How to register for a KIIP class with proper time and location on (from 2024)

2024 Guide to apply for a KIIP class with proper time and location on

In order to apply for a KIIP class, you have to meet one of the following conditions:
- 1st: take a level test (사전평가) and get your assigned level based on your test score
- 2nd: submit your valid TOPIK test score online or by visiting your local immigration office and get your assigned level
- 3nd: apply for the KIIP program and start from level 0 (without taking the level test)

1. KIIP class policy: 

> There are 3 semesters per year. New KIIP classes (Level 0 to 5) are about to open at the starting of each semester. You should check available classes 1-2 weeks in early beginnering of each semester.

> Subscribe to our KIIP group to get notifications regarding KIIP class availability:

> KIIP Level 0 and Level 1 are often operated together. When you signed up to Level 0 class (15 hours),  your teacher will help you pply for Level 1 class once the Level 0 class ends.
> KIIP 5 classes can also be found in the middle of the semester because of the short class hours. 

2. Below is 2024 KIIP semester schedule
  • First semester: 02 Jan - 012 May 
  • Second semester: 13 May - 18 Aug 
  • Third semester: 19 Aug - 15 Dec.

* Important note: Class registration time starts at 9:00 AM of the class registration day. Make sure to visit the website 10 min in advance for preparation because some 'hot' classes can be filled within a few minutes.

3. Here are a step-by-step guide for applying a KIIP class:
Step 1: Visit, click 회원로그인 button, then enter your ID and password. After signed in, click 마이페이지 button at the top right corner of the page.

Step 2: In 마이페이지, click 과정신청 to start applying for a KIIP class.

Based on your assigned level, a list of corresponding classes will appear.
E.g. Your assigned level is 3, only level 3 classes will appear in the list.

Step 3: In the 과정신청 page, scroll down to see the class list. 

KIIP classes will be operated either online or offline. For online classes, you don't need to care about its location. For offline classes, make sure to check its location before signing up.

The list of classes will be updated frequently at the beginning of the semester, make sure to check it often.

You should focus on the marked column as below:

- 운영기관명 = name of the institution conducting the class 
주소 = class location (check the location on google map whether it is close or convenient to you)
- 과정및단계 = class level (in level 5, you will see both 50h and 20h classes)
신청시간 = registration time (the registration opening time starts at 9:00 AM, so make sure to login your account before that 5 or 10 minutes)
정원 (동포 / 그외) = maximum number of (overseas Korean Visas / other Visas) students in the class (e.g. 3/12 students)
신청 (동포 / 그외) = number of applied students (e.g. 1/11 students out of 3/12 students)
대기 (동포 / 그외) = number of students in waiting list (0/3 waiting students)

Step 4: After locating a suitable class, click on the name and location of the institution operating the class.

You should see the following items:

과정시간 (red) = the time period of the class (e.g. 2021.07.04 ~ 2021.07.18 = 0.5 months)
요일 = day of the week that the class opens ( = Monday,  = Tuesday,  = Wednesday,  = Thursday,  = Friday,  = Saturday,  = Sunday)
과정시간 (blue) = class time
인정시간 = number of hours per class
After checking all the above information, click 신청 at the bottom right corner and confirm again to register.

Step 5: Click the 목록조회 button, next to the 신청 button. If the applied class in the list becomes cyan, you have successfully registered for a KIIP class.

Note that Near the starting day of your class, if the number of registered students is much less than its quota, e.g. (신청) 1/4 out of (정원) 3/12, the class will likely be canceled. You should cancel your current class registration and apply for another class with more registered students.

Also, before the starting day of your class 1 or 2 days, your class teacher will contact you in advance via text message or kakaotalk. 

For more detailed guide to a KIIP online class, please refer to this post:


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)

  1. Once Level 0 is completed, how can I enroll for Level 1? Do I have to enroll online or the professor will automatically send us to Level 1 class?

