A-아/어지다 grammar = to get/become ~turn adjective into verb to express a change over time

A-아/어지다 grammar = to get/become A ~turn adjective into verb to express a change over time

- Turn an adjective into a verb to express a change in state over time = to get/become A

좋다 --> 좋아지다 (to become good)
따뜻하다 --> 따뜻해지다 (to become warm)
길다 --> 길어지다 (to become long)
건강하다 --> 건강해지다 (to become healthy)
*다르다 --> 달라지다 (to become different)
*빨갛다 --> 빨개지다 (to become red)
*덥다 --> 더워지다 (to become hot)
*춥다 --> 추워지다 (to become cold)
*어둡다 --> 어두워지다 (to become dark)

Specific usage:
1. This expression is only used with adjectives (A-아/어지다). In case of verbs, V-게 되다 is used instead.

2. The past tense 아/어졌어요 expresses a change resulting from an action in the past while the present tense 아/어지다 is used to describe a change that generally occurs when a particular action is performed.

케이크를 많이 먹어서 뚱뚱해졌어요.
I ate a lot of cake, so I have become fat.

케이크를 많이 먹으면 뚱뚱해져요.
If you eat a lot of cake  you will become fat.

3. V-아/어지다 (= to get V-ed) is also used as a passive form, not to express a change over time. (See V-아/어지다 grammar.)


1. 풍건이 커졌어요.
The balloon became bigger.

2. 다이어트를 한 후에 날씬해졌어요.
After having diet, I have become thin.

3. 매일 운동하면 건강이 좋아져요.
If you exercise everyday, you will become healthy.

4. 피노키오는 거짓말을 하면 코가 길어져요.
Pinocchio's nose grows longer when he tells a lie.

5. 아이가 였을 때 몸이 약했는데 지금은 건강해져요.
I was weak at when I was a child, but now I have become healthy.

6. 가을이 되어서 날씨가 시원해져요.
When autumn comes, weather becomes cooler.

7. 회사가 멀어요?
- 옛날에는 멀었는데 이사해서 가까워졌어요.
Is your company far away?
- It used to be, but I have moved so it has become closer.

8. 날씨가 많이 추워요?
- 비가 오고 나서 추워졌어요.
Is the weather really cold?
- After the rain, the weather got cold.

9. 난 그가 나를 보는 매 순간 얼굴이 빨개졌다. 
I get blushed every time he looked at me.

10. 겨울이 되니까 날씨가 갑자기 추워졌어요.
Because winter came, the weather suddenly turned cold.

11. 꾸준히 운동을 하면 건강해져요.
If you exercise regularly, you will be healthy.

12. 조금만 청소하면 금방 깨끗해지겠어요.
A little cleaning will make it clean in no time.

13. 어려운 일도 꾸준히 하면 익숙해져서 잘할 수 있어요.
If you do hard work consistently, you will get used to it and you will be able to do it well.

14. 오전에는 날씨가 맑았는데 오후가 되어서 흐려졌어요.
It was sunny in the morning, but it became cloudy in the afternoon.

15. 달콤한 음식을 먹으면 기분이 좋아져요.
Eating sweet food makes me feel better.

16. 아이가  자라니까 옷이 작아졌어요.
As the child grows up, the clothes get smaller.

17. 저녁이 되니까 하늘이 어두워졌어요.
As evening came, the sky darkened.

18. 가을이 되니까 날씨가 시원해졌어요.
When autumn came, the weather got cooler.

19. 봄이 되니까 날씨가 따뜻해졌어요.
As spring came, the weather got warmer.

20. 방학을 하니까 기숙사가 조용해졌어요.
The dormitory became quiet because of vacation.

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