2025 KIIP Guideline (Eligibility, Benefits, Curriculum, Book, Schedule, Certificates)

Korean Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP): Guidelines

Table of Contents:

1. What is the Korea Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP)?

A FREE education program was developed to help immigrants learn the Korean language and acquire basic knowledge and information about life in Korea (Korean Language and Culture, Understanding Korean Society, etc.) so that they can adapt to and become self-reliant members of Korean society.

2. Eligible KIIP Participants

Foreign residents and naturalized Koreans who hold an alien registration card or domestic residence card

- Naturalized Koreans who have acquired Korean nationality with no more than 3 years can take the level test and classes.

※ Foreign national Koreans applying for permanent residency (F5-7) must complete the 'KIIP level 5 basic course'

3. Benefits of the KIIP program

A. When applying for naturalization: exemption from naturalization written test and interview, reduced waiting time for naturalization evaluation (only applied to those who completed the intensive course)

B. When applying for VISA F2 & F5:
❍ Additional points
- Those applying for points system-based residential status (F2-7) (maximum 28 points)
❍ Exemption from proving Korean fluency
- Long-term foreign residents applying for permanent residency (F5-1)
- Spouse of Korean citizen (F6) applying for permanent residency (F5-2)
- Underage children (foreigners) of Korean citizens (F2-2) applying for permanent residency (F5-3)
- Working visit (H-2) visa holders applying for permanent residency (F5-14)
- Long-term foreign residents (D1, D5~D9, F1, F3, E1~E5, E7, etc.) applying for residential status (F2-99)
- Non-professional employment (E9), vessel crew (E10), working visit (H-2) visa holders applying for residential status (F2-6) or specially designated activities (E7-1)

C. When applying for the D-10 (Job seeking) VISA: 
- Starting from May 14, 2024, the KIIP Level test results can be used to obtain bonus points for the D-10 VISA without the need to complete any KIIP classes.

4. KIIP Curriculum (starting from 2021.08.16)

> Level 0: 15 h introductory course

> Level 1: 100 h language beginner 1 course

> Level 2: 100 h language beginner 2 course

> Level 3: 80h language intermediate 1 course + 20h language/culture course 

> Level 4: 80h language intermediate 2 course + 20h language/culture course 

> Level 5: 60h understanding Korean society basic course  + 10h activities

> Level 5: 20h understanding Korean society advance course  + 10h activities

Selection of Activities: 
- Civil education (6h) [시민 교육: 생활법률 교육 2h + 소비자 교육 2h + 소방 교육 2h) 
- Immigration mentor education (4h) [이민자 멘토 교육]
- Field education (4h) [현장교육]
- Voluntary activities (2h) [봉사황동]

*Your class attendance has to be equal to 80 % or higher to be able to apply for the corresponding test.

For example, in KIIP level 5 basic course, your class attendance has to be at least 48 h coursebook + 8 h activities (56 h in total) to be able to apply for the KIIP level 5 comprehensive test.

5. How to submit your TOPIK certificate to KIIP?

Applicants can start at the assigned level based on their pre-test score or 'valid' TOPIK certificate. There are 2 ways to submit your TOPIK certificate as below:

(1) Submit your valid TOPIK certificate at your nearest immigration office to get your assigned level without taking the pre-test 

(2) Call the immigration support center 1345 and inform them of your intentions. They'll ask which region you're staying in and provide you with the right email (It's region-specific) to send your documents to. They'll also let you know what kind of documents you need to send. 

These are the documents: 

1. 사회통합프로그램 TOPIK 신청서: DOC or HWP 

2. TOPIK Results 

3. ARC copy.

They said you will have to wait a week but within 3-5 days. Note that the immigration contact number receives calls during working hours only.

- See the TOPIK to KIIP conversion table below.

◦ Applicants who did not take the level test or TOPIK can start from level 0

◦ Applicants must first take the level 5 basic course (70 hours) in order to apply for the level 5 intensive course (30 hours).

6. KIIP textbooks (starting from 2021)

The KIIP curriculum has a total of 15 books including textbooks and workbooks.

To have a look at the online book or get the book pdf, visit:

To purchase the KIIP books, visit:

7. KIIP Test Schedule

In 2024, there are 20 KIIP tests (paper-based tests) in total: 8 pre-tests, 4 mid-term tests, and 8 comprehensive tests.

