Korean Number Systems: Sino-Korean vs Native-Korean Numbers

In Korean, there are two number systems: Sino-Korean numbers and Native-Korean numbers. Each system is used in different contexts, making it essential for Korean learners to understand when to use each one. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown to help you master Korean numbers, with examples for practical use.

Korean Number Systems Overview

1. Sino-Korean Numbers: These numbers are used for counting and measuring various "modern" things, such as:

  • Phone numbers
  • Bus numbers
  • Height and weight
  • Addresses
  • Years, months, minutes, and seconds
  • Money

2. Native-Korean Numbers: These numbers are used for specific contexts like:

  • Expressing age
  • Counting objects and units
  • Telling time (for hours)

Sino-Korean Numbers with Specific Usage



  • Large numbers are counted in units of 10,000 (만) instead of 1,000, unlike in English. For example, 2017030 is read as 이십일만 칠천 삼십.
  • When a number starts with 1, the initial 1 may be omitted (e.g., 11 = 십일, not 일십일).
  • “0” can be pronounced as (often in phone numbers) or (general usage).

Example Sentences with Sino-Korean Numbers

1. What floor is the classroom?

  • 교실이 몇 층이에요?
  • 3층이에요. (It’s the 3rd floor)

2. What’s your phone number?

  • 전화번호가 뭐예요?
  • 010-5159-5055예요. (공일공 오일오구의 오공오오)

3. What bus do you take?

  • 몇 번 버스를 타요?
  • 704번 버스를 타요. (I take bus number 704)

4. How much is this book?

  • 이 한국어 책이 얼마예요?
  • 18,000 원이에요. (만 팔천 원)

5. What is your weight?

  • 몸무게가 몇 킬로그램이에요?
  • 65킬로그램이에요. (육십 오)

Native-Korean Numbers with Specific Usage

Native-Korean numbers are commonly used when counting units like objects, people, animals, and ages. Below are examples of units used with Native-Korean numbers:

General things사과 한 개 (1 apple)
People사람 세 명 (3 people)
마리Animals고양이 두 마리 (2 cats)
Age열 살 (10 years old)
Bottles콜라 한 병 (1 bottle of cola)
Cups물 두 잔 (2 cups of water)
Sheets종이 세 장 (3 sheets of paper)
Books책 두 권 (2 books)
Machinery자동차 한 대 (1 car)
송이Flowers장미 한 송이 (1 rose)

Counting Examples with Native-Korean Numbers

  • 하나 + 개 = 한 개 (1 item)
  • 둘 + 개 = 두 개 (2 items)
  • 셋 + 개 = 세 개 (3 items)
  • 넷 + 개 = 네 개 (4 items)
  • 다섯 + 개 = 다섯 개 (5 items)
  • 여섯 + 개 = 여섯 개 (6 items)
  • 열하나 + 개 = 열한 개 (11 items)
  • 스물 + 개 = 스무 개 (20 items)

Example Sentences with Native-Korean Numbers

1. How many family members do you have?

  • 가족이 몇 명이에요?
  • 우리 가족은 여섯 명이에요. (We have a family of six)

2. How old are you?

  • 몇 살이에요?
  • 스물아홉 살이에요. (I am 29 years old)

3. I’ll take 2 apples and 1 Coke.

  • 여기 사과 두 개, 콜라 한 병 주세요.
  • 네, 모두 오천 원입니다. (Ok, it is 5000 won in total)

4. I’d like one kimchi stew.

  • 아줌마 김치찌개 한 개 주세요.

5. Give me a bottle of soju too.

  • 소주도 한 병 주세요.

Key Takeaways for Korean Number Systems

  • Sino-Korean Numbers are used for measurements, counting, and modern contexts.
  • Native-Korean Numbers are used for times, age, and counting specific units.
  • Practice using each number system in the appropriate contexts to improve fluency in Korean.


Learning Korean numbers can be challenging, but understanding the difference between Sino-Korean and Native-Korean numbers makes it easier to use them correctly. Keep practicing with real-life examples, and soon you'll be able to count, tell time, and express prices in Korean with confidence.

Korean number system
Sino-Korean vs Native-Korean numbers
How to count in Korean
Korean numbers for beginners
Korean counting units
Learn Korean numbers easily
Sino-Korean number examples
Native-Korean number usage
Korean number examples with translation
Korean numbers and counting for TOPIK


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  1. Many thanks! I can learn korean through this blog! Clear explanation and neat

  2. Sorry, but isn't there a mistake in unit example one? Shouldn't it say 6 family members instead of 5?

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