KIIP Pre-test Practice Book PDF with Keys (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 모의고사)

사회통합프로그램 사전평가 (Korean Immigration and Integration Program Pre-Test) is a pre-test for assessing your Korean proficiency before taking the KIIP class.

Follow the link to know details about KIIP Pre-Test & Sample: 
KIIP Pre-Test Guide (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 안내)

The Pre-test consists of 2 sections lasting for 1 hour in total: quiz test (50 minutes) and Interview test (10 minutes).

After taking the test, you can check your score after 7 days. Your KIIP class will be assigned based on your score as follows:

Pre-test score: 0 -3   ---- KIIP Class Level 0
Pre-test score: 4 -20 ---- KIIP Class Level 1
Pre-test score: 21 -40   or TOPIK Level 1 ---- KIIP Class Level 2
Pre-test score: 41 -60   or TOPIK Level 2 ---- KIIP Class Level 3
Pre-test score: 61 -80   or TOPIK Level 3 ---- KIIP Class Level 4
Pre-test score: 81 -100 or TOPIK Level 4 ---- KIIP Understanding Korean Society

To prepare better for the level test, it is recommended to take some test samples, which are available in the test book. The test book is released every year, so the latest version is 사회통합프로그램 사전평가 실전 모의고사 2018, which can be purchased online on Gmarket or other Korean bookstores.

In case, it is difficult for you to buy the book, you can download the test book with 2 sample tests & keys in PDF format for free at KOREAN TOPIK. For the full version of 5 sample tests and detailed answer keys, please buy the book to support the book writers.

Keywords: Sách luyện thi đầu vào lớp KIIP pdf, KIIP Level Test 2018 pdf, 사회통합프로그램 사전평가 2018 PDF

You can get a free copy at: 사회통합프로그램 사전평가 모의고사 PDF with 2 sample tests


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  3. For signing up Kiip level 0, please read this post:

  4. Hi I have finished KIIP level 5 in I want to do additional 20 hrs. Do I need pretest? How to enroll for 20hrs class? Please help and send me details. Thanks and regqrds

    1. You don't need pre-test, just apply for the 20-hours class via socinet.

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