    1. Hi, I believe you should enroll it yourself.
      Just follow the above instruction to do it.

    2. I already log in but why i cant apply for the level 0?

  2. ciao, vorrei iscrivermi al livello 0. non sono ancora in corea. posso fare l'iscrizione da qui o quando arrivo (visto che serve ALIEN CARD se ho capito bene)?

  3. Replies
    1. Use google translate when you register for the class.

  4. How to register for online class?

    1. Please leave us a message on facebook page for further support.

  5. I like this class and test.but not time with my is fishing.Because of that how do learn me.thank you

  6. I took placement exam on september7 and yesturday result also came out now i want to register for class but it’s not showing the location and date time list. Is it not yet open for class register or it have different way to search it?? Im so Confused and afraid that the seat may packed if i’m late please help me

  7. Good afternoon! Can I take a 0 level if I have a B1 Transit visa? Thank you so much!

    1. As long as you have a valid foreign registration card, you can apply for kiip program.

  8. hello, if the class time is from 10am to 4:30 for example does that mean we have to be listening to the class all that time or do we choose a class time during those hours ?

  9. Hello... I am currently in Cambodia for job purposes. Does this mean I qualify for the online KIIP classes? I have a few other questions, but do want to write a long comment here. Is there an email address or other means of communication for me to send a message? Thank you so much!

  10. How it cost for being registered in KIIP ?

  11. I wonder if I can ask in my enbassy for the student visa saying i'ld like to apply for the KIIP, or if this is an exclusive program for immigrants, people who are just staying for a scholarship or because of work

    1. Kiip can't be used for applying student visa. You have to live in Korea before you join kiip program.

  12. I have applied for Level 0. How do I know my application was approved?

    1. you check the last picture. if it is similar, your application is done!

  13. I need to take the test because I don't have a valid topic right now. Is it a different procedure?

    1. Yes, you have to take the pretest to get your level assigned. You can find the info in our different post by googling "How to apply for a kiip test"

  14. Hello. I just completed Level 0 and now I want to enroll for Level 1 but i don't see the options for the Level 1 class. I was wondering if it is automatic?

    1. No, it is not an automatic process. You have to register the level 1 class by yourself.
      The application period is still going on until 02 Sep. It's a bit strange that you can't see any classes available. It may take time for your level 0 teacher to upload your education history to the socinet website. Just wait and check frequently.

  15. does anyone knows if I cant log in back my account in socio-net how can I retrieved my password? ur positive answer is most appreciated to me

    1. please post your question in our facebook group:

  16. What is the website for online TOPIC classes

  17. Hi every one How can I registrate to KIIP when open registration date?

  18. i want to join to KIIP classes especially level 0. When open registration to KIIP classes?

    1. The class registration will open in the next January.

  19. I got my Korean Citizenship 2014. Am I still eligible to register for KIIP class and get a certificate? Thank you.

    1. Most likely you can. Try to create an account in and apply for a level test .

  20. Hello. I am applying for class for Level 2 Beginner but the previous schedule does not work for me anymore. Can I change my Operating Institution for this level? Or I need to take classes from the same one?
    Thank you!

    1. You should cancel your current class and then apply for a better one that fits you.

    2. Hi
      I am trying to cancel my KIIP class so I can adjust to my new schedule, but I don't know where and how? Please help me. Thank you.

    3. If your class has not started yet or your classapplication hasn't been approved by your teacher, you can cancel it right from the class registration page. However, if the class has been started, you cannot cancel it by yourself. You should explain your situation to your teacher so that your teacher will kick you out of his/her class.

  21. Hello i created my socient & kiip account a month ago but now i forget my id and password too. Now i want to apply for pre evaluation test. I tried a couple of times to reset my id's but i failed to do. Korean topik team can you please help me to search my kiip id? If you can then kindly email me in your convenient time. I am waiting for someone's reply. My email is here under.
    [email protected]

  22. Hi.
    is it necessary to have an Alien card for enrollment in this calss???
    Thanks for ur help

    1. Yes, it is required to join the program and enroll the class.

  23. Hi, I am not able to enroll for KIIP registration and its asking me to enter Alien Registration Number(Domestic Registration Number). I am from India, Studying in UK. Can you please help me out ? I don't have any Alien Registration Number(Domestic Registration Nubmer)

    1. Only expats in korea can join the program. You can download the books to study, but can't join the program if you are not living in korea.

