This is the second part in the Korean Conversation for Beginners (초보자를 위한 한국어 말하기) course based on a free Youtube video series developed by edm한국어 for Korean-language learners at beginner level.
We (Korean Topik) are not the videos' owner. Here, we summarize the lessons and its script from free Youtube videos in a more organized way and introduce them to more audience. We do not repost or rehost the videos. Therefore, we are not responsible for the video contents and other-related issues.
Unit 6: How was the flight? | 6강. 비행은 어땠어?
6강. 비행은 어땠어?
친구가 장시간 비행을 하고 돌아왔나 봐요. = Her friend must have returned from a long flight.
어떤 대화를 하는지 함께 살펴볼까요? = Let's see what kind of conversation they have together.
W : 비행은 어땠어? = How was the flight?
M : 12시간 비행이었어. 매우 지루했어. 잠을 자려고 노력해봤는데 너무 불편해서 비행기에서 잠이 안 오더라. = It was a 12 hour flight. Very boring. I tried to sleep, but it was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep on the plane.
W : 국제선에서 틀어주는 영화는 어땠어? = How was the movie played on international flights?
M : 한국 영화 몇 개 봤는데 사실 꽤 재미있었어. = I watched a few Korean movies, and I actually enjoyed them quite a bit.
W : 책도 가지고 탔어? = Did you read book too?
M: 실수로 체크인 한 수하물에 책을 쌌더라고, 그래서 나는 무료 신문을 읽었어. = I accidentally packed a book in my checked-in baggage, so I read the free newspaper.
▶ Today's expression grammars
1) 난 ~하려고 노력했어 = I tried to ~
난 열심히 공부하려고 노력했다 = I tried to study hard.
난 그들과 이야기하려고 노력했어 = I tried to talk with them.
2) ~하기에 너무 ~했어. = It was too ~ to do ~
밖에 나가기에 너무 추웠어 = It was too cold to go outside.
음악을 듣기에 너무 조용했어 = It was too quiet to listen to music.
3) 나 막 ~하려던 참이었어. = I was about to ~
나 막 너에게 전화하려던 참이었어. = I was about to call you.
나 막 학교에 가려던 참이었어. = I was about to go to school.
Unit 7: What were you doing last night? | 7강. 어젯밤에 뭐 했어?
M : 내가 어젯밤에 전화했을 때 너 뭐 하고 있었어? = What were you doing last night when I called you?
W : 아 전화 못 받아서 미안해. 나 어젯밤에 친구랑 있었어. 네가 전화했을 때 우리는 우리 바에서 술 마시고 있었어. = Oh, sorry for not answering. I was with some friends last night. We were drinking at a bar when you phoned me.
M : 아 그렇구나. 술 많이 마셨어? = Ah, okay. Did you drink a lot?
W : 음... 어제 완전 술에 취해서 집에 어떻게 갔는지 기억이 안 나. 넌 어제 뭐했어? = Well, I got so drunk that I don't even remember how I get home. What did you do last night?
M: 난 역사 수업 과제 하느라 바빴지. = I was just busy doing history project assignment.
W: 맙소사, 그거 오늘까지, 맞지? = Oh my God, it's due today, isn't it?
M: 응, 맞아. 난 어제 네가 과제하고 있는지 궁금했어. 그래서 전화한 거야. = That's right. I was wondering if you were working on it. That's why I called you.
▶ Today's expression grammars
1) 나 ~하느라 바빴어. = I was busy ~
나 공부하느라 바빴어. = I was busy studying
나 집을 청소하느라 바빴어. = I was busy cleaning up the house.
2) 그건 좀 ~했어. = It was kind of ~
그건 좀 재미있었어 = It was kind of fun
그건 좀 복잡했어 = It was kind of complicated
3) 네가 ~하고 있었는지 궁금했어. = I was wondering if you are ~
네가 공부하고 있었는지 궁금했어. = I was wondering if you are studying.
네가 여행하고 있었는지 궁금했어. = I was wondering if you are travelling.
Unit 8: Let's go on a picnic! | 8강. 소품 가요.
날씨가 좋은 봄이 오면 삼삼오오 소풍을 떠나죠. 소풍 준비 어떻게 하면 좋을까요? 대화를 함께 살펴봅시다. = The weather when spring comes is nice, we should go on a picnic. How should we prepare for a picnic? Let's look at the conversation together.
M : 제인, 오늘 날씨가 아주 좋아! 우리 소풍 가자! = Jane, the weather is great today. Let's go on a picnic.
W : 좋아! 나 오늘 한가해. 우리 뭘 준비해야 하지? = Sure, I'm free today. What do we need to prepare?
M : 냉장고부터 먼저 확인해보자. 뭐가 있지? = Let's check the refrigerator first. What do we have?
