KIIP Level-Test Guide (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 안내)

Kiip level test guide
KIIP Pre-test or Level test (사회통합프로그램 사전평가) is the placement test that assesses the applicant's Korean proficiency to place him/her into the right level of the program. 

There are currently two methods of KIIP level tests being conducted simultaneously:

> Paper-based tests (PBT사전평가) are conducted around 10 times/year. The test is available on weekends in all regions in Korea. Some special level tests that only certain VISA types such as E-9 and C-3-8 can apply are sometimes conducted. 

> Computer-based tests (CBT사전평가) are operated from 2022. Unlike the PBT level tests, the CBT level tests are available on weekdays in 2 test centers at Gwangmyeong city (광명시) and Daejeon city (대전시) only. However, its test schedule is more flexible around 20 times/month.

1.  KIIP Pre-Test Schedule

Please refer to this page to the detailed test schedule:

2. Information regarding the Level-Test registration time

The application opening hour is 9:00 AM in the 1st registration day.

*In order to prevent massive applicants applying for the test at the same time, the applicants have to wait in turn.
*Time spent after login is limited to 5 minutes per person. (Including card payment, real-time account transfer, and installation of the banking security software)

Turn-based access in KIIP test registration

3. General Information

3.1 Check your test application status and test location by 

Visit > applications & registrations > Confirmation and Cancellation/Refunds

3.2 All test takers are required to be present by 30 minutes before the test.

- Time to enter test room for computer-based tests (CBT종합평가) is divided by round. 
> First round is from 9:00 ~ 10:40
> Second round is from 10:40 ~ 12:10
> Third round is from 13:10 ~ 14:40
> Fourth round is from 14:50 ~ 16:20

- Time to enter test roon for Paper-based tests (PBT종합평가) is at 12:00 PM 

※ All test takers are required to present the ID card for verification.

4. How to Take the Tests

4.1 Eligibility
Foreigners or naturalized citizens in legal status with a valid foreigner registration card or residency card.
※ However, naturalized citizens who were naturalized more than 3 years ago may take the pre-test and/or take courses with a prior approval of the President of Immigration Office.

4.2 Disqualification
- Anyone who has already been placed through the pre-test and taking a course
- Anyone who is in the 6-month suspension period
- Anyone who have been dismissed and suspended from the Comprehensive Social Programs

4.3 Retaking of the Pre-test
The following persons may retake the pre-test to be placed in a new course, if desired:
※In this case, however, the previous courses (completion, hours of attendance, etc.) will be invalidated and the applicants may be placed in a level lower than the previous level.
- Anyone who is past the 6-month suspension period
- Anyone who is taking the level 0 courses without taking the pre-test
- Anyone who is placed in a level through a method other than the pre-test

4.4 Exemptions from the Pre-test
- Anyone who is willing to take the Comprehensive Social Programs from "Level 0 (Basic Korean)"
- Anyone who has taken the Test of Proficiency in Korean offered the National Institute for International Education of the Ministry of Education
- Anyone who has been married to a Korean citizen and has entered Korea with a spouse visa after proving that they have basic Korean proficiency in accordance with the Spouse Immigration (F-6) Visa Guidelines amended as of April 1, 2014
- Anyone who has been married to a Korean citizen and it has not been 2 years since all levels of the Korean language programs of the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family

5. KIIP Pre-Test structure

※ If you can't see the table properly, click here to see its picture version.

Test Type
Question Type
Evaluation Criteria
Number of Questions
Test Duration
(70 min)
(100 pts)
Written Test
(50 questions, 60 minutes)
Multiple choices
60 minutes
75 pts
(50 questions × 1.5 pts)
Short answers
Oral Test
(5 questions, 10 minutes)
10 minutes
25 pts
(5 questions × 5 pts)
Listen & Speak

6. KIIP Pre-Test Sample

7. Guide to Application & Registration of the Pre-Test

Apply the KIIP Pre-Test Online at

8. Term of Validity and Announcement of Results

The placement results will be valid for 2 years from the day of announcement of results and the applicants may enroll in the placed level of the Comprehensive Social Programs.

For further reference: visit website for details.

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