KIIP Old Book Level 0, 1, 3 ,4 ,5 PDF+Audio (사회통합프로그램 한국어와 한국문화 교재)

Korea Immigration and Integration Program (KIIP - 사회통합프로그램) is a FREE Korean language training and Understanding Korean Society for foreigners offered by Ministry of Justice. By taking this program, you can learn Korean for FREE and get points toward a VISA F2 or other VISAs when living in Korea.

For New KIIP textbooks, please refer to:

Benefits for completion of KIIP:
(1) Exemption for Naturalization Test and Interview; Shortening Waiting Time for Naturalization Examination
(2) Grant Maximum of 28 points for F2-7 visa (Point based Residence Visa)
(3) Exemption for TOPIK Score
- Change from F6 visa (Marriage Migrant VISA) to F5 visa (Permanent VISA)
- Change from F2 visa (Foreigner Minor Child of Korean National) to F5 visa (Permanent VISA)
- Change E9 Visa, E10 Visa, H2 visa to E7 Visa

Before joining the program, you should take a pre-test or submit your TOPIK score to assess which level you are fitting for. There are total 7 Levels starting from Level 0 to Level 6 with 7 textbooks.

Level 0 to 4 are for learning Korean language and culture (사회통합프로그램 한국어와 한국문화 교재).  The detail information is provided below:

Level 0 ----------- KIIP - Pre-Beginner   --------- 15 hours
Level 1 ----------- KIIP - Beginner 1      --------- 100 hours
Level 2 ----------- KIIP - Beginner 2       --------- 100 hours
Level 3 ----------- KIIP - Intermediate 1 --------- 100 hours
Level 4 ----------- KIIP - Intermediate 2 --------- 100 hours

You can download the books at: KIIP Level 0-4 PDF Textbook+Audio

After finishing the Korean language training, the Understanding Korean Society basic course will take 50 hours and the advance course will take 20 hours (한국사회이해 기본과정 심화과정 교재).

Level 5 ----------- Understanding Korean Society  (basic)  --------- 50 hours
Level 6 ----------- Understanding Korean Society  (advance) ------ 50 hours

You can download the books at: KIIP Level 5-6 PDF Textbook

At the end of this course, there is a comprehensive test. When you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate for plus points when applying for Korean VISAs or Korean citizenship.

When you get enrolled in the KIIP class, the books will be given by the teacher at the price of from ~7000 to 9000 won/book.


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)

  1. the download audio for the kiip level 3 is not belong to the kiip level 3 book .
    hope that you will upload the correct audio file

    1. Thanks so much for reporting. I updated the correct audio file.^^

    2. thank you so much . you are the best ^- ^

  2. Cheers for the links. Much appreciated

  3. The links are incomplete. do you know when they will be completed? thanks

    1. It's full links. Please read FAQs for downloading guide.

  4. Hi I need hardcopy of the level 5 book. How can I buy and get from online? Thanks in advance.

    1. Leave me a message on KoreanTopik facebook page. I will guide you how to buy a hard copy.

  5. Many thanks and downloaded them successfully. I'll check and review as soon as I get home.

  6. Thank you so much for this information!
    I am studying to take the placement test in January and forgot about the registration dates - lol
    Thank you for reminding me.

  7. level 04 audio link has problem. please fix this

    1. hi, the audio link is still working well. try to use different browser or clear your browser and download it again.

    2. Hi,
      I need level 4 pdf of book.
      If you have you send on my email.

  8. Thank you so much. This is very helpful.

  9. So this mean that we have to cover all of those levels? how long time does it take in months (around)?

  10. If you have a F-3 visa (SOFA visa) can you still enroll in the program?

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