Complete Guide to -ㄴ/은/는지 + V grammar = V + Who/What/Where/How/When

1. What is the -ㄴ/은/는지 Grammar?

The -ㄴ/은/는지 grammar in Korean is a connective ending that is commonly used to connect a clause with a verb that expresses knowledge (알다, 알아보다), curiosity (궁금하다), or an inquiry (질문하다). It’s often translated as "who/what/where/how/when" in English and works with verbs such as “to know ”  “to teach” “to ask ” “to investigate,” and more.

Key Functions:

  • This grammar construction is used to form sentences like “Do you know who...?” or “I wonder how...”.
  • It helps form questions or statements about indirect knowledge
  • It is widely used in both formal and informal communication.

2. Usage of -ㄴ/은/는지:

(1) Connecting Clauses:

The structure -ㄴ/은/는지 is used to connect a clause that requires additional information to a main verb such as "know," "wonder," or "teach."


저 여자가 누구인지 아세요?
Do you know who that girl is?

그 곳 날씨가 어떨지 궁금해요.
I’m curious about how the weather is in that place.

요즘 얼마나 바쁜지 모릅니다.
You don’t know how busy I’ve been these days.

(2) Common Verbs Used with -ㄴ/은/는지:

The following verbs are commonly paired with -ㄴ/은/는지 to inquire about information:

  • 알다 (to know): ㄴ/은/는지 알다
  • 모르다 (to not know): ㄴ/은/는지 모르다
  • 궁금하다 (to be curious about): ㄴ/은/는지 궁금하다
  • 질문하다 (to ask a question): ㄴ/은/는지 질문하다
  • 조사하다 (to investigate): ㄴ/은/는지 조사하다
  • 알아보다 (to look into): ㄴ/은/는지 알아보다
  • 생각하다 (to recall): ㄴ/은/는지 생각하다
  • 말하다 (to speak): ㄴ/은/는지 말하다
  • 가르치다 (to teach): ㄴ/은/는지 가르치다

3. Variations of -ㄴ/은/는지 Grammar:

This structure can also be used in specific forms such as:

i. Verb 1-(으)ㄴ/는지 Verb 2-(으)ㄴ/는지: Used when comparing two actions.

Example: 내일 날씨가 좋은지 나쁜지 알아요?
Do you know whether tomorrow’s weather is good or bad?

ii. Verb 1-(으)ㄴ/는지 안 Verb 1-(으)ㄴ/는지: This is used to create “whether or not” sentences.

Example: 여자 친구가 있는지 없는지 궁금해요.
I wonder if you have a girlfriend or not.

4. Difference Between -ㄴ/은/는지 and -(으)ㄴ 지:

It’s important not to confuse -ㄴ/은/는지 with -(으)ㄴ 지. The latter is used to express how long it has been since an event occurred, often used with expressions of time.


  • 한국어를 공부한 지 얼마나 됐어요?
    How long has it been since you started studying Korean?

5. Tenses for -ㄴ/은/는지 Grammar:

(1) Adjectives:

Present Tense: Add ㄴ/은지 to the adjective root.

크다 -> 큰지
이다 -> 인지
많다 -> 많은지

Past Tense: Add 았/었는지 to the adjective root.

의사이다 -> 의사였는지
학생이다 -> 학생이었는지

(2) Verbs:

Present Tense: Add 는지 to the verb root.

가다 -> 가는지
먹다 -> 먹는지

Past Tense: Add 았/었는지 to the verb root.

가다 -> 갔는지
보다 -> 봤는지

Future Tense: Add ㄹ/을 건지 to the verb root.

가다 -> 갈 건지
먹다 -> 먹을 건지

6. Examples of -ㄴ/은/는지 in Sentences:

1. Kaist에 어떻게 가는지 알아요?
Do you know how to go to KAIST?

2. Kaist에 어떻게 가는지 가르쳐 주세요.
Please teach me how to go to KAIST.

3. 저 사람이 누구인지 모르겠어요.
I don’t know who that person is.

4. 어제 무엇을 했는지 생각 안 나요.
I can’t remember what I did yesterday.

5. 그 사람이 어느 나라 사람인지 알아요?
Do you know which country that person is from?

6. 내일 날씨가 좋은지 나쁜지 알아요?
Do you know if tomorrow’s weather is good or bad?

7. 우리 딸이 방에서 자는지 공부하는지 모르겠어요.
I don’t know if our daughter is sleeping or studying in her room.

8. 우리 딸이 공부하는지 안 하는지 모르겠어요.
I don’t know if our daughter is studying or not.

9. 여자 친구가 있는지 없는지 궁금해요.
I’m curious if you have a girlfriend or not.

10. 제 여자친구가 누구인지 궁금하지 않아요?
Aren’t you curious who my girlfriend is?

By mastering the -ㄴ/은/는지 grammar form, you will be able to ask about indirect knowledge and express curiosity in Korean more naturally. Make sure to practice regularly and incorporate this grammar into your daily conversations for fluency improvement.

SEO keywords:
  1. Korean grammar ㄴ/은/는지 usage
  2. How to use ㄴ/은/는지 in Korean
  3. Korean connective endings grammar
  4. Difference between ㄴ/은/는지 and (으)ㄴ 지
  5. Indirect question sentences in Korean
  6. Who/what/where/how/when grammar in Korean
  7. Examples of ㄴ/은/는지 grammar
  8. Korean verb endings -ㄴ/은/는지
  9. Korean grammar for indirect knowledge
  10. Verbs that use ㄴ/은/는지 in Korean


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  1. The grammar is updated on Oct 17th 2024. Hope you enjoy studying at our website. Like our faacebook, twitter, and linkedin for more interesting contents.

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