V-(으)면서 grammar = 'while', 'and…too' ~ two actions occurs simultaneously

What is V-()면서 grammar?

1. Meaning: Indicates that two actions occur simultaneously, translated as "while" or "and... too" in English.

    청소하면서 빨래를 했습니다
    While cleaning, I did the laundry.

2. Subject Rule: The subject of both clauses must be the same. If the subjects differ, use the V- 동안 grammar instead. 

    동생이 청소하는 동안 나는 빨래를 했습니다. (Correct)
    While my younger sibling was cleaning, I did the laundry.

3. Tense Rule: The verb preceding -()면서 must always be in the present tense. This rule also applies to V-/어서 grammar.

4. Difference from V-() 채로: While both structures describe actions happening concurrently, V-() 채로 implies maintaining a specific state during the action, whereas V-()면서 indicates two active actions happening simultaneously.

Tense Rules for V-()면서

1.     Verbs Ending in a Vowel or '':
Add -
면서 directly to the verb stem.

o   가다가면서 (to go)

o   보다보면서 (to see)

o   부르다부르면서 (to call)

o   기다리다기다리면서 (to wait)

o   공부하다공부하면서 (to study)

o   여행하다여행하면서 (to travel)

o   울다울면서 (to cry)

o   만들다만들면서 (to make)

2.     Verbs Ending in a Consonant:
Add -
으면서 to the verb stem.

o   받다받으면서 (to receive)

o   먹다먹으면서 (to eat)

3.     Irregular Verbs:
For irregular verbs, adjust the stem before adding -

o   듣다들으면서 (to listen)

o   걷다걸으면서 (to walk)

o   짓다지으면서 (to build)

o   돕다도우면서 (to help)

Examples of V-()면서 in Action

Here are practical examples to understand how V-()면서 works in context:

1.     밥을 먹으면서 영화를 봐요.
I eat while watching a movie.

2.     지난 번에 노래방에서는 토니 씨가 춤을 추면서 노래했어요.
Last time at the karaoke room, Tony danced while singing.

3.     운전하면서 전화하지 마세요위험해요.
Don’t use your phone while driving. It’s dangerous.

4.     어제 많이 바빴어요?

그래서 김밥을 먹으면서 일했어요.

Were you very busy yesterday?

o   Yes, so I ate kimbap while working.

5.     요즘  피곤해 보여요?
- 학교에 다니면서 아르바이트를 해요그래서 피곤해요.

Why do you look tired these days?

- I attend school while working a part-time job. That’s why I’m tired.

6.     언니가 노래를 하면서 샤워를 해요.
My older sister sings songs while taking a shower.

7.     친구를 기다리면서 뉴스를 읽고 있어요.
I am reading the news while waiting for my friend.

8.     회사를 다니면서 대학원도 다녀요.
I work at a company while attending graduate school.

Key Points to Remember

1.     Subjects Must Be the Same:
When the subject of both actions differs, use V-
 동안 instead of V-()면서.

2.     Present Tense Rule:
Ensure the verb preceding -(
)면서 is in the present tense, even if the overall sentence refers to a past or future event.

3.     Irregular Verb Adjustments:
Be cautious with irregular verbs like 
듣다걷다짓다, and 돕다. Adjust their stems before applying the grammar.

4.     Conveying Simultaneity with Precision:
Use V-(
)면서 for clear descriptions of simultaneous actions and avoid ambiguity by ensuring the subject aligns with both clauses.

By mastering V-()면서, you can effectively describe simultaneous actions in Korean, adding depth and fluency to your speech and writing. Keep practicing with various verbs to become confident in using this essential grammar point!


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  1. 는데면and 은데면
    Please explain 😔😔🥺🥺

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