V-(으)려고 하다 grammar = Express plan or intention in Korean

V-(으)려고 하다 grammar = plan to, intend to ~ express intention or plan that has yet to be done

The grammar pattern V-(으)려고 하다 is essential for expressing a subject's intention or plan that has not yet been completed. Whether you're talking about plans for the future or things you intended to do but couldn't accomplish, this versatile structure will elevate your Korean speaking and writing skills.

Meaning and Usage:

  • V-(으)려고 하다 is used to indicate a plan or intention that hasn’t been realized yet. It translates to "plan to" or "intend to" in English.
  • When using the past tense (V-(으)려고 했다), it shows that the intended action did not happen as expected. Examples of this usage are found in sentences 9-11.
  • ⚠️ Note: V-(으)려고 하다 is different from V-(으)려고 grammar, which is used to express purpose or reason (in order to, so that).

Tense conjugation:

Verb Ending in a Vowel or ㄹ + 려고 하다:

  • 사다사려고 하다 (plan to buy)
  • 배우다배우려고 하다 (intend to learn)
  • 보다보려고 하다 (intend to watch)
  • 놀다놀려고 하다 (intend to play)
  • 살다살려고 하다 (intend to live)

Verb Ending in a Consonant + 으려고 하다:

  • 먹다먹으려고 하다 (plan to eat)
  • 찾다찾으려고 하다 (intend to search)
  • 듣다들으려고 하다 (plan to listen)
  • 짓다지으려고 하다 (intend to build)
  • 돕다도우려고 하다 (plan to help)

Examples of V-(으)려고 하다 :

1. 여름휴가 때 여행을 하려고 해요.
I plan to go traveling during the summer vacation.

2. 결혼하면 아이를 2명 낳으려고 해요.
I plan to have two children if I get married.

3. 방학 동안 운전을 배우려고 했어요. 그런데 팔을 다쳐서 못 배웠어요.
I had planned to learn to drive during the vacation, but I hurt my arm, so I couldn’t.

4. 졸업할 때 대학교에서 취직하려고 해요.
When I graduate, I plan to get a job at the university.

5. 날씨가 따뜻할 때 공원에 가려고 해요.
When the weather warms up, I intend to go to the park.

6. 보너스를 받으면 뭐 할 거예요?
- 새 스마트폰을 사려고 해요.
What will you do if you get a bonus? 
- I plan to buy a new smartphone.

7. 대학교를 졸업하면 무엇을 할 거예요?
- 대학원에서 공부를 더 하려고 해요.
What will you do after graduating from university? 
- I plan to continue studying at graduate school.

8. 시험 후에 공부를 계속하려고 해요.
I plan to continue studying after the exam.

9. 잠을 자려고 했을 때 제 친구가 전화했어요.
When I intended to sleep, my friend called me.

10. 자동차를 씻으려고 했는데 비가 와서 못 했어요.
I intended to wash the car, but it rained, so I couldn’t do it.

11. 내일 쉬려고 했는데 일이 많아서 출근하게 돼요.
I intended to take a rest tomorrow, but I have too much work, so I need to go to work.


Korean grammar, V-(으)려고 하다, express intention in Korean, Korean verb conjugation, plan in Korean, Korean past tense grammar, Korean study guide, learn Korean grammar, Korean for beginners, everyday Korean expressions, future tense in Korean


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