V-다 보니 grammar = while/after doing sth repeatedly, I realize/come to

L2.55 V-다 보니 grammar = while/after doing sth repeatedly, I realize/come to

- 다 보니 =  -다가 (something occurs in a middle of something) + -보니까 (refer to discovery or result) = while doing sth or after doing sth repeatedly, I realize that...
- If an adjective or noun comes before -다 보니, it indicates the cause of the event = because ... (example 10,11)

Verb + -다 보니:
가다 -- 가다 보니 (while going..., I realize that...)
먹다 -- 먹다 보니 (while eating..., I realize that...)
살다 -- 살다 보니 (while living..., I realize that...)
읽다 -- 읽다 보니 (after reading..., I realize that...)
일하다 -- 일하다 보니 (while working..., I realize that...)
운전하다 -- 운전하다 보니 (after driving..., I realize that...)

1. 집이 엉망이구나.
- 혼자 살다 보니 집 정리를 잘 안 하게 돼요.
This house is a mess.
- While living alone, I can't clean up often.

2. 민아 씨는 앤디 씨를 싫어하지 않았어요?
- 처음엔 싫어했는데 매일 같이 일하다 보니 앤디 씨의 좋은 점이 보이더라고요.
Mina, don't you dislike Andy?
- I didn't like him at first, but after working with him together everyday, I have come to see his good points.

3. 자꾸 먹다 보니 이젠 매운 음식도 잘 먹게 되었어요.
After eating frequently, I am able to eat spicy food well now.

4. 일하다 보니 어느새 오후 7시가 넘었더라고요.
While I keep working, I just realize that it was over 7pm.

5. 축구뉴스를 매일 읽다가 보니까 자연스럽게 축구을 좋아해졌어요.
After reading football news everyday, I naturally came to like football.

6. 예전에는 커피를 잘 못 마시지 않아요?
- 네, 하지만 졸릴 때마다 커피를 마시다 보니 이제는 습관이 됐어요.
Didn’t you drink coffee previously?
- Yes, but I drink coffee whenever I feel sleepy, it became my habit now.

7. 길을 정말 잘 찾네요.
- 매일 운전하다 보니 길을 잘 찾게 됐어요.
You find the way really well.
- After driving everyday, I came to find the way well.

8. 한잔하다 보니 취했어요.
While drinking I became drunk.

9. 열심히 공부하다 보니 날이 어두워졌어요.
It got dark while I was studying hard.

10. 그 일이 워낙 중요하다 보니 혼자 결정할 수 없었어요.
Because that work is very important issue, I couldn’t decide by myself.

11. 대통령은 한 나라의 대표이다 보니 경호하는 사람들이 많을 수밖에 없어요.
Because a president is the representative of a country, it is unavoidable that he will be guarded by a lot of people.

Comparison between V-고 보니 grammar and V-다 보니 grammar
- Use after an action is completed
- Refer to a time after performing an action once
- Express unexpected information after finishing an action

그 사람을 만나고 보니 괜찮은 사람 같았어요.
After meeting her, she seemed to be a so so person.

2. V-다 보니 grammar
- Use while the action is still taking place
- Refer to a time during the process of performing an action repeatedly.
- Express new information or state of affairs resulting from the preceding action

그 사람을 만나다 보니 사랑하게 되었어요.
After meeting her (repeatedly), I came to love her.


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