얼마나 A-(으)ㄴ지 모르다, 얼마나 V-는지 모르다 grammar = didn't know that something really A/V ~emphasize the degree of action or state

얼마나 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 모르다 grammar = don't know that something really A/V ~emphasize the degree of an action or state of affairs

Usage :

- 얼마나 A/V-(으)ㄴ/는지 모르다 grammar is used to emphasize the degree of an action or state of affairs = didn't know that something really A/V, can't tell how A/V something is/does, really (interesting, good, ...)


얼마나 Adjective +  -(으)ㄴ지 모르다 (present tense)
비싸다  -> 얼마나 비싼지 모르다 (didn't know that it is really expensive)
행복하다 -> 얼마나 행복한지 모르다 (can't tell you how happy I am)
덥다 -> 얼마나 더운지 모르다 (didn't know that it is really hot)
가볍다 -> 얼마나 가벼운지 모르다 (didn't know that it is really light)
고프다 -> 얼마나 고픈지 모르다 (didn't know that you are really hungry)
예쁘다 -> 얼마나 예쁜지 모르다 (didn't know that she is really pretty)
재미있다 -> 재미있는지 모르다 (didn't know that it is that much fun)

얼마나 Verb +  -는지 모르다 (present tense)
가다 -> 얼마나 많이 가는지 모르다 (didn't know that she can go that much)
먹다 -> 얼마나 많이 먹는지 모르다 (didn't know that he can eat that much)
마시다 -> 얼마나 많이 마시는지 모르다 (didn't know that he can drink that much)
공부하다 -> 얼마나 많이 공부하는지 모르다 (didn't know that he can study that much)

얼마나 Adjective/Verb +  았/었는지 모르다 (past tense)
예쁘다 -> 얼마나 예뻤는지 모르다 (didn't know that she was really pretty)
아프다 -> 얼마나 아팠는지 모르다 (didn't know that you was sick)
공부하다 -> 얼마나 잘 공부했는지 모르다 (didn't know that he studied well)

Specific usage:

1. When used with a verb, a degree adverb (많이, 잘, 열심히, 못....) must be used together. However, when expressing speaker's feeling or attitude (화가 나다, 짜증이 나다, 감동하다,...), adding a degree adverb is not necessary.

아기가 우유를 얼마나 많이 먹는지 몰라요.
I didn't know that the baby can drink milk that much.

그 소식을 읽고 얼마나 감동했는지 몰라요. 
I can't tell you how impressed I was after reading that news.

길이 막혀서 얼마나 짜증이 나는지 몰라요.
I was so upset because of the traffic jam.

3. When expressing a past situation or state of affairs, 았/었는지 몰라요 is used instead of 았/었는지 몰랐어요.

어제는 바람이 많이 불러서 얼마나 추웠는지 몰랐어요. (wrong) / 추웠는지 몰라요. (correct)
 It was so windy yesterday that it was really cold.

Examples :

1. 왜 그렇게 놀란 표정이에요?
- 뉴스를 일고 있는데 갑자기 문이 열려서 얼마나 놀랐는지 몰라요.
Why do you look so surprised?
- I was reading the news and the door opened suddenly, and it really surprised me.

2. 우리 회사의 상품은 TV에서 광고 되고 나서 얼마나 많이 인기를 끌었는지 몰라요.
I can't tell you how popular our product is after advertised on TV.

3. 우리 아이가 7살이 되더니 얼마나 말을 안 듣는지 몰라요.
I can't describe how disobedient our son became once he turned 7 years old.

4. 잃어버린 강아지를 조금 전에 찾았어요. 강아지를 다시 찾아서 얼마나 기쁜지 몰라요.
I found my lost puppy a while ago. I am so happy to have found my puppy again.

5. 요즘 물건 값이 얼마나 비싼지 몰라요.
I didn't know that the price is really expressive these days.

6. 여행을 갈까 하는데 설악산이 어때요?
- 설악산은 경치가 얼마나 아름다운지 몰라요. 꼭 가 보도록 하세요.
I'm thinking of going on a trip. How about Mt. Seorak?
- Mt. Seorak has no idea how beautiful the scenery is. Make sure you go there.

7. 그 영화가 어때요? 
줄거리가 흥미로워서 얼마나 재미있는지 몰라요. 
How about the movie?
- The plot is very exciting, so it is really interesting.

8. 약속을 못 지켜서 얼마나 미안한지 몰라요.
I am really sorry since I can’t keep my promise.

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