W : 베이컨이 좀 있네. 양상추도 있어. = There is some bacon. We have some lettuce as well.
M: 그런데 빵이 전혀 없어. 슈퍼에서 좀 사자. = But no bread at all. We will buy some at the supermarket.
W: 렌치 드레싱이랑 슬라이스 치즈 있어? = Are there some ranch dressing and sliced cheese?
M: 아니, 냉장고에 거의 아무것도 없는 것 같아. = Nope. It feels like there is almost nothing in the refrigerator.
▶ Today's expression grammars
1) ~이 있어. = There is/are ~
여기 카페가 몇 군데 있어 = There are some cafes here.
내 가방에 노트북이 한 대 있어 = There is a laptop in my bag.
2) ~인 것 같아. = It feels like ~
아무것도 없는 것 같아 = It feels like there is nothing
나 사랑에 빠진 것 같아 = It feels like I'm in love
3) 나 ~을 엄청 좋아해. = I go crazy for/ I really like ~
나 소풍을 엄청 좋아해. = I go crazy for picnic.
나 축구를 엄청 좋아해. = I really like soccer.
Unit 9: I'm late | 9강. 나 늦었어!
회사나 학교에 지각을 해본 적이 있나요? 이런 상황은 어떻게 표현하는 것이 좋을까요? = Have you ever been late for work or school? How would you best describe this situation?
W : 지금 몇 시야!? 나 알람 못 들었어!! = What time is it now? I didn't hear the alarm!!
M : 아침 9시 반인데... 어, 너 늦었어. = It's 9:30 in the morning... oh, you're late.
W : 부장님이 엄청 화나 있을 거야. 서둘러야겠다. = My boss must be angry at me then. I gotta hurry.
M : 사무실까지 얼마나 걸려? = How long does it take to get to the office?
W : 보통 운전해서 가는데 차 안 막히면 한 시간 정도 걸려. = Well, I usually drive so it takes about an hour without traffic jam.
M : 음... 지금 차는 안 막힐 것 같은데, 밖에 비가 억수로 내려. = Well.... the roads aren't so busy now, but it's pouring outside.
W : 날씨도 도움이 안 되네. = It's not very helpful.
M : 그러네. 우산 챙겨가는 게 좋을 거야. = Indeed. You had better take your umbrella with you.
▶ Today's expression grammars
1) 그는 분명(히) ~일 거야. = He must be ~
그는 분명 바쁜 거야 = He must be busy.
그는 분명 걱정될 거야 = He must be worried.
2) 날씨가 ~해. = It's (hot, cold, windy, humid,...)
오늘 날씨가 화창해 = It's sunny today
오늘 날씨가 습해 = It's humid today
3) ~하는 게 좋을 거야. = You'd better ~
지금 자는 게 좋을 거야 = You'd better sleep now.
미리 계획하는 게 좋을 거야 = You'd better plan in advance.
Unit 10: Go on a trip | 10강. 여행을 가요.
10강. 여행을 가요.
여러분은 올 여름, 어떤 계획을 가지고 있으신가요? 휴가와 관련된 대화를 확인해볼까요? = What plan do you have this summer? Shall we check the conversation related to vacation?
W : 제임스, 이번 학기가 거의 끝났어! 너 여름방학 계획 있어? = Hey, James. The semester is almost over! Do you have any plans for the summer vacation?
M : 아, 맞아. 나 중국으로 여행 갈 거야. = Ah right... I'm going on a trip to China.
W : 재미있겠네. 중국 어디로 갈 거야? = That sounds interesting. Where in China are you going?
M : 상하이. 거기 사는 친구랑 오랜만에 만날 거야. 우리 아마 박물관이나 여기저기 같이 갈 거 같아. = Shanghai. I'm going to catch up with a friend who lives there. We will probably visit museums and places together.
W : 그럼 너희들 미리 계획 짜야겠다. = Then, you guys should make some plans in advance.
M : 응, 나도 그렇게 생각해. =Yeah, I think so.
▶ Today's expression grammars
1) 나 ~할 거야. = I'm going on ~
나 여행 갈 거야 = I'm going on a trip
나 다이어트 시작할 거야 = I'm going on a diet
2) 나는 ~친구가 있어. = I have a friend who ~
나는 일본에 사는 친구가 있어. = I have a friend who lives in Japan.
나는 상성에서 일하고 있는 친구가 있어. = I have a friend who is working in Samsung.
3) 그녀는 날 ~하게 만들고 있어. = She is making me ~
그녀는 날 실망하게 만들고 있어. = She is making me disappointed
그녀는 날 피곤하게 만들고 있어. = She is making me tired
Checking other lessons in this course:
Korean Conversation for Beginners -25 Units (Part 1: Unit 1-5)