  24. Does anyone know if you pass on to the next level but can't take the next semester until a later time do you have to take another evaluation test or can you just reapply for the next class level whenever you want?

    1. You can take the next class whenever you want.

  25. Good info, thanks :)

    I was gonna apply by submitting TOPIK test result which I'm about to take rather than through a KIIP pre-test, but I've just noticed that my TOPIK result will be published later than the 3d semester starts. So, does it mean I won't be to register for a class during the 3d semester and will basically have to wait until next spring? :(

    1. Don't worry. You still have chance to apply for classes. Just try to submit your TOPIK score as early as possible and then search for a proper class right after that.

  26. Does anyone know when I can apply for the third semester this year?

    1. New classes are scheduled to open at the beginning of the next month. You should check the class list frequently during that time.

  27. Is there anywhere to know when the next application period is? Current finishes on Aug 31, and all 9 available classes for level 3 seem to be full (I just got into the program today).

  28. What does 대기가능 mean in practice. If one person drops put before the beginning then you being on that list can take his place?
    Also, can you register to multiple courses that are in 대기가능 state?

    1. 1st: Yes, it's correct. Maximum persons in waiting list is 3. If one drops, the 1st person in waiting list will take the place of the dropped one.
      2nd: No, you can't.

    2. Many thanks for your reply, I really appreciate. Do you get any notification or should I just monitor until the very class start date? I need to get into a class ASAP, can't wait for months. There seems to be no way of knowing in advanced when the next set of classes will take place :/

    3. You should join our kiip facebook group for better support.

  29. 안녕하세요 소시넷에서 회원가입을 하려고하는데 비밀번호 똑같이 적었습니다 숫자, 글자, 특자까지 있습니다 그래도 안된다고요, 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?

  30. When the application for the level 2 will start?

    1. the application period will be open soon. Make sure to check socinet frequently.

  31. thanks. this was very helpful. i already applied for the class.

  32. i finished my level 0. can i get a level test if i will skip level 1 and 2?

    1. As I know you can't take the level test anymore. To skip level 1 and 2, submit your topik certificate to the immigration office is the only way.

  33. Hi I took level 5 class 2 years ago but didn't take the exam yet. I want to retake the level 5 class, but i saw 2 types of classes, which one i should take if I want to apply for F5 visa? (심화 or just the one without 심화)?

    1. You should take the 기본 class (without 심화) and pass the 영주영 exam, so you can apply for visa F5.

  34. I am currently paused the classes of level 4. If i got Topik level 5 or higher, is it possible to apply classes for socinet level 5?
    Is that paused class going to be concerned ?

    1. Yes, you can apply for level 5. The paused class won't affect your application for level 5 class if you submit your valid topik level 4 or higher.

  35. how to know when i possible to apply the kiip class this month or next month. bec,i already waiting almost 2 weeks now. but untill now no classes to open. how many months i waiting for applying the class

    1. The 2nd semester starts from May. You should check for available classes from the beginning of May.

  36. Hi! Thanks to your advice last month, I registered for the CBT and I placed into level 4. I've been checking for classes to sign up for every day, but nothing has shown up. I guess since the semester begins August 15, signing up for classes will probably take place at the beginning of August. Do you have any idea of the sign-up schedule?

    1. You're right. The 3rd semester of this year will start in August 15. You should check for available before that a week (a month from now). Also, someone may alert you about the new class in our KIIP facebook group. Just subscribe and wait.

  37. How do I know when class application for the next semester opens? I don't want to go to the application page one day just to find there are no spots left.

    1. New class is about to open this May. You can check our facebook page in May. Someone will post the information once a class is available.

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