 잃어버렸어요.

I lost my family due to the war.


장마 통에 집이 물에 잠겼어요.

The house was flooded due to the rainy season.


4. V- 통에 is also used to describe general situations behind negative results, aside of the distressing situations behind negative results.


환율이 오르는 통에 여행을 취소했어요.

I canceled the trip because the exchange rate went up.


버스를 잘못 타는 통에 반대 방향으로 한참을 갔어요.

Due to taking the wrong bus, I went in the opposite direction for a while.




1. 옆집에서 공사를 하는 통에 공부를 하나도 했어요.

Due to the construction being done in the house next door, I couldn’t study at all.


2. 아이들이 날마다 싸우는 통에 정신이 없어요.

I’m very stressed due to the children fighting every day.


3. 어젯밤에는 옆집에서 떠드는 통에 잠을 잤어요(떠드다 = make noise)

Last night, I couldn’t sleep at all due to the noise next door.


4. 아이들이 시끄럽게 떠드는 통에 집중이 됐어요

Due to the children making noise loudly, I couldn't concentrate at all.


5. 친구가 서두르는 통에 열쇠를 집에다가 두고 왔어요.

My friend left the key at home in a hurry.


6. 영화가 재미없는 통에 지루해서 하품이 나왔어. (하품 = yawn)

I got bored and yawned because the movie was boring.


7. 아프다고 야단하는 통에 응급실에 전화할 생각도 못했어요.

Because I was scolding him for being sick, I didn't even think of calling the emergency.


8. 전화가 많이 오는 통에 일에 집중 했어요.

Because I get a lot of calls, I can't concentrate on my work.


9. 아이가 우는 통에 전화 소리를 들렀어요.

I couldn't hear the phone because the child was crying.


10. 개가 계속 짖어 대는 통에 아이가 무서워서 울었어요.

Because that dog kept barking, the child got scared and cried.

11. 룸메이트가 계속 떠드는 통에 잠을 잘 수가 없었다.

Because my roommate kept making noise, I couldn't sleep.

12. 갑자기 비가 오는 통에 옷이 모두 젖었네요.

Because it rained suddenly, my clothes were all wetted. 

Differences between - 통에, - 탓에, and - 바람에 grammar


1.- 통에 grammar: the cause is usually a complex and distressing situation

갑자기 손님이 오는 통에 얼마나 당황했는지 몰라요.

Because a guest suddenly arrived, you don’t know how embarrassed I was.


2. - 탓에 grammar: the cause is the reason why a negative result occurred


낮에 커피를 많이 마신 탓에 잠이 온다.

I can't sleep because I drank a lot of coffee during the day.


3. - 바람에 grammar: the cause is external and unanticipated, and even led to an unexpectedly good result.


지하철에서 소매치기를 당하는 바람에 돈이 하나도 없다.

Because I was pickpocketed on the subway, I have no money left at all.


유튜브에서 올린 동영상이 인기를 끄는 바람에 인터뷰 요청이 많이 들어왔다.

As a video uploaded on YouTube is gaining popularity, I had received a lot of interview requests.

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