Korean for oversea Koreans 1-6 PDF+Audio (재외동포를 위한 한국어)

Korean for Overseas Koreans (in Korean: 재외동포를 위한 한국어) is a freely-distributed language textbook for students at Hangul-schools located in English-speaking countries such as USA, Canada, UK, and so on. The English books are newly designed books, based on the original textbook which was published in 2015, to adapt to the educational environment and students' learning habits in English-speaking countries. This textbook is intended to build balanced competence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Also, it is focused on learning Korean culture in an interesting way. Each textbook contains a workbook and a teacher’s manual as a set and it will be more effective using them together.

You can get a free book copy at: Korean for overseas Koreans 1-6 PDF+Audio

Korean for Overseas Koreans textbook (본책) is purposely designed for overseas Korean children, who are attending the elementary and middle schools. It has a total of 12 levels, equivalent to 12 textbooks, in the standard curriculum of Hangul school. Each book contains of 10 to 12 units, and each unit takes 3~4 hours.

Korean for Overseas Koreans workbook (위크북) is a study aid to supplement and deepen the contents of textbook. It can be used in conjunction with standard classroom textbooks or as self-study material. Each unit consists of 4 pages, consisting of vocabulary exercises, grammar and expression exercises, and integration activities.

Korean for Overseas Koreans teacher's book (교사용 지도서) is a guidebook written for teachers.

You may be interested in the similar textbooks:

Hangul School Korean for English-Speaking Children: 한글학교 한국어 PDF

Customized Korean for English-Speaking Children: 맞춤 한국어 PDF


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)gmail.com

  1. workbook 3-1 가 없으세요

  2. Hi. Workbook 3-1 isn't working. Thanks!

    1. Hi, I have just checked the link. It is still working well.

  3. hello. I donated a week ago, i want to receive single download link without ads link. please~
    thank you

    1. 1st, please check your email inbox or spam for our single download link. 2nd, if you still can't find the email,please leave us a message on our facebook page so that we can support you.

  4. The link of the first part of each book doesn't work !! I mean : 1.1/2.1/3.1/4.1/5.1/6.1
    Can you please update the links?!! I do appreciate this.
    Thank you in advance.

    1. The links are still working. Please read FAQs to learn how to get the book https://www.koreantopik.com/p/frequently-asked-questions-faqs.html?m=1

  5. Thank you so much for the links! I'm sorry to say, the link for workbook 3-1 doesn't work though... Could you please check on it? Thank you! :)

  6. Hi. Workbook 3-1 isn't working. Thanks!

  7. Hi, work book 3-1 is not working. Thank you.

  8. how to reach to the download page I cannot even open it. too many ads

  9. I really need Ehwa Korean books pdf pls.

    1. Ewha Korean can't be shared publicly. Pm me!

    2. Can I also have Ehwa books and study from 3? do you also have 2000 essential korean words intermediate? Thank you

    3. Can I also have Ehwa books and study guide from 3 to 6 if you have? do you also have 2000 essential korean words intermediate? Thank you

  10. Hello, in the workbook 3-2 it shows me the 3-1 workbook. Can you check it and fix it?
    Thank you!

  11. Hi! the link for Textbook 1-2 redirects you to Textbook 2-1 please check
    Thank You!

  12. Audio 3-1 and 3-2 are the same. Please fix for 3-2, Thanks a lot.

  13. Hi, Can I have Ehwa books and study guide from 3 to 6, if you have? do you also have 2000 essential korean words intermediate? Thank you

  14. Hi, If I donate, will I get the teachers book? thank you.

    1. Yes,you will. For ewha book, pm me on facebook page.

    2. Hi, Ive sent you a message on facebook page. thank you

  15. Thank you in advance for all the resources! Unfortunately the links for the book 4-1 are not working and I'd love to have it! Thank you so much.

  16. Is there any way to buy these books? I really want a hard copy to study from.

  17. Hello, Could you please fix these links beacause i can't download them. Thanks so much.

    Workbook 2-2
    Workbook 3-1
    Workbook 5-1
    Workbook 5-2
    Workbook 6-2
    Audio 3-1
    Audio 6-1

  18. I can not download from the new site , it asks us to download some apps and programs and after that chrome block them because they are not safe. please let us download from previous method and site.

    1. I am sorry for the inconvenience. It is impossible to revert back to the old method. I am asking the new site to fix the problem but it seems it will take some time. At present, please send me a pm via our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/korean4topik. I will you the direct link to the book for free.

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