-기 때문에 and -이기 때문에 grammar = because of, due to, since

N 때문에, N이기 때문에, A/V-기 때문에 grammar = because (of), since, due to

The grammar structures N 때문에, N이기 때문에, A/V-기 때문에 in Korean are used to express the reason or cause of a situation. These structures are similar to "because of" or "since" in English. Here's a breakdown of their usage, examples, and distinctions.


1. 기 때문에 – Expressing a reason or cause (general use)

Used to express a reason or cause for a situation, like “because of” or “due to.”

날씨가 좋기 때문에 우리는 공원에 갔어요.
We went to the park because the weather was good.

This shows that 기 때문에 can be used with adjectives and verbs to give a reason.

2. Cannot be used in imperative sentences (commands) or propositive sentences (suggestions)

기 때문에 cannot be used to make commands or suggestions.

너무 더우니까 창문을 여세요. (Correct usage: 니까 instead of 기 때문에
It’s too hot, so please open the window.

내일 날씨가 좋으니까 산에 갑시다. (Correct usage: 니까 instead of 기 때문에
The weather will be good tomorrow, so let’s go to the mountain.

In both cases, 기 때문에 cannot be used for commands or suggestions. Instead, -니까 is used.

3. N 때문에 – When a noun is the cause or reason in the sentence

Used when the noun is the cause or reason of the sentence (not the subject).

비 때문에 경기가 취소되었어요.
The game was canceled because of the rain.

Here, 비 (rain) is the noun and is the cause of the game being canceled.

4. N이기 때문에 – When the noun itself is the subject and the cause

Used when the noun is the subject of the sentence and is the reason.

학생이기 때문에 숙제를 해야 돼요.
Because I am a student, I have to do my homework.

In this case, 학생 (student) is both the subject and the cause of needing to do homework.

5. 왜냐하면 ... 기 때문이다/거든요 – Emphasizing the reason or cause

왜냐하면 is used to emphasize the reason or cause, where the result comes first and the explanation follows with 기 때문이다 or 거든요.

저는 오늘 집에 있어요. 왜냐하면 내일 시험이 있기 때문이에요.
I’m staying home today. Because I have a test tomorrow.

Here, the result (staying home) is introduced first, and the reason (having a test tomorrow) is explained afterward.


  • N 때문에 (because of the noun):

    • 아이 때문에 (because of the baby), 
    • 눈 때문에 (because of the snow).
  • N이기 때문에 (because the subject is...):

    • 학생이기 때문에 (because I am a student), 
    • 외국인이기 때문에 (because I am a foreigner).
  • A/V-기 때문에 (because of the adjective/verb):

    • 좋기 때문에 (because it is good), 
    • 아르바이트를 하기 때문에 (because I have a part-time job).


1. 눈 때문에 길이 미끄러워요.

The road is slippery because of the snow.

2. 학생 때문에 선생님이 화가 나셨어요.

The teacher got angry because of the student.

3. 아이 때문에 밥을 못 먹어요.

I can't eat because of the baby.

4. 학생이기 때문에 할인을 받았어요.

I got a discount because I am a student.

5. 외국인이기 때문에 한국어를 잘 못해요.

I can't speak Korean well because I am a foreigner.

6. 날씨가 좋기 때문에 산에 갔어요.

I went hiking because the weather was good.

7. 아르바이트를 하기 때문에 여행을 못 갔어요.

I couldn’t go on a trip because I have a part-time job.

8. 감기 때문에 병원에 갔어요.

I went to the hospital because of a cold.

9. 왜냐하면 오늘 아침을 안 먹었기 때문이에요.

Because I didn’t eat breakfast this morning.

10. 한국말을 잘하고 싶기 때문에 매일 공부해요.

I study Korean every day because I want to speak it well.

Differences Between -기 때문에, -는 바람에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에, and -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에

1. -기 때문에 grammar: This structure can be used to express both positive and negative outcomes.

2. -는 바람에 grammar: Expresses unexpected causes that often lead to negative consequences. It only works with past-tense situations.

3. -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 grammar: Often used when expressing negative results or blaming the cause.

4. -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에 grammar: Used for positive results, often conveying gratitude.

By using N 때문에, N이기 때문에, A/V-기 때문에, you can clearly and effectively explain reasons and causes in Korean. Whether you're explaining everyday situations or more complex thoughts, this structure is essential for learners aiming to express causality in Korean fluently!

Keywords: Korean grammar because of, N 때문에 grammar, Korean causative grammar structures, How to use N이기 때문에, A/V-기 때문에 examples, Differences between 때문에 and 바람에, Korean grammar explanations for reasons, Learn Korean: 이유와 원인, 때문에 vs 덕분에 grammar, Grammar breakdown: 때문에 structure


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  1. The grammar is updated on 17 May 2023. Hope you enjoying studying at koreantopik.

  2. Letter N = Noun, V = Verb, A = Adjective. Am I right? For example, N 때문에, A/V-기 때문에

  3. The grammar is updated with more clear explanations and examples on Oct 23rd 2024. Hope you enjoy studying with us. Follow our facebook page @ korean4topik for constant updates.

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