Updates starting from 2022:

❍ Starting from March 2022, the computer-based test (CBT)* will be operated for the all pre-tests (named as CBT 사전평가). The CBT 사전평가 is held ~12 times/month. Literally, you can take the test at any time. However, the CBT test has only 1 test location at present.

❍ Starting from July 2022, the computer-based test (CBT)* will be operated for the 귀화용 comprehensive test (named as CBT 귀화용 종합평가). CBT 귀화용 종합평가 is held ~2 times/month. Literally, you can take the test at any time. However, the CBT 영주용 종합평가 test is still not available yet.

8. Guide to Apply for a KIIP Level Test

Visit: How to Apply for a KIIP Test or Start from level 0 (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 신청)

※ From Mar 2019, the pre-test is no longer free. You must pay 30,000 won the registration fee to take the pre-test, midterm test, and comprehensive test.

※ From Mar 2021, the test fee was increased from 30,000 won to 38,000 won.  

9. Guide to Class Registration

 Visit: How to register for a KIIP class with proper time and location on socinet.go.kr

There are 3 semesters each year. New KIIP Level 0 to 5 classes are about to open at the starting of each semester. You should check available classes 1 week in advance before the semester starts. 

Below is 2024 KIIP class semester schedule:
  • 1st semester02 Jan - 12 May
  • 2nd semester13 May - 18 Aug 
  • 3rd semester: 19 Aug - 15 Dec.

10. KIIP Qualifications & Certificates

> The KIIP pass certificates (학격증) can be downloaded from both socinet.go.kr and kiiptest.org. However, KIIP completion certificate can only be downloaded from socinet.go.kr

> When you complete Korean Language and Culture class (level 4 class) and pass the mid-term test, you will receive the "Korean Language and Culture Test (KLCT)" certificate for getting plus points when applying for VISA.

> When you complete the basic course for Understanding Korean Society (Level 5 - 70 hours course) and pass the comprehensive test for permanent residency, you will receive the "Permanent Residence Test (KIPRAT) pass certificate"(영주용 합격증) and the "KIIP completion certificate for permanent residence" (영주용 이수증) for applying VISA F2 and F5.

> When you complete the intensive course for Understanding Korean Society (Level 5 - 70+30 hours course) and pass the comprehensive test for naturalization, you will receive the "Naturalization Test (KINAT) pass certificate" (귀회용 합격증) and the "KIIP completion certificate for naturalization" (귀화용 이수증) for applying Korean citizenship.

11. Frequently Asked Questions about KIIP

Foreign Language Service Center: Call 1345 anywhere in Korea. 
Note that the support center receives calls during working hours only.


Hi, feel free to leave a comment here. For a special request, please send us an email to hlamdo4u(at)gmail.com

  1. Hi, I have topik level 3 cert. How can I submit my score during the KIIP pre-test?

    1. Visit the closest immigration office to submit your topik certificate.

  2. How to know the registration period for entering level 0?

  3. I have a klct certificate but how to apply for koriya by working

  4. Very useful information. Though what is the schedule of the program? Is it a weekend (Saturday?) course only? Daily?

    Also. Can a topik score of 4 completely replace the need for the kiip program if I've been in Korea for 10+ years? I was told I only need 4 levels due to my time here.

  5. hi, I have topik lvl 6. we have to submit the topik certificate to the closest immigration office but I'm not sure ... you mean the immigration office where we register to get our foreign ID cardwhen staying for more than 3 month in Korea? Also,I would like to know how do we register for "class" and when after submitting out topik certificate. and when and where are the class given? because I'm a full time student at a university and I also work part-time on week end so I need to know when are the classes to fix my schedule so I can go to the kiip classes or register to online classes. Thank you ~

  6. How can i create id and passwoed

  7. When can I apply for the next round of classes?

  8. Dear,

    When will be the level4 exam is going to be

  9. Hi, what is the course application schedule? I already took the level test

  10. Hello. I want to study in KIIP but I how can I register I don't know about it. Can you help me

    1. You can request for help in our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/korean4topik/?ref=bookmarks

  11. Are classes being planned for 2021? There is nothing on the Internet about KIIP in 2021?

  12. hi i want to register KIIP how? please let me know thank you.

