-(으)로써 grammar = by (the means of), with (something) ~express a means or method by which an action has occurred

)로써 grammar = by (the means of), with (something) ~express a means or method by which an action has occurred



- ()로써 grammar indicates a means or method by which an action or situation has occurred. = by (the means of), with (something)

- In case of nouns, N-()로써 is used, and it can be shortened to N-()

- In case of verbs, V-()ㅁ으로써 is used

- ()로써 grammar is often used in writing.



N-()로써 = by (the means of)…, with (something)

연기 -> 연기로써 (by performance)

대화 -> 대화로써 (by conversation)

능력 -> 능력으로써 (by capability)

노래 실력 -> 노래 실력으로써 (by singing skill)


V-/음으로써 = by doing, because …

읽다 -> 읽음으로써 (by reading…)

있다 -> 있음으로써 (by having…)

지키다 -> 지킴으로써 (by protecting…)

싸우다 -> 싸움으로써 (by fighting…)

연습하다 -> 연습함으로써 (by practicing…)


Other usage:

1. -()로써 grammar is also used to indicate that everything that has been said or done in the preceding statement is included = include


시험에 떨어진 것도 이번으로써 번째다.

Including this time, this is the third time that I’ve failed the test.


내가 연구를 시작한 것도 금년으로써 년이 되었다.

If we include this year, it’s been 7 years since I’ve started this study.




1. 네가 함께 있음으로써 힘든 상황을 극복할 있었다.

By being with you, I was able to overcome difficult situations.


2. 많이 봄으로써 쓰기 실력이 크게 향상되었다.

By writing a lot, my writing skill has improved greatly.


3. 대화함으로써 갈등을 해결할 있다.

Conflict can be resolved by conversation.


4. 논문을 많이 읽음으로써 새로운 아이디어를 얻었다.

I got a new idea by reading a lot of papers.


5. 명배우는 가슴을 울리는 연기로써 관객을 사로잡았다

(명배우 = famous actor, 가슴을 울리다 = heart-breaking, 사로잡다 = captivate, fascinate)

The famous actor captivated the audience with his heartbreaking performance.


6. 그녀는 뛰어난 노래 실력으로써 세계를 놀라게 했다

She surprised the world with her outstanding singing skill


7. 생선을 식칼로써 토막을 내다. (식칼 = kitchen knife)

Cut the fish into pieces with a knife.


8. 그는 책을 많이 읽음으로써 똑똑해졌다

He became smarter by reading a lot of books.


9. 자연을 지킴으로써 우리 자신도 지킬 있다

By protecting nature, we can protect ourselves.


10. 꾸준히 운동을 함으로써 건강체를 유지했다. (건강체 = a healthy body)

I kept my body healthy by exercising regularly.


11. 비료를 사용함으로써 농업 생산력이 크게 늘었다

(비료 = fertilizer, 생산력 = productivity)

By using fertilizer,  the agricultural productivity has increased greatly.


Differences between -()로써 grammar, -()로서 grammar, and –()므로 grammar


1 -()로써 grammar is used to signify a way, a tool or a method by which an action has occurred. It is similar to -() which is used to signify the material or ingredient an object is made of.


버리려던 폐품으로써 멋진 책장을 만들어 냈다.

I made a nice bookshelf with junk parts.


싸우지 말고 대화함으로써 문제를 풀어 가도록 합시다.

Let's solve the problem by talking instead of fighting.


2. -()로서 grammar is used to indicate a status, position, or qualification.


나는 선생님으로서 항상 아이들의 모범이 되기 위해 노력한다.

As a teacher, I always try to be an example for children.


자식으로서 낳아 주시고 길러 주신 부모의 은혜에 보답해야 하는 것은 당연한 도리이다.

As children, it is natural that we should repay the kindness of our parents who gave birth to us and raised us.


3. –()므로 grammar is used to the cause or reason for the following clause.


법을 위반하였으므로 처벌을 받는 것이 당연하다.

It is natural to be punished for violating the law.


그는 자주 담배를 피움로 폐암에 걸렸다.

He got lung cancer because of frequent smoking.

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