KIIP TextBook PDF +Workbook +Audio for All Levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

New KIIP textbooks & workbook PDF

Korea Immigration and Integration Program  (KIIP) is a FREE Korean Language Training and Understanding Korean society program for foreigners in Korea. From 2009, KIIP has become a must-have requirement for obtaining some special VISAs in Korea as well as Korean citizenship.

KIIP textbooks has a total of 6 different levels from level 0 to 5. Each level has its corresponding textbook that the KIIP participant must have when attending the KIIP class. KIIP textbooks are composed of 7 textbooks and 6 workbooks

The KIIP books can be read online freely from the official site as below:

1. KIIP Level 0 book:  한국어와 한국문화 기초편 

2. KIIP Level 1 textbook: 한국어와 한국문화 초급 1  

2. KIIP Level 1 workbook: 한국어와 한국문화 익힘책 초급 1  

3. KIIP Level 2 textbook: 한국어와 한국문화 초급 2  

3. KIIP Level 2 workbook: 한국어와 한국문화 익힘책 초급 2  

4. KIIP Level 3 textbook: 한국어와 한국문화 중급 1  

4. KIIP Level 3 workbook: 한국어와 한국문화 익힘책 중급 1  

5. KIIP Level 4 textbook: 한국어와 한국문화 중급 2  

5. KIIP Level 4 workbook: 한국어와 한국문화 익힘책 중급 2  

6. KIIP Level 5 basic textbook: 한국사회이해 기본 (not available publicly)

7. KIIP Level 5 advance textbook: 한국사회이해 심화 (not available publicly) 

You can get the free pdf ebook for reference here: 

If you want a link to download all the books (including level 5 books), please donate to help this site alive. The download link will be sent to your email within 24 hours.

KIIP Books Donation

For buying the new KIIP books with discounts, please refer to this post:

New KIIP Books Level 0,1,2,3,4,5 with 20% discount links

Join our KIIP Facebook group for support and discussions:


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)

  1. It says the download pages are not found for the textbooks. The links do not work.

  2. Could you please provide KIIP level 5 ? Thanks in advanced

  3. Could you please provide new book of KIIP level 5 ? Thanks in advanced

    1. The new KIIP 5 book is still not available at present.

  4. Downloaded levels 0-4 just fine, thanks!

  5. Replies
    1. leave me a message on our facebook group

  6. Replies
    1. Level 5 book basic and advance are now both available in pdf.

  7. Hi i sent you facebook page pls,share link for download KIIP book..

  8. Não consigo acessar os livros 😔

  9. 왜 전 dowload 안됩니까?
    혹시 제 email로 보내주실 수있습니까?
    제 주소는 [email protected]
    초급1, 2 필요합니다
    너무 감사합니다

    1. Send me a mesage to our facebook page

    2. can u pls share the link or pdf to download level 4 book? 중급2

    3. Here is the direct link to the book as you requested!Aly_CXjRGJtbiJBldNJM1ulMfzvMIw?e=dgaAxd

      If you want to download other books, please read through the download guide in this link:

  10. 저도 다운로드가 안됩니다

    초급 1,2 + 익힘책
    중급 1,2 + 익힘책
    고급 1,2 + 익힘책 이 필요합니다,
    제 메일로 좀 보내주세요.

    메일 : [email protected]

  11. Hello. I payed for the pdf file, but have not received anything yet.
    Could you please send me all the textbooks and workbooks link to [email protected]

    Thank you very much!

    1. Enail sent. Please check your email (both inbox and spam box)

  12. I couldn't download level 3 workbook audio file. It says the link is broken. Could you repost the link. Thanks!

  13. level 0 audio should exist. There are exercises depend on it.

  14. 왜 저는 다운로드 안됩니까?
    저는 초급2, 중급1,2 원합니다
    메일로 부탁합니다.

    1. 페이스북 페이지로 메시지를 보내주시면 링크를 제공하겠습니다.

  15. Hi, I have joined the facebook group but I cannot send the message. How do i get link for pdf books? Help please.

  16. Hello, the download link for Book 0 appears to be for Book 1 instead.

  17. Hi! I was trying to download the books from 0 to 4 and I could only download the zero one because when I open the other links and it directs me to Onedrive, after clicking ''save'' it tells me that there are problems in downloading.
    May I know if the links are still working?

    1. Hi, I checked the links. There is no problem with downloading. Try to clear your browser cache or change to another browser.

  18. And I forgot to say that the file for the Textbook 3 isn't in the Onedrive. It doesn't appear or it tells that is not on the folder.

  19. Hello! I want to get the KIIP Level 5 both Basic and Advanced but do you have any method for the donations? You can email me here, [email protected]

  20. Hi metamong, please send me a message via our facebook page

  21. Dear Concern,
    Still I didn't Download link for KIIP book. Plz share download link as early as possible as given email address. thanks.

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