L1.15 N보다 and N마다 grammar = (comparison) more...than/-er...than, (repetition) every/all
1. N보다 grammar = “more...than/ -er...than” in English.
- Indicate a standard from which a comparison is made = more… than/ -er … than
- The adverbs 더 (much) or 덜 (less) are often used together with 보다.
- N보다 can stand before or after N이/가 without a change in meaning.
1. 사과보다 바나나를 더 좋아해요.
I like bananas much more than apples.
2. 작년보다 올해 눈이 많이 왔어요.
Snows felt a lot this year than last year.
3. 어제보다 오늘이 덜 추워요.
Today is less colder than yesterday.
4. 비행기가 기차보다 더 빨라요.
Airplanes are much faster than trains.
5. 토니 씨가 저보다 더 커요.
Tony is much taller than me.
6. 여름보다 봄을 더 좋아해요.
I like Spring much more than Summer.
7. 제주도랑 서울이랑 어디가 더 따뜻해요?
- 제주도가 서울보다 더 따뜻해요.
Which is warmer, Jeju or Seoul?
- Jeju is much warmer than Seoul.
Usage :
- Added to time nouns to express the repetition of the same thing over a period of time = ‘every’ in English.
- Also indicate all or every one of something without exceptions = ‘every’ or ‘all’ in English.
- Phrases 날마다, 일주일마다, 달마다, 해마다 can be written as 매일, 매주, 매월/매달, 매년.
Noun + 마다 = (repetition)
15분마다 버스가 와요.
The bus comes every 15 minutes.
방학마다 고향에 돌아가요.
1. 나라마다 국기가 달라요.
2. 토니 씨는 일요일마다 교회에 다녀요.
3. 학생이었을 때 주말마다 늦게 일어났요.
4. 제주도로 비행기가 자주 있어요?
5. 이번 주 금요일 저녁에 시간 있어요?
6. 매주 잡지가 나와요.
7. 월드컵은 4년마다 개최돼요.
2. N마다 grammar = ‘each/ all’ in English
Usage :
- Added to time nouns to express the repetition of the same thing over a period of time = ‘every’ in English.
- Also indicate all or every one of something without exceptions = ‘every’ or ‘all’ in English.
- Phrases 날마다, 일주일마다, 달마다, 해마다 can be written as 매일, 매주, 매월/매달, 매년.
Noun + 마다 = (repetition)
한 달마다 머리를 잘라요.
I cut my hair every 1 month.
I cut my hair every 1 month.
15분마다 버스가 와요.
The bus comes every 15 minutes.
Noun + 마다 = (all things or every one of thing)
점심시간에는 식당마다 자리가 없어요.
During lunchtime, all restaurants are full.
During lunchtime, all restaurants are full.
방학마다 고향에 돌아가요.
I come back my hometown every school vacation.
1. 나라마다 국기가 달라요.
Each country has a different flag.
2. 토니 씨는 일요일마다 교회에 다녀요.
Tony goes to the church every Sunday.
3. 학생이었을 때 주말마다 늦게 일어났요.
When I was a student, I woke up late every weekend.
4. 제주도로 비행기가 자주 있어요?
- 날마다/ 매일 있어요.
Are there a lot of flight to Jeju island?
- There are flights everyday.
5. 이번 주 금요일 저녁에 시간 있어요?
- 금요일마다 한국어반 있어요. 그래서 시간이 없어요.
Do you have time in this Friday evening?
- I have a Korean class every Friday, so I don't have time.
6. 매주 잡지가 나와요.
The magazine is published every week.
7. 월드컵은 4년마다 개최돼요.
World cup is held every 4 years.