  13. ◦ New policy for KIIP level 5 class from Aug 16, 2021:

    - If you complete the basic course for Understanding Korean Society (Level 5 - 50 hours course) and pass the comprehensive test for permanent residency, you will receive the "Permanent Residence Test (KIPRAT)" certificate (합격증) and the "KIIP completion certificate" (이수증) for applying VISA F2 and F5.

    Is this a new guideline? So, if you complete level 5 & pass the required tests, can you get the F2 or F5 visa without meeting the income or employment requirements, recent changes they made?

    1. The updated policy is just for KIIP class. Other policy doesn't change. KIIP certificate is just one among various requirements when applying for Visa F2 and F5.

  14. If I'll submit my TOPIK 3 certification I'll get lvl 4 KIIP? Am I should do any KIIP exam?

    1. You will be assigned to level 4 class once you submit your valid TOPIK 3 certificate successfully. You don't need to take the pre-test.

  15. hello, i am going to get the citizenship but i just want to ask if i need to take the exam to leve5 기본? or will i finish the 기본 and 심화 first?

    1. You should finish the 50h and 20h class first, then take the 심화 exam.

    2. so no need to take the exam for 기본? because im confused. after the 50h i proceed to the 20h then exam? b

    3. Yes, just proceed to 20h and then take the exam.

  16. Hello im finish the 귀화 50hrs and 20hrs but the first exam i failed and then i take again 귀화 50hrs and 20hrs 2times learning a 귀화 and then my second exam failed again but the third my score is 42point i read the new regalation the kiip you can take a 2times in 귀화 you are passing i have a certicate 이수증 and after i am applying in in immigration but she say the immigration i have a interview ? Why they have a interview but im finish the 2 times learn in 귀화 (50&20hrs )and my score is 42

    1. To waive the naturalization interview, you have to pass the 귀화 exam with 60 point or higher. The kiip completion certificate (이수증) won't help in this case. It is only useful when you apply for F5.

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  23. Hi recently i was upgraded to level 5 without taking level 4 mid term test because i joined level 4 class twice and upgraded to level 5. How can i download level 4 certificate now.

    1. Hi, you haven't passed the level 4, so you can't download the level 4 certificate.

      2nd, taking the level 4 twice won't help you to be upgraded to the level 5.

      You recent upgrade from level 4 to level 5 is most likely because of the autopass policy implemented in the 2nd half of 2021 for persons who completed the level 4 class. However, if you haven't enrolled in the level 5 class, the upgrade will be reverted back from 2022. That means you will have to take the mid-term exam to be promoted again to the level 5.

      For details, read the notice in this post: https://www.koreantopik.com/2018/12/2019-guide-to-new-kiip-test-registration.html

      If you are still doubt about this, please share your question in our FB KIIP group for better answer: https://www.facebook.com/korean4topik

  24. do you have to take a topic test to enter the kiip program or can you skip that and just take the pretest?

    1. You can choose either submitting your topik score or taking a kiip pretest. No need to take both of them.

  25. Hi. I am starting from level 0. After completion, do I need to pay in order to pass to the next level (1,2...)? or do I just need to do a free test to pass?

    1. No, From level 0-3, you don't need to pay any fee in order to advance the next level.

  26. Hello. When I search for upcoming classes, there is nothing listed on the website. I searched within a time period of 1 year, but it shows that no classes are being offered. How can find information about upcoming classes? Thank you.

    1. In your "My Page" on socinet, select English as the display language. Then, you should assign the "vicarious class application" and "deputizing attendance application". And make sure, your "current stage progress" is "before applying class", not "사회통합프로그램신청전".
      You can see the similar picture guide in step 3 in the link:

  27. This guideline is updated on 06 Jun 2023. Hope you enjoy studying at koreantopik.com

  28. Hi, i have many questions about KINAT

    I’m married to a korean but not currently in korea but while return in the future. I passed KIIP level 5 (70 + 30hs) last year. How long do I have to take the exam? can I take it even after 2 or 3 years? And how many times can I retake it?

    After passing the exam, how long do I have to apply for my citizenship? Can i leave the country while waiting for my citizenship to be processed? And do I have to stay in the country after receiving it?

    Thank you!

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