V-고 보니 grammar = after finishing something, I realized/ found out

L2.54 V-고 보니 grammar = after finishing something, I realized/ found out (something new or contrary to what I have thought)

- Indicating that after finishing something, you realized/found out something new or contrary to what you have thought before 
- V-고 보니 can be used interchangeably with V-고 나서 without meaning change.

Verb + -고 보니:
가다 -- 가고 보니  -- 가고 나서  (after going, I realized...)
만나다 -- 만나고 보니 -- 만나고 나서 (after meeting, I realized...)
내리다 -- 내리고 보니 -- 내리고 나서 (after getting off, I found out...)
시작하다 -- 시작하고 보니 -- 시작하고 나서 (after starting, I realized...)
Adjective + -아/어지고 보니:
돈이 많다 -- 돈이 많아지고 보니 (after having much money, I realized...)
값이 비싸다 -- 값이 비싸지고 보니 (after getting expensive, I realized...)
날씬하다 -- 날씬해지고 보니 (after getting thinner, I realized...)

Noun + 이/가 되고 보니:
인기 -- 인기가 되고 보니 (after becoming popular, I realized...)
가수 -- 가수가 되고 보니 (after becoming a singer, I realized...)

1. 둘이 아는 사이였어요?
- 네, 처음에는 누군지 몰랐는데 만나고 보니 초등학교 동창이었어요.
Do you two know each other?
- Yes, at first I didn’t know who, but after meeting, we realized that we were schoolmates in elementary school.

2.  안나 씨, 오늘 가방 안 가지고 왔어요?
- 지하철에 놓고 내렸어요. 지하철에서 내리고 보니 가방이 없더라고요.
Anna, didn’t you bring your bag today?
- I left it on the subway. I got off the subway and realized that I didn’t bring it with me.

3. 버스를 타고 보니 반대 방향으로 가는 것이었어요.
I got on the bus and found out that it was going in the opposite direction.

4. 돈이 없을 때는 몰랐는데 돈이 많아지고 보니 더 외롭다는 생각이 들었어요.
When I didn’t have money, I didn’t know, but as I got more money, I realized that I felt more lonely.

5. 왜 약속을 했다가 바꿨어요?
- 약속을 하고 보니 그날 다른 약속이 있었더라고요.
Why did you make the appointment and then change?
- I made the appointment and I realized that I had another appointment in that day.

6. 사업을 시작하고 보니 골치 아픈 일이 너무 많아요.
After starting the business, I realized that it has a lot of annoying work.

7. 음식을 시키고 보니 돈이 모자라더라고요.
After ordering the food, I found out that I don’t have enough money.

8. 버스 타고 나서/고 보니 지갑이 없는 것을 알았어요.
I got on the bus and found out that I don’t have my wallet with me.

9. 그를 알고 보니까 정말 착한 사람이었어요.
After I know him, I realize that he is a very nice person.

10. 한국말을 공부하고 보니까 정말 어렵지 않았어요.
After I study Korean, I find out that it is not really difficult.

Comparison between V-고 보니 grammar and V-다 보니 grammar

1. V-고 보니 grammar
- Use after an action is completed
- Refer to a time after performing an action once
- Express unexpected information after finishing an action

그 사람을 만나고 보니 괜찮은 사람 같았어요.
After meeting her, she seemed to be a so so person.

- Use while the action is still taking place
- Refer to a time during the process of performing an action repeatedly.
- Express new information or state of affairs resulting from the preceding action

그 사람을 만나다 보니 사랑하게 되었어요.
After meeting her (repeatedly), I came to love her.

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